It's worst than that, you are poor in general (ie in the same boat as me, relying on your folks for financial support). This is limiting your capacity to escortcell and get attention from them. (ie if you were rich then you would be able to buy allot more attention than you are buying now). I don't escortcell (religious reasons) and am also poor (temporary reasons - since June/July) so that is not an option with me.
In analysis of your situation, you have attention from women through work. Honestly, I have limited attention as well. (ie which is why I'm not relying much on fake video attention from ASMR videos.....which ironically even that makes me feel good. I can get a tonne of fake attention with a mouse-click effort if I wanted to and drown myself on those videos. However, I choose not to because I'm getting enough attention from real-life women to go there. But I think the videos are helping subconciously as the real life women now have competition with the endless options of attention from youtube videos. When I start watching those videos, all of a sudden, I normally get more attention from women, like they are feeling "something is up" with this guy. I think it is because the videos create a false sense of social proof on a mental level and women in real life think you are in demand. It's like faking it until you make it type of thing.)