Do You Have to Be Good Looking to Attract Women?


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
Here is an interesting experiment one should try just for fun.

Go to a club in Mexico as a tall white guy. Don't let any girls see that you have money or even know how to speak espanol. Watch what happens.

I have actually done this and had interesting results. I removed all other variables from this theory and simply was a tall white guy. That's it. I didn't even speak to any mexican girls. Wanna know something? The owner of Telcel was in a booth next to me and also an executive for a mexican record label. There were about 8 girls surrounding them when I walked in. As I walked across the floor, all 16 chics got up from the booths and tried to talk to me. A few just reached in my pocket and grabbed my junk and asked me what I was doing later.

Don't tell me looks don't matter. That's the stupidest BS I have ever heard. And for some reason it is only propagated in the U.S. Why is that? Why is it that every other culture and country acknowledges that females WANT the hot guys first, but may END UP WITH the other guys later. And on top of that it is NEVER the first choice to go with a rich/famous dude, unless he first was hot. Its the same in many other countries. If you really want to see something, go to Brazil as a tall white dude with blue eyes... You don't even want to know what happens then. Yes, it is true that when chics get older and their looks fade away, they go for whichever guy offers the biggest, best deal. We are talking about what happens when girls have a choice and simply want the greatest number of orgasms from the hottest guys possible while they are still young.

I find it intensely interesting that people on this site consider the topic of "looks" as taboo. Ever wonder why certain things are taboo? This is because they definitely do matter as much as everyone fears, but the fabric of society would crumble if the majority of people embraced the hard truth. Truth hurts, its better to calm the fears of those who wondered why it hasn't happened for them than risk widespread uprising and revolt. By definition, the majority of guys on this site are average. Being an average guy cannot possibly make you desired by an above-average girl...unless she is planning on making you pay for everything and then cheating on you. It simply isn't in the cards that an average looking guy can KEEP a hot girl all to himself in a society where women are controlled solely by their gynee tingle. A man of average appearance is simply not equipped with the genetic code required to make a hot girl desire him instead of the super tall, muscular alpha male.


Girls are weird. So, what may happen is an average guy might GET a hot girl once in a while...then strangely, he decries that it must be his "game" or "confidence" that caused the hot girl (who was previously out of reach btw) to go home with him a few times. Does this mean that the average guy has somehow beaten the odds!!! OMG! now he thinks this PUA stuff actually woooooorrrkks!!!!!!

NO, it simply means that some girl went "slumming" for a night and just wanted to be entertained. Or worse, she WENT FOR the trophy male and he rejected her because he has an even hotter pool of vag waiting, thus her ego was hurt and she just wants to feel desired. Whenever I see a hot girl with an average guy, there are only 1 of 2 things I think of:

1) Awesome, I can probably fvck this chic without really trying!


2) Awww, poor guy-- I wonder how often he gets cheated on.

Does this average guy actually believe that if some super stud were to come up to her, that the girl would not immediately forget that the avg guy even existed and leave with her new found trophy? And that she would do this for something as small as a CHANCE with the super stud, while throwing away an entire lifetime of GUARANTEED DEVOTION from an average guy? Yes. Average guys will always be there with their endless reliability and predictability, so why not (as a female) try to get a bad boy/stud/alpha while you still can?

What possible reason would a hot girl have to settle down with an average guy while she is still hot?

That is the million dollar question.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Duffdog said:
Here is an interesting experiment one should try just for fun.

Go to a club in Mexico as a tall white guy. Don't let any girls see that you have money or even know how to speak espanol. Watch what happens.
Oh, being tall and white equals "good looking" now, huh? You're really on a role with this stuff, man. It's always fun to wait for whatever pearls of wisdom come tumbling out of your mouth next.

I didn't even speak to any mexican girls. Wanna know something? The owner of Telcel was in a booth next to me and also an executive for a mexican record label. There were about 8 girls surrounding them when I walked in. As I walked across the floor, all 16 chics got up from the booths and tried to talk to me.
You bring new meaning to the term "naive." Listen, I hate to burst your bubble but that happens in Thailand, well as many other third world countries. Those Mexican girls that you seem to think were so interested in getting to know you were hookers, bro. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you but that's how it goes in underdeveloped countries.

I find it intensely interesting that people on this site consider the topic of "looks" as taboo.
It's not taboo, it's just an annoying and pointless subject. You can't change your looks, and even if looks did matter, nobody can benefit from believing that they do. Why, so they can wallow in self-pity and use that as an excuse for a lack of success? Pathetic. This topic has been done to death and there's an 85 page thread about this subject in the Archives section in which everything has been said a million times before. Everything that EVERYBODY has said in this thread has already been said in that thread.

What possible reason would a hot girl have to settle down with an average guy while she is still hot?

That is the million dollar question.
No, that's not the million dollar question at all. That's an easy question to answer. The answer is simple: "average" is defined differently by women than it is by you. You consider an average guy one to be that you can assault without fear of retaliation while he is standing on the street talking to another person. Women consider an average guy to be one with a moderate amount of confidence, game, and a bland personality.

I think the million dollar question is "Why in the f.uck are threads about whether or not looks matter to women not banned?"


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
You bring new meaning to the term "naive." Listen, I hate to burst your bubble but that happens in Thailand, well as many other third world countries. Those Mexican girls that you seem to think were so interested in getting to know you were hookers, bro. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you but that's how it goes in underdeveloped countries.
No, they were not hookers or escorts or anything like that. They were college students and some were very well off. How do I know? Cuz hookers aren't allowed in clubs like the type I was at and because I spoke to them-- I speak Spanish. When is the last time you got into a new BMW driven by a hooker and went to her house?

Do you speak the language when you were in Thailand? Were you actually in Thailand or did you just assume that is what happens there?

Nice try though.

Also, I don't define average guys as those who are unable to defend themselves. I define average as a male who is not able to attract hot women without doing anything. Above average males do not have to try.

As to your question about whether or not looks threads should be banned. Sure, they can be banned all you like, but invariably men keep finding out that after everything else has been tried and failed--one thing keeps returning as the primary motivator for females. Life isn't fair, sorry.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Also, I don't define average guys as those who are unable to defend themselves. I define average as a male who is not able to attract hot women without doing anything. Above average males do not have to try.


You and Just a shot away are both right to a certain extent. But as it's true some average guys may have loads of personality, charm, DJ skills or whatever people call them as soon as the better looking male gives the girl attention she will start "justifying" in her mind things she finds "wrong" about the average guy and will slip her number to the "10" like you've said. And if he's got even remotely the same qualities other than better looks it's going to be a quick score for him eventually or she decides her and the average guy weren't "right" for each other in the first place and it's Adios muchacho.

Then the same guy winds up wondering what he did wrong and tries to kiss her @ss while the "10" bad boy is tapping it. I've seen it numerous times and have yet to see a girl "downgrade" once she's gotten her "10" unless the "10" dumps her after he's finished with her and get's his upgrade as her looks start to fade to him.

I've known many great looking dudes who have it so easy it's boring to them. Personailty, humor, intelligence comes last unfortunatley. So I feel in the end you are more correct. It is what it is.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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Duffdog said:
Here is an interesting experiment one should try just for fun.

Go to a club in Mexico as a tall white guy. Don't let any girls see that you have money or even know how to speak espanol. Watch what happens.

I have actually done this and had interesting results. I removed all other variables from this theory and simply was a tall white guy. That's it. I didn't even speak to any mexican girls. Wanna know something? The owner of Telcel was in a booth next to me and also an executive for a mexican record label. There were about 8 girls surrounding them when I walked in. As I walked across the floor, all 16 chics got up from the booths and tried to talk to me. A few just reached in my pocket and grabbed my junk and asked me what I was doing later.

Don't tell me looks don't matter. That's the stupidest BS I have ever heard. And for some reason it is only propagated in the U.S. Why is that? Why is it that every other culture and country acknowledges that females WANT the hot guys first, but may END UP WITH the other guys later. And on top of that it is NEVER the first choice to go with a rich/famous dude, unless he first was hot. Its the same in many other countries. If you really want to see something, go to Brazil as a tall white dude with blue eyes... You don't even want to know what happens then. Yes, it is true that when chics get older and their looks fade away, they go for whichever guy offers the biggest, best deal. We are talking about what happens when girls have a choice and simply want the greatest number of orgasms from the hottest guys possible while they are still young.

I find it intensely interesting that people on this site consider the topic of "looks" as taboo. Ever wonder why certain things are taboo? This is because they definitely do matter as much as everyone fears, but the fabric of society would crumble if the majority of people embraced the hard truth. Truth hurts, its better to calm the fears of those who wondered why it hasn't happened for them than risk widespread uprising and revolt. By definition, the majority of guys on this site are average. Being an average guy cannot possibly make you desired by an above-average girl...unless she is planning on making you pay for everything and then cheating on you. It simply isn't in the cards that an average looking guy can KEEP a hot girl all to himself in a society where women are controlled solely by their gynee tingle. A man of average appearance is simply not equipped with the genetic code required to make a hot girl desire him instead of the super tall, muscular alpha male.


Girls are weird. So, what may happen is an average guy might GET a hot girl once in a while...then strangely, he decries that it must be his "game" or "confidence" that caused the hot girl (who was previously out of reach btw) to go home with him a few times. Does this mean that the average guy has somehow beaten the odds!!! OMG! now he thinks this PUA stuff actually woooooorrrkks!!!!!!

NO, it simply means that some girl went "slumming" for a night and just wanted to be entertained. Or worse, she WENT FOR the trophy male and he rejected her because he has an even hotter pool of vag waiting, thus her ego was hurt and she just wants to feel desired. Whenever I see a hot girl with an average guy, there are only 1 of 2 things I think of:

1) Awesome, I can probably fvck this chic without really trying!


2) Awww, poor guy-- I wonder how often he gets cheated on.

Does this average guy actually believe that if some super stud were to come up to her, that the girl would not immediately forget that the avg guy even existed and leave with her new found trophy? And that she would do this for something as small as a CHANCE with the super stud, while throwing away an entire lifetime of GUARANTEED DEVOTION from an average guy? Yes. Average guys will always be there with their endless reliability and predictability, so why not (as a female) try to get a bad boy/stud/alpha while you still can?

What possible reason would a hot girl have to settle down with an average guy while she is still hot?

That is the million dollar question.
Uh, the elite Mexicans look and ARE white. They have little or no Indian blood. That is something that Americans don't see, because America gets the crap that can't make it in other countries. Go to Mexico City. Go to Polanco or Lomas. Those are Spanish, Lebanese, Germans, Armenians, and Jews you see. The wealthiest man in Mexico is Lebanese.
Quit telling us stories! If you go to the ritzy areas of Mexico THIS is common! I swear to you. They don't stand out at all in a district like Polanco. Around 10% of Mexicans have NO Indian blood. Those are the elites who don't want to move to America.
Educate yourselves and travel. What you learn in America is rarely true. Between 10%-17% of Mexico DOES NOT look like Texas or California. It looks like this. These are the nice areas of the country. No white dude will stick out in a club because 95% of the patrons are white!!!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
Oh, right. Because you can't have a good life unless you're amazing at getting girls.

Anyway, you continue to set limits yourself and I'll continue to remove them from my life and from other people. Sounds good, right?
Listen up knuckle head.

Your life sucks. Right?

I bet your quality of life would improve if you could get decent ***** on a regular basis.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Duffdog said:
Here is an interesting experiment one should try just for fun.

Go to a club in Mexico as a tall white guy. Don't let any girls see that you have money or even know how to speak espanol. Watch what happens.

I have actually done this and had interesting results. I removed all other variables from this theory and simply was a tall white guy. That's it. I didn't even speak to any mexican girls. Wanna know something? The owner of Telcel was in a booth next to me and also an executive for a mexican record label. There were about 8 girls surrounding them when I walked in. As I walked across the floor, all 16 chics got up from the booths and tried to talk to me. A few just reached in my pocket and grabbed my junk and asked me what I was doing later.

Don't tell me looks don't matter. That's the stupidest BS I have ever heard. And for some reason it is only propagated in the U.S. Why is that? Why is it that every other culture and country acknowledges that females WANT the hot guys first, but may END UP WITH the other guys later. And on top of that it is NEVER the first choice to go with a rich/famous dude, unless he first was hot. Its the same in many other countries. If you really want to see something, go to Brazil as a tall white dude with blue eyes... You don't even want to know what happens then. Yes, it is true that when chics get older and their looks fade away, they go for whichever guy offers the biggest, best deal. We are talking about what happens when girls have a choice and simply want the greatest number of orgasms from the hottest guys possible while they are still young.

I find it intensely interesting that people on this site consider the topic of "looks" as taboo. Ever wonder why certain things are taboo? This is because they definitely do matter as much as everyone fears, but the fabric of society would crumble if the majority of people embraced the hard truth. Truth hurts, its better to calm the fears of those who wondered why it hasn't happened for them than risk widespread uprising and revolt. By definition, the majority of guys on this site are average. Being an average guy cannot possibly make you desired by an above-average girl...unless she is planning on making you pay for everything and then cheating on you. It simply isn't in the cards that an average looking guy can KEEP a hot girl all to himself in a society where women are controlled solely by their gynee tingle. A man of average appearance is simply not equipped with the genetic code required to make a hot girl desire him instead of the super tall, muscular alpha male.


Girls are weird. So, what may happen is an average guy might GET a hot girl once in a while...then strangely, he decries that it must be his "game" or "confidence" that caused the hot girl (who was previously out of reach btw) to go home with him a few times. Does this mean that the average guy has somehow beaten the odds!!! OMG! now he thinks this PUA stuff actually woooooorrrkks!!!!!!

NO, it simply means that some girl went "slumming" for a night and just wanted to be entertained. Or worse, she WENT FOR the trophy male and he rejected her because he has an even hotter pool of vag waiting, thus her ego was hurt and she just wants to feel desired. Whenever I see a hot girl with an average guy, there are only 1 of 2 things I think of:

1) Awesome, I can probably fvck this chic without really trying!


2) Awww, poor guy-- I wonder how often he gets cheated on.

Does this average guy actually believe that if some super stud were to come up to her, that the girl would not immediately forget that the avg guy even existed and leave with her new found trophy? And that she would do this for something as small as a CHANCE with the super stud, while throwing away an entire lifetime of GUARANTEED DEVOTION from an average guy? Yes. Average guys will always be there with their endless reliability and predictability, so why not (as a female) try to get a bad boy/stud/alpha while you still can?

What possible reason would a hot girl have to settle down with an average guy while she is still hot?

That is the million dollar question.
Excellent analysis.

Looks trump everything else. Guys that don't realize this are either good looking themselves or have their head up their ass.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
TheAsianLoverReturns said:
I bet your quality of life would improve if you could get decent ***** on a regular basis.
Well, I didn't sign up this site for the fun of it. Excellent deductive reasoning, here.

Looks trump everything
Not so excellent reasoning, here. In fact...that statement has no excuse to come out of anybody's mouth unless that excuse is being developmentally disabled.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
Well, I didn't sign up this site for the fun of it. Excellent deductive reasoning, here.

Not so excellent reasoning, here. In fact...that statement has no excuse to come out of anybody's mouth unless that excuse is being developmentally disabled.
See that nerd talk that comes out of your mouth.

You're the worst kind of guy that comes here. You have the looks to pull any kind of women you want, yet your mind is so f*cked up, you ruin it for yourself.

I have a lot more respect for the guy that wasn't born with the looks or height to get women, but he works on improving himself so he can get a taste of the game.


New Member
May 26, 2011
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Ok for any poor teenaged guy who may be wondering... It won't matter what tou look like when the lights are off and all the emotions hit a mental level so what if you have a pimple or two or whatever you won't be worrying about that later ok? I'm sorry if that was a weird comment but ITS TRUE! No I haven't 'DONE IT' yet but hell if your a nice guy to me then who the hell cares what you look like! I may be a teenager but that's not the point, I probably stand looking DOWN at most of you for gods sake and you don't see me complaining do you? If your a sweetheart to a girl then if she has her values strait you two should at the least become friends! It isn't the looks that the girl likes... That's the bonus! I don't care if I'm the only girl who thinks this way or if there are more like me IF YOUR A NICE GUY why in f*cking HELL should you come LAST!?!? I think that any guy who spends the time getting to know someone *man or woman* deserves the respect of a first shot! I hope that little rant helps not sure if it will but why not!?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
looks don't matter! work on your personality and game! For the ugly guys that believe looks are all that matters, it must suck having a defeatist attitude, and ultimately ****-blocking yourself from many experiences in life! Why not just look presentable and work on things you can actually improve on! Your attitude and mindset > your looks ANYDAY!


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Looks always mattered, but not as much as today. The feminist movement is turning women more masculine. Nowadays women care more about finding a hot guy than finding a good provider. They care very little about trying to be a good wife. They want the youngest, prettiest thing they can find (and then they still want you to have a good job). There are more single men than women so they can get away with it.

The problem is that this trend results in marriages that are far less stable, which is bad for the children and future generations. Women simply could not act this way back in the cave man days. They would choose an older man who was strong and stable and they would never stray (or they would likely not survive).

Given that women always have guys hitting on them, when they decide that the most important thing is finding a hot guy, and given that divorce courts typically reward the woman for leaving the man, is it any wonder that divorce rates are so high? Is it any wonder that most divorces are initiated by women? Is it any wonder than women cheat more than men?

Ever date a woman going through a divorce and see the disdain they have for their ex who often still adores her? Your grandmother wouldn't have acted that way. It's a sad trend indeed. It's by design of course. The Feminist movement was started by the Rockefeller's in the 1950's to destroy the family and tax the woman's labor. As far as "liberating women" inflation absorbed the extra income so now both parents must work. TV shows like Sex and the City push the Cougar movement (completely anti-family). MTV and Lady Gaga promote teen promiscuity and brainlessness. Working emasculates women. 51% of affairs come from women at work. Sun Tzu in the The Art of War wrote "if you want to overthrow a country, corrupt the women". Mission accomplished.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
bigneil said:
Ever date a woman going through a divorce and see the disdain they have for their ex who often still adores her? Your grandmother wouldn't have acted that way. It's a sad trend indeed. It's by design of course. The Feminist movement was started by the Rockefeller's in the 1950's to destroy the family and tax the woman's labor. As far as "liberating women" inflation absorbed the extra income so now both parents must work. TV shows like Sex and the City push the Cougar movement (completely anti-family). MTV and Lady Gaga promote teen promiscuity and brainlessness. Working emasculates women. 51% of affairs come from women at work. Sun Tzu in the The Art of War wrote "if you want to overthrow a country, corrupt the women". Mission accomplished.
All of that is true. The biggest mistake a man can make is marry an american female.

American female means a female that currently resides in the united states regardless of race. White American women being the worse of all.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2007
Reaction score
My analogy

Since I'm a fighter, I always use the same analogy with women/looks. A boxer doesn't need power to win a match, but it sure as Hell makes it a lot easier. At the same time, a boxer with no skill but with tremendous power won't always win, but every now and then, even though he sucks, he'll get lucky and get the knock out. Same goes with the looks. You can get lucky, but in the long run, without skill, it wont get you far. Of course, it definitely helps!


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Look matters everywhere not only with women but with men also.

Who's the one that get picked last while chosing the team in high school?

Whos's instead the one that receive more attention and support from the teachers even if he put no fkng effort in studying?

How comes that all the well paid managers are tall and good looking while
the guys doing the cleaning in the toilet are all short and fat/skinny?

I want you to think about the 5 most successful people and the 5 biggest losers you know,wheter it comes of women or income and tell me what do they have in common.

Even food for kids in order to sell needs to show picture of good looking kids,looking good means to people being healthy and succesful.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Did anyone ever find me that online dating site that caters only to beautiful, in-shape young women looking exclusively for witty, overweight men to get intimate with? No,..?

Oh that's right, it doesn't exist.

OC Speedball

Don Juan
Mar 8, 2011
Reaction score
What I never understood is why good looks = good genes. I see guys that are pro athletes that are ugly, yet they obviously have awesome genetics. If we were still in a caveman world they would survive better than us. I'm talking about naturally gifted basketball players, fighters, runners, etc.

And we don't see ugly people dropping dead all the time. It's not like just because you're ugly means you have inherited some disease that's going to kill you.

My point is, an ugly face doesn't equal bad genes. I never understood why people say that. By the way, I'm fine with my looks, but I never understood the whole ugliness = bad genes thing.