my struggles with the ladies go way beyond mere social awkwardness


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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This is a good way to describe it. @GoodMan32 has done well finding 9 sex partners through "conventional dating" given all of that.
I must say your assessment of me is all over the place.

One minute you'll compliment the fact I've nailed 9 free partners (6 of which happened during college) in spite of everything working against me.

Then the next minute, you'll tell me the fact I got all my college sex through tech methods means I wasted my college years.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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For 15 years now, I've been accused of feeling owed (not just when it comes to a woman; in other contexts too). Pisses me off.

There's a huge difference between feeling owed something vs simply wanting something.

Ironically, the year I had the best luck with getting laid (2012), I was a student with no income whatsoever. Yet in the current stage of life, where I have a full time job (albeit with a low income), I have worse luck with the ladies? What a thinker.
You can want as much as you please nobody cares about your wants aside from maybe your parents and maybe other very close family members

The worlds a battlefield especially for a man its dog EAT dog

Women sleep with guys who make sh1t happen , guys who go and get what they want , guys who make moves

Not guys who sit around In their parents spare bedroom complaining about how unfair everything is

Stop wallowing , go and do the work.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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You can want as much as you please nobody cares about your wants aside from maybe your parents and maybe other very close family members
That is not the point. He should not be shamed into feeling that he is entitlted or owed something because he wants something. That becomes toxic shame that feminists use against incels which comes across almost like an attack. Whether some cares about his wants or not is irrelevant as long as they don't start gaslighting him too, on top of that, because that is just adding insult to injury at that point.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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That is not the point. He should not be shamed into feeling that he is entitlted or owed something because he wants something. That becomes toxic shame that feminists use against incels which comes across almost like an attack. Whether some cares about his wants or not is irrelevant as long as they don't start gaslighting him too, on top of that, because that is just adding insult to injury at that point.
I want a penthouse in central city with a private steam room , sauna and jacuzzi

I live In a one bedroom house with a bathtub and wonky tiling...... that's my reality and my current budget

Can I go get what I want yea sure it won't be easy but anything is possible .... moaning about how tough the economy is or how I don't come from money to help me along, isn't going to do anything though

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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I was having a DM discussion with another member where I mentioned how my struggles with the ladies go beyond mere social awkwardness/ASD. Come to think of it, I suppose the topic warrants its own thread.

In addition to my ASD/social awkwardness, there are many other factors working against me (which I generally like to hide from a woman):
  • The fact I don't drive.
  • The fact I partially rely on parents financially.
  • The fact I have hardly any social life.
  • The fact I hold extreme political beliefs (Since we aren't supposed to talk politics on this forum, I won't get into my exact beliefs. The point is: Extreme political beliefs in either direction can hurt your chances with the ladies. Extreme beliefs are called extreme for a reason. Most of the population doesn't hold extreme beliefs).
  • The fact I have mental illnesses galore.
With everything I hide from a woman, it reaches the point where I'm basically preventing a woman from getting to know the true me.

Hardly any woman would go for a man with everything I mentioned that's working against me, right?
Yes. So what are you doing to improve your situation? Are you here to learn or complain?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I want a penthouse in central city with a private steam room , sauna and jacuzzi
Now you are being facetious.

Bingo-Player said:
I live In a one bedroom house with a bathtub and wonky tiling...... that's my reality and my current budget

Can I go get what I want yea sure it won't be easy but anything is possible .... moaning about how tough the economy is or how I don't come from money to help me along, isn't going to do anything though
I disagree. A better comparison, a homeless person wanting a one bedroom house to have some shelter. But of course, society doesn't owe him anything, maybe he had some bad breaks along the way and like a dominoe effect one wrong outcome lead to another until he found himself there. Nobody is complaining about having a mediocre girlfriend or getting laid too few times in a year compared to being a major playbody like you are trying to potray (ie which would be more suitable to your analogy). The OP and I have issues where are set-up is just anti-seductive with women and there is nothing much to do about it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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His political beliefs are mainstream.

And while he does have some degree of mental illness (it runs in the family), his mental illness isn't debilitating like mine is
Newsflash, GM: Almost ALL humans are both susceptible to psych disturbance of some sort , AND get suckered into fringe beliefs from time to time... Hell, there's likely a connection between these two phenomena. Paraphrase John Steinbeck in East Of Eden: The beauty of being human is that, unlike animals, we have the power to CHOOSE how we respond to our external environments, rather than being driven solely by instinctive urges

Your political beliefs are fringe and inhibit your capacity to co-exist with our highly diverse, multi-cultural society? Well, you have the option of modifying these beliefs into less insane ones, or adopting entirely new beliefs. Dealing with mental illness? Well, YT is filled with many first rate audiobooks on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy... You have the option of spending more of your waking life listening to them and practicing the techniques and strategies they provide, rather than endlessly listing all the things you perceive* as "being against you"

*That which we conceptualize as "disadvantages" can often be turned to our advantage. Take, for example, Ms. Fiona Cauley here

Average life expectancy with her illness is 37, and she's 27 as of this writing. Yep... Barring a revolutionary breakthrough in the treatment of Friedrich's ataxia(Unlikely, as this is an extremely rare disorder) her life is halfway over, at a time when most folks in The Post-Industrial World's are-ostensibly anyway-just beginning. She's chosing to devote a substantial portion of her waking hours bringing joy and levity to the rest of the world though


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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The OP and I have issues where are set-up is just anti-seductive with women and there is nothing much to do about it.
You both operate under a BELIEF system which dictates "There's nothing I can do to make my set-up more pro-seductive", same way The Basic White Girl in modern day America operates under a belief system which dictates "I MUST blindly embrace Intersectionality, the way an Evangelical Christian or a Salafi embraces their respective dogmas, in order to show the rest of humanity how righteous I art!!!"

Refusing to interrogate those beliefs for truthfulness is a choice


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Refusing to interrogate those beliefs for truthfulness is a choice
That's why most Involuntary Celibates are actually Voluntarily Chaste.
Everyone can at least nab themselves a woman, but these guys are proud of their inability, it sets them apart, and gives them an identity.
A sh!tty identity, but it's better than being nothing at all.