I think a lot of those Sub 5's you describe are also the ones pulling down 75k/year salaries. I know a bunch of them. Nerds typically become computer programmers or sys-admins so they can hide in a server room with their holographic waifu. I'd wager that most of the guys on this forum belong to that group. For some reason, 99% of left-wing males fall into this category. I know a bodybuilder who looks like the Hulk and Godzilla had a kid. He is extremely educated in martial arts and makes the low end of six figs. Never had a gf, never even spoke to a girl outside of this one old fat single mom who CONTROLS him but has no sexual interest in him. I think it's time we have a sub6 category to put these other 'successful losers' into. My cousin who pulls 80k, owns, 2 houses, car, motorbike, just came out of a 15-year self-imposed nerd isolation, went abroad for 2 weeks, and met a trash heap from the Philippines because he wanted to dabble in passport brodom. He's another one of these dudes who will end up divorced after she gets her greenie. You can't have it both ways, you can't hide under your bed, while also getting a decent woman, the real world is not a Dungeons and Dragons adventure and epic level women do not tolerate being discarded like used tissues.
These sub5's and 6's will all eventually go abroad for the least amount of time they can manage and pick up the trash of the 3rd world and loudly proclaim they've found a treasure. This is how 90 day fiance happens and there is certainly a HUGE subset of the passport bro culture that ties to this. If you don't relocate out of the West for at least a year, you have no frame of reference for what a quality chick is.
It's not the money that makes you attractive to women, it's the person you become on the adventure to get it. If your adventure consists of a degree and a 9 to 5, you can expect to pull the same. If you want a real amazon princess, you have to be a real action hero.