dvx said:
What should i do if she calls again? Make her beg by not answering? If yes, for how long?
Remember...NC is not to punish her, but rather to help you.
I know a lot of people like to think of it in terms of winning and losing, and that is fine...if the intention is not to reunite with her.
The goal should not be to make her beg for a predetermined period of time and then answer in hopes that it will teach her a lesson. I guarantee if this is your goal, you will be the one who will learn a lesson and in a very painful way.
Your goal should be to heal so you can have a clear head on your shoulders to deal with the situation. The fact is,
you are not thinking clearly right now.
If there is a possibility that there is a future with this woman... it should not even be entertained while you are maintaining NC... if you are entertaining this thought, and it turns out that there is no prospect there...the whole process will have been pointless and you will feel like utter sh*t.
Don't hope that she will contact you... in fact do the opposite. Hope that she does not contact you so you will have the space and time needed to get your head on straight. Allow me to emphasize this again:
If she calls you next week, and you answer that call you are not going to be in a position to act rationally. Even if you get back together, it WILL BE ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE YOU ARE RIGHT BACK HERE saying you know what that m7ytn guy was right. Sh*t will fall apart and for the same reasons. No relationship magically repairs itself after a few weeks of NC. It takes both parties seriously analyzing what went wrong and making a conscious effort to fix it. You are not yet in the proper state of mind to analyze your situation...much less remedy it. Let me try to explain this with a personal story...
Story time with m7ytn (this is a long one):
When I was younger (I'm only 27 now but still), I met a girl and fell in love (or so I thought)... We got married, and stayed married for 2 years. When I was in Iraq, about 3 months into my tour she started being evasive...I didn't get a chance to call her often, maybe every 3-4 days...but when I did she would always have to go because she was busy--huge red flag. So I decided to dig for an answer...by figuring out her email/messenger password...which led to me getting her myspace password. Turned out, she was privately telling all her girl pals on myspace that she was divorcing me, mind you this was the first I heard of it. I log into her messenger and there is a guy
messaging me (who he thought was her) and talking about how great a time they had... as painful as that conversation was, I sat there for 20 minutes chatting with this guy about all the things he was going to do when he fvcks my wife...that was the most painful thing I have experienced. I then asked my wife who the guy was...what does she do? She says "oh, he is just a friend...nothing more." I then told her about the conversation and the fact that I knew everything...how does she react? She turned that sh*t around and started screaming at me about how I VIOLATED HER TRUST by going through her email! I will never forget what was said next... I told her that it really hurt me that she would do that...her response verbatim: "I am about to hurt you more...I am divorcing you." Now I was in a ****ty situation...there were no plates to spin, there were no women to pursue where I was...there was nothing to take my mind off of the reality I was facing. Between missions I had nothing but time to sit and sulk about it...so I did what every AFC would do... I tried to persuade her to take me back...a lot. I called when I got a chance every time...until she NC'd me. This went on for about a month or so...just long enough for her relationship with Jody to crumble...then came the email, about how guilty she felt. I naively thought she was sincere...when in fact she didn't want me back, she just didn't want to feel like I hated her to ease her conscience. I talked to her for another couple of months thinking progress was being made and I wanted to take her back...until the divorce papers showed up. I took it hard...again, but I put myself there. I begged her back...again to no avail. To shorten this story, because its already too long... lets fast forward 3 years. I log on to Facebook, and I get a message from my ex wife. Hadn't talked to her in years. She wanted to talk to me and asked me to call her. I had no emotional investment in her, and thought why not for ****s and giggles...so I did. It had been three years since we had been divorced, and she poured her heart out to me saying that she was genuinely sorry for what she had put me through...and I believe her. But here is what she told me that stuck... she said that she had regretted it after she cheated on me, and would have came back to me...if I wasn't trying to beg her back. She lost respect for me...she told me this. And why was I trying to beg her back? Because I didn't have my head on straight... my judgement was so clouded that I was willing to take back a cheating slvt under any circumstance. I had reached the intrinsic maximum of beta... So there you have it... If I would have employed NC, I would have thought clearly and told her to kick rocks back when she emailed me a month after she cheated... Even if (as unlikely as it would have been) I would have wanted her back, I would have been in a state of mind where I would not have been so clingy.
This brings me to you and your question... So what should you do if she calls again?
Avoid her like the plague. What you need to do is complete the challenge. 60 full days NC. Don't answer her calls, don't acknowledge her existence...don't look at her pictures...basically attempt to pretend she never existed. If she contacts you...dismiss it. If she shows up at your door, tell her that she said not to contact her so you are respecting her request and you invite her to do the same. Do this for 60 days...and then? Still don't contact her... If she contacts you after this 60 days and you really, truly are still interested in her...then answer, but be very wary of her intentions. You will be in a much better position to deal with her because you won't have an emotional force field preventing you from hearing the voice of reason. What if she doesn't ever call after the 60 days? It wouldn't have worked out anyway...and nothing in your power was going to change it. At that point you consider it a blessing that you got out with your sanity and you drive on with your pride still intact.