my struggles with the ladies go way beyond mere social awkwardness


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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This is a good way to describe it. @GoodMan32 has done well finding 9 sex partners through "conventional dating" given all of that.
I must say your assessment of me is all over the place.

One minute you'll compliment the fact I've nailed 9 free partners (6 of which happened during college) in spite of everything working against me.

Then the next minute, you'll tell me the fact I got all my college sex through tech methods means I wasted my college years.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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For 15 years now, I've been accused of feeling owed (not just when it comes to a woman; in other contexts too). Pisses me off.

There's a huge difference between feeling owed something vs simply wanting something.

Ironically, the year I had the best luck with getting laid (2012), I was a student with no income whatsoever. Yet in the current stage of life, where I have a full time job (albeit with a low income), I have worse luck with the ladies? What a thinker.
You can want as much as you please nobody cares about your wants aside from maybe your parents and maybe other very close family members

The worlds a battlefield especially for a man its dog EAT dog

Women sleep with guys who make sh1t happen , guys who go and get what they want , guys who make moves

Not guys who sit around In their parents spare bedroom complaining about how unfair everything is

Stop wallowing , go and do the work.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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You can want as much as you please nobody cares about your wants aside from maybe your parents and maybe other very close family members
That is not the point. He should not be shamed into feeling that he is entitlted or owed something because he wants something. That becomes toxic shame that feminists use against incels which comes across almost like an attack. Whether some cares about his wants or not is irrelevant as long as they don't start gaslighting him too, on top of that, because that is just adding insult to injury at that point.