Do You Have to Be Good Looking to Attract Women?


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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TheAsianLoverReturns said:
The game is...

1. Looks
2. Money
3. Confidence

Guys that are good looking or have a lot of money with no confidence will get no women. Well the guy with a lot of money with no confidence will get taken to the cleaners by a predatory b*tch.

Guys that are confident who are ugly and have no money will get women, just not the best looking women.

Guys that are confident with looks or money will get hot women.

Guys that are confident with looks AND money will get the best women.
Wow! Can't deny what you said. Right you are.

But the order was wrong -

Personality -> Money/Looks -> Looks/Money

Personality creates illogical attraction which forces her to logically rationalize her attraction, and she does it with your looks and success quotient.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
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schttrj said:
Wow! Can't deny what you said. Right you are.

But the order was wrong -

Personality -> Money/Looks -> Looks/Money

Personality creates illogical attraction which forces her to logically rationalize her attraction, and she does it with your looks and success quotient.

Yeah, but if she isn't attracted to your looks or money, you'll never get your foot in the door and show her your personality.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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TheAsianLoverReturns said:
Yeah, but if she isn't attracted to your looks or money, you'll never get your foot in the door and show her your personality.
That's not necessarily true. I know I'm not the ugliest bastard around but I'm not great looking either. I'm pretty much an average looking guy who happens to be poor as dirt and I can not complain about the lack of women in my life.

Like schttrj said, personality is key. A stunning personality will always draw them even if you don't have the looks or the money.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
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theunflushables said:
That's not necessarily true. I know I'm not the ugliest bastard around but I'm not great looking either. I'm pretty much an average looking guy who happens to be poor as dirt and I can not complain about the lack of women in my life.

Like schttrj said, personality is key. A stunning personality will always draw them even if you don't have the looks or the money.
How do you get your women?


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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TheAsianLoverReturns said:
How do you get your women?
thread is never short on theory, but always short on examples.

I'd love to see a thread that has people posted next to their girls, and see all these ugly guys who wheel hot girls. All this game clearly has *got* to be producing some results...amirite??? Of course I can see why most would not want to post their picture here, even I would be hesitant a little bit.

So lets hear it boys? List some examples you guys have wheeled some smokes with solid game?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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synergy1 said:
thread is never short on theory, but always short on examples.

I'd love to see a thread that has people posted next to their girls, and see all these ugly guys who wheel hot girls. All this game clearly has *got* to be producing some results...amirite??? Of course I can see why most would not want to post their picture here, even I would be hesitant a little bit.

So lets hear it boys? List some examples you guys have wheeled some smokes with solid game?
I think what would we would end up seeing is

1. The guys are not as ugly as claimed
2. The girls are not as hot as claimed

Basically a couple about evenly matched on the looks scale.

Most guys here are within the realm of average to decent looking (6-8) and can get lucky with a 6-8 chick every few months with proper game/social proof.

The 9s and 10s you see at the clubs are too busy gunning for

1) the club owner (status)
2) the club staff (bartender, DJ, bouncer) (status)
3) The guest celebrity (status, money)
4) the big spenders, wealthy men (money)
5) the drug dealers (status)
6) The muscular tall guys (looks)

Basically, if you don't fall into any of these catagories. Scoring a really attractive stranger at a club will not be a consistent event. Not impossible, an average guy can score on occassion with his base looks/game/luck/proper timing, but never on a consistent basis.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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FutureSpartan said:
The 9s and 10s you see at the clubs are too busy gunning for

1) the club owner (status)
2) the club staff (bartender, DJ, bouncer) (status)
3) The guest celebrity (status, money)
4) the big spenders, wealthy men (money)
5) the drug dealers (status)
6) The muscular tall guys (looks)
"Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."

- Morpheus

This is it, folks. This is the face of your enemy. Everyone must make the decision for themselves. Believe that you need to own a club, sell narcotics, or be a celebrity in order to get hot girls...OR, read the DJ Bible, improve yourself from within and become the confident, fun, masculine guy that the hottest women in the world crave. I can only show you the door, but you are the ones that must walk through it. The choice is yours, and guys like FutureSpartan, Naughty Ninja, Jdela Silveira and a handful of others on this forum would like you to believe that this choice does not exist. It does, and it is yours alone to make.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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Just a Shot Away said:
"Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."

- Morpheus

This is it, folks. This is the face of your enemy. Everyone must make the decision for themselves. Believe that you need to own a club, sell narcotics, or be a celebrity in order to get hot girls...OR, read the DJ Bible, improve yourself from within and become the confident, fun, masculine guy that the hottest women in the world crave. I can only show you the door, but you are the ones that must walk through it.
Ok will you disprove me then by showing me pictures of you with the hottest women in the world?

And I never said it was impossible....I just said it would not be consistent. Im sure with those qualities you mentioned an average looking man can occassionaly score with a random attractive stranger and make her his gf. Heck, he may even pull off a hot streak...but nothing consistent on a longterm basis.

And why is it that an already high status male cannot be confident, fun, masculine....are these qualities ONLY reserved for average guys? This reminds me of when women try to compensate for their lack of looks by bragging about what great personalities they have.

Why are you also putting hot women on a pedestal like they are all enlightened creatures of some sort? Just because they are more attractive than 90 percent of women does not mean they are all flawless in character or won't be influenced by status, money, or looks.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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FutureSpartan said:
Ok will you disprove me then by showing me pictures of you with the hottest women in the world?
I don't have any. Why? I'm not confident, fun, or masculine.

And why is it that an already high status male cannot be confident, fun, masculine....are these qualities ONLY reserved for average guys?
Of course they can ALSO have the qualities women desire, but you are implying that guys pull the hottest girls in the club simply because they deal crack or heroin for a living. False.

Just because they are more attractive than 90 percent of women does not mean they are all flawless in character or won't be influenced by status, money, or looks.
Of course they will be influenced by status and money, as these aspects indicate evolutionary fitness and tell them that the male can produce healthy offspring. They won't be influenced by looks because that's not in their DNA.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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Just a Shot Away said:
I don't have any. Why? I'm not confident, fun, or masculine.
Your credibility just went out the window. Another case of blind leading the blind....but ill address the other points....

Of course they can ALSO have the qualities women desire, but you are implying that guys pull the hottest girls in the club simply because they deal crack or heroin for a living. False.
I was implying the party drugs like coke and extasy.

And I disagree with you. Its one angle guys will use to lure women...and it can be effective towards the "hot party girl" archetype looking to experiment.
Of course it wont work on EVERY girl....thats was just one example i listed out of many.

Of course they will be influenced by status and money, as these aspects indicate evolutionary fitness and tell them that the male can produce healthy offspring. They won't be influenced by looks because that's not in their DNA.
1) the club owner (status)
2) the club staff (bartender, DJ, bouncer) (status)
3) The guest celebrity (status, money)
4) the big spenders, wealthy men (money)
5) the drug dealers (status)
6) The muscular tall guys (looks)

Note I put good looking guys last because yes, status and wealth can override average or bad looks. But absent those attributes, to say women don't factor in looks in their mating decision is extremely misleading.

Women do take note of facial symmetry, jawline features, shoulder to waist ratios, and muscularity as evolutionary cues to whether a man is capable of

A) providing strong healthy children
B) protecting her and her offspring

I dont know what else to say b/c this is really common sense stuff here. I've seen numerous cases where girls were attracted to the guy simply b/c of his looks. I myself asked girls why they slept with me and almost always the immediate response was "i thought you were cute/hot"

Im speaking from personal experience with the women ive been well as observing other womens words/actions


You and the DJ Bible


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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Looks may only get your foot in the door....

But getting your foot in the door is at least half the battle!

How many guys here complain about having an awesome conversation with the girl, saying all the right things, being suave, etc.....only to see her flake after getting her number.

Usually flaking signifies that you do not have enough VALUE (status, money, looks) for her to make seeing you worth her time. This is very common for young women who arent looking for anything serious.

A great rapport is awesome value if she's looking for a BOYFRIEND aka long-term relationship.

For the women looking to have fun its all about the BBD (status, money, looks)


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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TheAsianLoverReturns said:
How do you get your women?
My natural charm of course!

Yeah, I'm not going to claim that I always pull 9's and 10's because that's far from the truth but I do constantly get 7.5 to 8.

But this whole looks, status, money thing is just limiting beliefs. Look at Style. Short, balding, writer turns his life around just through dressing well and running spectacular game. His success has nothing to do with external forces.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
FutureSpartan said:
Your credibility just went out the window. Another case of blind leading the blind....
You ever ate sewer rat? No? Then how do you know it doesn't taste like pumpkin pie? How do scientists know that you will die if you step into outer space without a breathing apparatus? Same way that I know that women don't care about looks.

I was implying the party drugs like coke and extasy.
The fact remains that you implied that becoming a felon is a more viable option to get hot chicks than to work on your inner game.

Women do take note of facial symmetry, jawline features, shoulder to waist ratios, and muscularity as evolutionary cues to whether a man is capable of

A) providing strong healthy children
B) protecting her and her offspring
No, only muscularity is an indicator of these abilities. Case in point: who would you rather provide for your children and protect the nest in case you died (assuming you and your family are living in the world as it was 20,000 years ago)? Johnny Depp or Arnold Schwarzenegger? Exactly. Facial symmetry doesn't mean jack. Jawline? Eh, marginally. But that's an indicator of masculinity, and you don't have to be good-looking to have a strong jaw.

I myself asked girls why they slept with me and almost always the immediate response was "i thought you were cute/hot"
Yeah, I've gotten that too. Doesn't mean anything. That may have been how it started, but you did something else to get them on board. If your overall package wasn't up to snuff, you would've been kicked to the curb immediately...just like I usually am.

Im speaking from personal experience with the women ive been well as observing other womens words/actions


You and the DJ Bible
Not only am I speaking from personal experience and observations as well, but you're not only going up against me, the DJ Bible, and You're also battling Charles Darwin, 72 Nobel Prize winners, and countless other scientists that have devoted their lives to figuring out how sexual selection works. Read as: you have a VERY steep uphill battle in your war against rational thought.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
FutureSpartan said:
I think what would we would end up seeing is

1. The guys are not as ugly as claimed
2. The girls are not as hot as claimed

Basically a couple about evenly matched on the looks scale.

Most guys here are within the realm of average to decent looking (6-8) and can get lucky with a 6-8 chick every few months with proper game/social proof.

The 9s and 10s you see at the clubs are too busy gunning for

1) the club owner (status)
2) the club staff (bartender, DJ, bouncer) (status)
3) The guest celebrity (status, money)
4) the big spenders, wealthy men (money)
5) the drug dealers (status)
6) The muscular tall guys (looks)

Basically, if you don't fall into any of these catagories. Scoring a really attractive stranger at a club will not be a consistent event. Not impossible, an average guy can score on occassion with his base looks/game/luck/proper timing, but never on a consistent basis.
Out of curiosity, are you a Michigan State fan? Anyways, this is right as hell, except the guest celeb might have looks too. Also, the 9-10's go for the guys who are seen getting out of the driver's seat of a Bentley, Lambo, etc. This might fall in #3 though. But an average guy using his base looks, money, status, timing, talent, game, and luck to get attractive women can work, but it's a crap shoot.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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schttrj said:
I did not get what you are saying by that. Please express your opinion. Don't be a vague spectator.
Not sure what you don't understand? The link explains everything throughly.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
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theunflushables said:
My natural charm of course!

Yeah, I'm not going to claim that I always pull 9's and 10's because that's far from the truth but I do constantly get 7.5 to 8.

But this whole looks, status, money thing is just limiting beliefs. Look at Style. Short, balding, writer turns his life around just through dressing well and running spectacular game. His success has nothing to do with external forces.

Haha, you got some game bro. Charm is powerful.

Would you consider yourself a 7 or 8? How tall are you? What's your facial structure like? Your body? What do you do for a living?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
FutureSpartan said:
I think what would we would end up seeing is

1. The guys are not as ugly as claimed
2. The girls are not as hot as claimed

Basically a couple about evenly matched on the looks scale.

Most guys here are within the realm of average to decent looking (6-8) and can get lucky with a 6-8 chick every few months with proper game/social proof.

The 9s and 10s you see at the clubs are too busy gunning for

1) the club owner (status)
2) the club staff (bartender, DJ, bouncer) (status)
3) The guest celebrity (status, money)
4) the big spenders, wealthy men (money)
5) the drug dealers (status)
6) The muscular tall guys (looks)

Basically, if you don't fall into any of these catagories. Scoring a really attractive stranger at a club will not be a consistent event. Not impossible, an average guy can score on occassion with his base looks/game/luck/proper timing, but never on a consistent basis.

Like attracts like. If you're a 7, then you can get a 7 or below.

I'm able to attract above my level because I'm good at selling my potential/money angle.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
I don't have any. Why? I'm not confident, fun, or masculine.

Of course they can ALSO have the qualities women desire, but you are implying that guys pull the hottest girls in the club simply because they deal crack or heroin for a living. False.

Of course they will be influenced by status and money, as these aspects indicate evolutionary fitness and tell them that the male can produce healthy offspring. They won't be influenced by looks because that's not in their DNA.
That why you need to shut your lip and listen to guys that are good at getting women.

Work on yourself and grow, and then maybe, just maybe, life will get better for you.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
TheAsianLoverReturns said:
That why you need to shut your lip and listen to guys that are good at getting women.

Work on yourself and grow, and then maybe, just maybe, life will get better for you.
Oh, right. Because you can't have a good life unless you're amazing at getting girls.

Anyway, you continue to set limits yourself and I'll continue to remove them from my life and from other people. Sounds good, right?

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
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★★★TEAM FAP★★★
For some reason, I can't see how Bouncers or Club owners get poon.

I've been in and out of this club near my house for a while, it's not a higher echeleon club. But some pretty hot chicks cocasionally come there. The bouncers never get a looking, they're just spoken to nicely, so the girls can get in and see what hot guys are in the club, and for some reason, even though I love my looks, I don't think hopping out of a Lambo would do any favours for me in a club? yes, women love money, but why do they constantly harp on the fact that it's not your money, its your looks and personality? LOL I sound like a AFC, I know. But I see guys in the clubs, buying out the bar and leaving by themselves, then I see trampy looking dudes, who are getting average to hot chicks numbers.