The North Dragon said:
Finally told me she loved me but be better if we could stay friends but I disagreed and told her I have enough friends and it can't work like that. Obviously we will bump into each other at college next month and she said she will wave and would rather not have me as an enemy.
Yeah, better for who??!!
Good response, make sure you keep it that way
The North Dragon said:
When we spoke last night I apologised for my own doing and for making her feel that way but just kept pushing me away and saying we csnt keep going like this and it fukcing sucks when someone tells you that when your not ready to hear it. I loved her always did and told her and now she just wants to give up and it hurts so bad. I promised myself I would never let myself get int this situation
She's made up her mind - you just got to suck it up.
The only way you could get back with her would be to do some major sucking up (which might not even be warranted) and then all the power is with her, you would just be her b1tch
The North Dragon said:
In previous relationship I was walked over mucked about and would chase girls who finished with me so I thought It was time to step up and man up and what I thought I was doing well her clearly I didn't.
As above, the only was you'll get her back would lead to yet another relationship like your previous ones.
There does have to be some give and take in a relationship, some women just want too much, they want that guy they can walk all over.....chalk it up and move on
The North Dragon said:
So today is day one and don't even want to go into work this morning it hurts today. I told her not to bother contacting me, didn't beg her to stay and should drop my thins off tomorrow. Does it sound like she has something set up already? She started going into detail about how my next girlfriend should looks although it hurt her to say.
Don't stay in moping around, get out, go to work, talk to friends about other stuff and try and keep your mind off of her.......
In her head she's already moved on, the dumper usually moves on a while before they dump the other person....she may have someone else lined up, or she may just be already at the indifference stage......if it helps, just assume she's got someone else in her sights.......
Don't dwell on what she's doing, who she's banging etc. It will serve you no purpose, concentrate on yourself
When you get your stuff back, keep it brief and on point. don't get drawn into a massive conversation, she'll probably be after taking your balls as her possession
The North Dragon said:
Going to try and stick out this NC as I need to work on myself and I know I still want her back and to know I can never speak to her again is torture.
Don't try...DO
What purpose does it serve you to have her back?
Better yourself, and you will realise that you don't need her back
She should compliment your life, not be it, and once you better yourself you'll realise that all that sh1t you wrote before doesn't compliment your life one bit
The North Dragon said:
She was trying so hard just to be friendly last night but I never gave into and it sucked! She always told me I want much on an emotional person and that I was like a rock. Didn't feel like that last night .
And if you had been all emotional she probably would have swung the other way and said she needed someone who was less are what you are fella, don't change for a woman....change for yourself
The North Dragon said:
I am unsure whether to delete of Facebook as well. Is it possible she is going to contact me or is this relationship just done and she is set on moving on?
Your decision with respect to facebook, if you know that you wont be able to stop looking at her profile then yes delete her, because looking at the profile will not help you one bit
As I said above, the only way to "save" this would be for you to crawl and change. and that is not the way forward for you. You will make her the centre of your universe and
when she leaves you you will be in a much worse place than you are now.
Chances are that she has branch swung anyways and she's with a guy she had in the wings......