3AM she dumps me, and tells me 'I was really in love with you lotus, and that it was great while it lasted but it was better just to rip off the bandaid'. Over nothing.
It was not over nothing, there is something cooking.
I ask her 'what', then she pulls back and say that she did not dump me, she says 'IF' we were to breakup is better we do it now.
I say how is it even possible having a day such as the one we had, and then 2 hours later that is all gone.
She agrees and says lets sleep on it.
You are trying to use logic with her. What you should have done is, you wanna break up, ok, and then leave. You trying to reason with her, is proving her that you want her more than her wanting you.
We were in a very healthy and beautiful stage of the relationship. Very mature, with everything always being discussed in a proper manner, crazy s3x, very much in love.
If there is not another guy in the picture, I would say she felt too comfortable with you, and didn't have any anxiety of losing you.
This was 8 in the morning. At 10PM, 14 hours later she
texts me asking how my day was.
By that time I was already sleeping. Replied this morning. 4 hours in, she still haven't replied.
This was a $hit test, you failed by replying. She wanted to break up with you, but still you took the time to reply. Notice how she hasn't replied to you? She knows she has you by the balls.
Anyway, as of this moment I'm not sure if we are broken up or not, I'm assuming not, but I rather start this post now, just in case.
She broke up with you, you didn't accept it, that's why she said:
For you to $hut up, because you were insisting in not breaking up. Its not a good position to be in.
today she said she wanted to be at her place on her own
I drove by her place
Good fvcking job in doing that, you found out what you needed to see. If she were hurting because you broke up, do you think she won't be in her house thinking about you?
two hours later she texted me saying she was sorry she was rude.
She went to see another guy, got what she wanted and then she doesn't want to lose you completely and want you as a back up.
we have plans tomorrow but I’m not sure what to do now I know she is lying doing exactly what we know.
any thoughts?
You acted weak by trying to reason with her in not breaking up. She lied being home, she's taking her sweet time to reply to your texts. If you go out with her, you are just rewarding her bad behavior and asking her for more.
She is trying to monkey branch, its painful, but is better to be hurting knowing the truth than live a lie, that in the future the pain will be greater.
Cut your branch now that you can, don't let her grab into another one while you being in it. It requires cojones and ball of steel, but its the only way forward. You know how to get woman, you'll be fine.
She's losing you, a great guy who makes plans with her, taker her out, makes her happy, what are you losing? A gal who lies, wants to break up with up and is rude? Regain your respect, when time passes, you will be glad you did that.
Remember, if you don't respect yourself, she won't.