I was a member of a smaller men's forum (still post occassionally) and it was geared towards personal growth. One troll came along and single-handedly messed up the entire forum for a LONG TIME. And not by his actions, but by the responses of the fellow posters.
Previously the discussion was about growth, change, etc. but then everyone (myself included) started arguing with the troll (same thing "this site is crap all you guys are clueless) and they STOPPED posting in the personal growth threads.
For awhile, just about EVERY SINGLE post was to and about the troll. This went on forever. The troll had plenty of energy and stamina. The site got very negative. It took a long time for the discussion to actually get back on topic.
So I'll say here, what I said there. The SS LOVESHACK thing happened, now it's over. Who cares if they are "talking about us". Having Hombre here was an interesting development, and I'm sure more weird stuff will happen, but at this point, continuing to talk about him/her is a total absolute waste of time. Even I put hombre on ignore then undid it. This stuff can get to you. I've posted my fair share about this as well so my hands are dirty.
We are men (and some great women here), and can handle ourselves in mature, adult fashion. Whatever insights and discussion that could have come from the LS/SS thing have already happened. IF there are some reasonable women here now who want to intelligently discuss, that's great. Guys who are just discovering masculinity, even better.
Everyone's had their say, the LS/SS incident is now a part of SS history.
Now it's over. Drop it and move on.
Just my take.