Do You Have to Be Good Looking to Attract Women?


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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South Bend
I've seen ugly dudes with beautiful girls. It's really how you carry yourself. Act like your the **** and people will believe it. Basically become a leader and you can get any woman you want. Oh yeah examples sigh a rapper lil Wayne is one of the ugliest niggas I've ever seen ever. Guess what women want to fvck him


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Judge nismo has seen that Rollo posted this valid point:

Maybe we should ask the hot coed who impulsively ƒucks the cute jock she just met in the foam cannon party in Cancun on spring break if she wanted to ƒuck him based on how hot he was?

It's not a question of strength or weakness, it's a question of impulse and instinct.

And ethan350z responds with:

ethan350z said:
This only happens in movie.

Bullsh*t! It happens in real life!

In real life even a good looking jock would think that landing a chick is hard.

If he's insecure, and even so, he has it easier than a comparable average joe.

It's very competitive in the real world and the chance of you landing a chick without getting lucky is unlikely.

Now this is a valid point. There is an element of luck involved, mainly because women have the choosing power most of the time. HB1's have lots of options. Grannies have lots more options than a regular dude. If you ain't got the looks, the money, or the status, you've got an uphill battle.

If a girl were to sleep with you, there has to be something in it for her.

Not all the time. If you're cute enough, the dik just gotta be hard.

You have to understand that women don't get turn on like we do and they won't **** any guys just cuz they're horny with the exception of some horny sluts which i would avoid like plague.

Most desperate guys would take them. Guys get turned on like a light switch. Girls get turned on like volume knobs. A woman can be attracted to you one moment and if you make the wrong move or say the wrong thing, the attraction dies faster than Milli Vanilli's career.

In order to understand how women work, you have to put yourself in their position which is not hard to understand why they act the way they do toward us.

Men use logic and women know emotions. Not a lot of guys know how to tap into them.

If every guy who hit on them genuinely wants to be with them and marry them. They would not put up a cold front toward every guys who approach them.

Which goes to show you that it really helps if a woman is attracted to you from the get-go. If you have to build it, just hope she's feelin' you.
Read betw- Dammit!

Case closed.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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ethan350z said:
Attraction IS a choice... women aren't weak creature and none of them would want a guy who just want to **** them I don't care how good looking you are. They are good at judging characters and the alpha male got better things to worry about with their lives than just with women and thats what attract women to them.
What if I say that there are many times when you act completely perverted and still the woman CAN'T leave you? What is going on there? What if you tell her that you do not have enough money to take her to a five-star hotel and she cooks you dinner instead? What is going on there?

Dude, it is known that two random human beings of the opposite sexes always **** each other. Your wanting to **** her is not the problem here. She probably wants it bad too.

You have to be one of the higher scale members of the opposite sex. That's it.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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ethan350z said:
This only happens in movie. In real life even a good looking jock would think that landing a chick is hard.
12 years of Girls Gone Wild and amateur fraternity/sorority porn would disagree with you.

For the record, I was the jock in the foam cannon party. Just saying.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
Rollo Tomassi said:
For the record, I was the jock in the foam cannon party. Just saying.


For the record, I was the bartender in the foam cannon party.

I took home whatever decided to NOT get underneath it.
I had countless women want to take me home just for the sake of getting laid by the bartender.

And I NEVER gave away a free drink and still had the easiest lays in the world... and not ALL women could just possibly horny sluts... that'd be an absolute POV and thus... not realistic.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2010
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Sealy, Tx
ethan350z said:
This only happens in movie. In real life even a good looking jock would think that landing a chick is hard. It's very competitive in the real world and the chance of you landing a chick without getting lucky is unlikely.
You haven't read the book of pook have you???


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
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Hakuna said:
It comes in a lot of forms, but being good looking has never been one. Being a dominant male is the only thing that attracts females.
I agree that being dominant is attractive but not everybody getting laid is this community idea of the ALPHA MALE.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
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England, baby!
found this , worth posting....

Looks and Money Matter!
Brad Branson from RSD said:
As a moderator on the RSDNation forum, I am constantly deleting threads with some variation of “I know looks matter!”

Now, I think it could be a worthwhile debate, but history proves the opposite. It just turns into heated nonsense, and RSD Headquarters and the moderation team have decided that it is just better to delete any of the looks discussion threads before they inevitably get out of hand.

Now, since I have my own little platform here, I’ll give you my viewpoint. And there is nothing you can do about it. Hehe.

The big problem that guys have with this whole looks/money/success concept is that they aren’t even asking a proper question.

Do looks matter?

For WHAT?!

Do looks matter for kissing a girl? For taking a ****? For making it rain?

Raining Money

Ask a proper question and things change a bit.

The question that I think most guys want to know is:

Do looks and/or money matter for building female ATTRACTION?

Alright, that changes things a little bit.

And on the most fundamental level, on par with the Blueprint, the answer is


But looks/money convey certain qualities about a guy that are attractive to a girl. And that, from a superficial level confuses guys.

How do looks and money come into play when building female attraction?

Well first we need to rehash what causes attraction.



Again, so the more high value you are, the more attractive you will be.

And again, women value things differently than men.

Men value how a girl looks, girls value ACTION! A MAN OF ACTION! ALPHA! LEADER! CONFIDENCE! DOMINANCE! GRAWRRR!!!

Head Shake

The high value guy is the one taking action, he is the natural leader, not afraid to make a mistake, not giving a **** what others think of him and getting **** done.

So lets look a little more intensely into this man of action thingy.

How do looks and money convey that you are a man of action?

As much as a girl appreciates security, and a man who can provide for her, that is not the primary reason she may respond more positively to a guy that has money.

It is the fact that he is successful, that is why she is attracted to him. This presupposes that he is a man of action, in whatever arena of his life.

If he takes action in his career, he will probably be just as successful at being a husband, a father, a friend, whatever is necessary.

This applies to the looks debate as well. It is not so much that she sees you wearing a nice shirt and is like, “Oooh, he looks hot.” She sees that you can afford nice clothes, meaning you aren’t just sitting on your ass and cleaning up garbage for a living.

With that, another reason why looks can affect the female’s perspective of you is if you are overweight. If she only has your physical appearance to determine if you are a high value leader of men/man of action, who would look more like that guy? A fat guy, or a ripped dude with the six pack abs?

Well it’s pretty obvious that in this very superficial attribute, the ripped dude is taking action in the gym, and the fat dude is not. And hey, if that is all the girl initially has to work off of, of course it is going to be easier for the ripped dude to build that attraction with her.

Six Pack

But guys see these sort of scenarios in the field and they use blanket statements like “Ripped dudes get all the girls! HAHA! I just know it!!”

And that just isn’t the case. I’ve literally proved it to myself by going out, not showering for 2-3 days and growing out my mustache to see if I can still have success pulling girls.

And I have.

I’ve been on program with Alex~ where he wore the same shirt 4 days in a row and was still pulling crazy ass even though he looked pretty haggard. ;)

You can EASILY overpower these hindrances, a guy that eats cheetos all day and watches t.v. can go out and pickup the hottest girl in the club.

But this leads to the discussion that Ryan talks about in one of his articles about cognitive dissonance.

Does it really make sense to be the guy that is lazy all day and then get out to the club and be all “Yeah dude, I’m a high value man of action! If a girl enters my life, she is WINNING!”?

If you are delusional, or just hit up the clubs enough you can overpower those internal self doubts, but don’t think they go away.

It really just doesn’t make sense. The whole reason why women are drawn to confidence is because in the caveman days it was a sign that you had something going on for you, there was something tangible to back it up.

Now we have realized, through all this nerd work and going out for countless hours that you don’t need to be a CEO with all the money in the world, or the good looking dude, but why stack the cards against yourself?

Build a well rounded life, work hard, play hard, hit the gym hard… They all go hand in hand towards being congruent with the whole confidence/self-esteem gig.

And take care of yourself when you hit the club. If you see me out in a club, I’m probably going to be wearing some rock star black shirt and a chunky watch of sorts.

Do I think it directly gets me girls? No. But it does convey that I take care of myself, that I am not just some slob who throws on whatever. And it shows that I can afford a cool watch or something, which shows I probably am doing well in my career too. It’s also good for the little self-esteem boost that Tyler talks about in the Blueprint, you just feel damn good wearing some new sweet gear.


But I know that is for myself, not for the girl.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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And on the most fundamental level, on par with the Blueprint, the answer is


But looks/money convey certain qualities about a guy that are attractive to a girl. And that, from a superficial level confuses guys.
I like RSD, but it strikes me as too much of a pickup guru tactic to tell you that looks don't matter. No way do I believe that the only reason girls like good looking guys is because they can afford nice clothes, or they go to the gym because they are "men of action". It's true they are attracted to those qualities, but they will also appreciate a handsome man on his own merits. Easy on the eyes and all. It beats "hurts to look at you". Pickup gurus want to sell the idea that looks don't matter.

Having said that, let me clarify that I don't think that looks are of major importance when it comes to attracting women. But it is a factor. Obviously women do not value looks in the same way that men do. How could they? But it's a factor. Saying that women just like good looking guys because they appear to be "men of action" seems to be a bit of a cop out. But Brad has to please the boss, and keep potential clients on the hook, so he says what he has to say.

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
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Yes, but PUA guru's don't want you to know and PUA wannabe's are in denial.

PUA guru's don't want you because if you would know, you wouldn't buy their fairy tale that you can talk women into your bed and, so they would make less money. PUA wannabe's are in denial because it would shatter their last hope, their dreams, their fantasies, their confidence...everything they would believe in would be destroyed. So they want you to believe that looks don't matter as well. That way, they will feel more confident about themselves.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2010
Reaction score
J. Darko said:
Yes, but PUA guru's don't want you to know and PUA wannabe's are in denial.

PUA guru's don't want you because if you would know, you wouldn't buy their fairy tale that you can talk women into your bed and, so they would make less money. PUA wannabe's are in denial because it would shatter their last hope, their dreams, their fantasies, their confidence...everything they would believe in would be destroyed. So they want you to believe that looks don't matter as well. That way, they will feel more confident about themselves.
I almost completely agree with you but like I said you don't have to be good looking you just have to be not ugly. And yes stop buying into these dating guru game plan, they don't work. All you need to be is a normal well adjusted guy and you can get a girl. And if you want more, you'll just have to figure that out for yourself.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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Top 10 Factors:
From a woman’s honest perspective, ALL men are judged on this scientific, UvT Scale of desirability including FOUR main factors:
1. Money – This one speaks for itself. Most women will just come out and admit that loot gets them wet. Some lie and talk about the “nice things” they like that just so happen to require money they don’t have! AHNT In the end, it’s ALL about the dough.

This is such a given that I won’t even bother to elaborate any further.
2. Looks - Don’t be fooled, women are just as superficial as men are, but their superficiality manifests itself in different ways. Most babes just get hot and heavy for a good looking guy such that all of their “rules” go out the window. No hit on the first date, they hit. No back door, it’s open season. No playing the roll of the side hizzie, he’s got another family in Virginia. I mean, they let cats run all over them. I know, I know, many babes are seen with worse looking men, so they must be about substance. WRONG. First, we have the 3 other factors that trump good looks. But secondly, womens’ superficiality can be so complex that it trumps good common sense. Like have you ever met a chick that is so insecure and so narcissistic that she actually dates a ugly dude so she can feel prettier? Crazy but true. She’s still superficial alright, just crazy as a bat and well aware of what else he can do for her.

3. Juice – Now this is something that is highly underrated because it’s hard to isolate. Unlike Money and Looks, Juice is hard to quantify. College provides the best example. For some, a guy’s affiliation in a frat makes him suddenly more desirable. That’s why you see babes flocking to cats once they go from random dude to frat guy. For others, playing on a sports team, like that cat who walked on for Duke Basketball but never played? Right, there’s something about recounting that conversation he had with Grant Hill, Chris Duhon, Carlos Boozer or JJ Re**** that brings out Juice chicks want. All he’s got is a tacit affiliation to real ballers, but it’s good enough. After all, he plays for the Duke Basketball team, right? It all just depends. For some low cats in our society, a “good man with a job” is Juice enough. One thing I know, Juice matters and it’s good even independent of Looks and Money.
4. Charisma – Ok, I’m not so Machiavellian to believe that personality doesn’t matter at all. It does. Of course, amoung the four factors, it matters least, but it does matter. We all know or have seen that dude who is relatively bad looking, broke, juiceless, jobless and just overall objectively terrible, with some babe way above his pay grade.

If you haven’t seen this dude, tune into Jerry Springer any time to see these heifers fighting over him. ha He’s got charisma or to put it in street vernacular, “Game”. Game matters, a lot. Wit, humor, listening skills or just plain persistence. Call it what you want, but he’s got it and it only helps.
Fair enough. No more jabber. let’s get to…
The Women’s List 1-10:
10. The Objectively Attractive, Monied Cat with major Juice and Real Charisma.

You can throw Will Smith in this group as well. Let’s face it, these cats can do no wrong in the eyes of women. They’ve literally got it all and can pretty much have what the want, when the want it.
9. Super Looted Guy -

I know, I know, “you couldn’t pay me a million dollars to sleep with Bill Gates”.. I know, but how about 5,000 million dollars? No? Ok, 10,000 million dollars? No? Ok, now I know you’re a damn lie. Bill Gates is worth something like $50 Billion. Don’t tell me that doesn’t matter to you.

Plenty of you chicks will F a cat for backstage passes to the Timberlake concert. Who do you think you’re fooling? Be very clear ladies, he IS a 9 because money trumps everything on the board EXCEPT a dude who has EVERYTHING plus more money than you can fathom (ie. Hollywood A Listers). Sure, you’d take Russell Crowe over Bill Gates. But you wouldn’t take Erwin from Accounting over him. Not a chance. Sorry, I didn’t make the rules. God did.

8. The Good Looking Cat with Juice, Loot and Swagger that comes from it

Do you see that smug look on his face? Ha That’s the “woman, get in this car” face. Yep, “Big” from Sex and the City is completely representative of this guy, but we’ve all seen him in real life. He’s got that swagger, he’s got that loot and he’s got that lady. Check that, he’s got them ladies and doesn’t mind treating them like shat because he knows he’s holding ALL the cards. He’s comfortable with his position, because aside from high rollers with more loot and better looks, he’s WINNING. There are mini versions of this guy for sure. Bankers, Doctors, Lawyers, Entrepreneurs and even Trust Fund Babies. If you can’t recognize them as solid 8′s, then you just don’t know this game.

7. Good Looking Regular Cat with potential for juice, ends mixed with a little bit of game

Lucky for us, this guy has already been personified by the show “The Bachelor.” They only let cats like him on the show. He’s also known as the “good guy” that all these broads claim to want. Believe me, when they say “good guy,” they mean “Good Looking guy that I won’t starve with.”

Guys, if you truly got your sh*t together, meaning work out, stylist and rhetoric, would you be able to reasonably go on “The Bachelor?” No? Flavor of Love at least? Ha If the answer is no, then sorry, you aint no Seven homey…

6. Solid Dude – Moderately Successful or Moderately Good looking and cool or Non fat, Non offensive, tall cat with no obvious imperfections or Very Juicy cat with next to nothing else who knows all the house drug dealers in the clubs

OK, in all honestly, Leslie is probably above the “solid cat” level. But he’s crafted in the solid cat mold and is representative of him. His look is definitely at the 6 and even that might be generous.

5. Basic Cat – Non Offensive, doesn’t want no trouble, will run into some tail if it’s there. Under appreciated by the money grubbing, juice seeking, non forward looking female.

Again, this is the woman’s scale, not mine. The truth is, most babes didn’t want no parts of Barack before he started making his speeches and winning elections. Prior to that he got no play, even though he should have. Kanye talked about it in Gold Digger:
“He gone make it into a Benz out of that Dotson, he got that envision baby, look in his eyes, this week he’s moppin’ floors, next week it’s the fries”
Which of course is a great reference to Coming to America. Anyway, the Barack of old was a SOLID 5 and was getting ZERO run from the honeys. Hell, even Michelle iced BO out for a clean 6 months before he got a first date. Sad but true. And there are 5 level, pre blow up Baracks out there now…but yall don’t want em. I know.

4. Slightly low, but not terribly offensive, doesn’t really get it, table scraps guy

3. Even Still Lower table scraps guy without the upgrades of a 4

And yes that is just the same dude, only fat. FULL step down.

2. The terrible cat who is not good looking, no loot, no charisma, BUT thinks he’s got juice

The lesson here is that women would rather be bored to death than embarrassed to death. Nobody in this country would ride with this guy and believe me, he does exist. ha

1. The No loot, no juice, out of luck, out of time, out of gimmicks dude

It’s a cold harsh world and that’s why my man is at 1. No loot is a no go. And Seinfeld said it best, “You don’t see any handsome homeless.”
Hey, yall can dispute if you want, but this is the true scale. Come on now. Don’t lie. Let me ask you this. Where does THIS GUY fall?


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
EFFORT said:
I did not get what you are saying by that. Please express your opinion. Don't be a vague spectator.

And the looks is never the most important thing. And tell you something very important.

Looks comes in two forms:

1. You have natural good looks.

2. You have nice grooming and fashion sense.

You can make up with the other if you are lacking in one.

Go figure. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
ethan350z said:
I almost completely agree with you but like I said you don't have to be good looking you just have to be not ugly. And yes stop buying into these dating guru game plan, they don't work. All you need to be is a normal well adjusted guy and you can get a girl. And if you want more, you'll just have to figure that out for yourself.
Just a few days ago, you were espousing for good looks, and you change your mind now?! good to see that. :whistle:


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
being good looking makes things much easier to get laid, in general. but its all reality in the long run, tons of good looking guys have trouble getting laid and tons of average guys have no problem at all getting laid.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Do looks matter? Sure, they help, but they are not as important as attitude. Case in point, Lemmy from Motorhead

From Wikipedia:

In a Channel 4 documentary called "Motörhead: Live Fast, Die Old", broadcast on 22 August 2005, it was claimed that Lemmy had "bedded" in excess of 2,000 women. Maxim magazine has Lemmy at number 8 on its top ten "Living Sex Legends" list, as they claim that he has slept with around 1,200 women.[26]
In the documentary he explained that while in school he noticed a pupil who had brought a guitar to school and had been "surrounded by chicks". His mother had a guitar, which he then took to school, even though he could not play, and was himself surrounded by girls: "In those days just having a guitar was enough... that was it".[27]


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
The game is...

1. Looks
2. Money
3. Confidence

Guys that are good looking or have a lot of money with no confidence will get no women. Well the guy with a lot of money with no confidence will get taken to the cleaners by a predatory b*tch.

Guys that are confident who are ugly and have no money will get women, just not the best looking women.

Guys that are confident with looks or money will get hot women.

Guys that are confident with looks AND money will get the best women.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2010
Reaction score
TheAsianLoverReturns said:
The game is...

1. Looks
2. Money
3. Confidence

Guys that are good looking or have a lot of money with no confidence will get no women. Well the guy with a lot of money with no confidence will get taken to the cleaners by a predatory b*tch.

Guys that are confident who are ugly and have no money will get women, just not the best looking women.

Guys that are confident with looks or money will get hot women.

Guys that are confident with looks AND money will get the best women.
The game is conversation skill! and being happy with oneself... :up: