Do You Have to Be Good Looking to Attract Women?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
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In the 7 years I've been reading PUA stuff, I've never heard of a PUA saying that looks don't matter at all (people here tend to think they are the end-all-be-all of getting a hot girl). They encourage guys to take care of acne, hair, dressing style, teeth, etc. Even more, they've [PUA's] always said that looks get you in the door, but inner game keeps you in.

Furthermore, someone posted a video of that Mystery show not too long ago that had the two guys competing, and the guy who relied solely on his looks was only able to open the girl, but not seal the deal.

So, as others have mentioned, looks matter to an extent to men, but not as much to women (they DO matter, just not as much). If they did, then Mick Jagger wouldn't have so many women going gaga over him even though he is famous. Hell, Jay-Z wouldn't have stood a chance with Beyonce, because if you guys haven't noticed, that's an ugly dude...even more, Beyonce sure as hell doesn't need the money.

Just a Shot Away said:
Actually, Brad Pitt himself by his own admission said he got no play before he was famous. (that's without being prone to randomly sh!tting himself, I might add) Said something about...finding it hard to talk to women. That's just WEIRD, isn't it? I mean, if you don't understand sexual selection on the most basic levels that is.
I noticed people ignored this little bit of information, but I read the same thing a while back.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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Being attractive helps.

Being attractive signifies good health/immune system and hormonal balance. It can signify that your ancestors were successful, well fed and able to survive well. So there is a chance you inherited the good genes and you are successful too.

However many facial and body attractive features only signify good health, strenght and agility (hormones). It tells nothing about mental abilities which are also important as you can be perfect athlete but totally useless hunter because you have issues, no patience, no sense of team play and you can't plan and be inventive.

So men being attractive means much less in survival terms than being attractive for a girl which only job is to produce healthy offspring and survive long enough to nurture it. And maybe to be able to pick a blueberries ,chew an animal skin, don't nag, clean/stitch a wound and be fit enough to escape from predators.

btw Thats why fat is not sexy, because it signifies she is lazy, clumsy, you will have to hunt twice as much to feed her and she has metabolic problems because she is from a long line of women who were married to poor hunters, often hungry hence storing fat like crazy.

bottom line> looks 3 points personality 7 points. But be aware that good looks really help in initial contact. However you have to be drop dead gorgeous to make a real difference anyway. Not much of those.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2008
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I agreee that "facial attractiveness" plays little part in paring but physical condition plays a much larger role. I know people who are between 75 or 100lbs overweight and feeel they could pull Megan Fox then get shot down 90 percent of the time. Like attacts Like is what comes to mind here. If you wanna pull someone like MF or someone of that caliber you better have the body to back it up. Lean, toned, tan and a 100 dollar haircut will work wonders for you

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
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bish0p said:
In the 7 years I've been reading PUA stuff, I've never heard of a PUA saying that looks don't matter at all

I can't believe people still bring this crap up on here. Look around you. How many big, fat, ugly looking trolls do you see in daily life with hotties on their arm compared to the other way around? We're not judged on the same merits as they are, you guys. If you're still struggling with getting results, you likely don't see yourself as you're actually coming across to others.

It's nice to look good because it makes you feel better about yourself, but as long as you're well groomed, you don't actually have to "look good" to get attractive women. Look at the MMA circuit. Are ANY of those guys good looking? 90% of them have cauliflower ear. But they live in a world of sexual abundance. Because when you put your focus into honing your masculinity/frame/foundation instead of your appearance, how you look doesn't matter.

Even if a woman thinks she wants a guy that looks a certain way, if you buy into that idea, you're allowing her to control the frame. Which means you're not leading. Which means you're not being the man. The man controls the frame at all times. Instead of buying into her reality that you have to look a certain way, you pull her into your reality that looks don't mean sh!t. If you have not yet learned how to do this, you have not yet developed a strong, solid frame.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2009
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schttrj said:
hahahhahha....i can only laugh at your comment :rolleyes:
I just saying bro its a horrible barometer. Burn victims are 9.5's according to the retards that do the voting on that site.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Nexus Polaris said:

I can't believe people still bring this crap up on here. Look around you. How many big, fat, ugly looking trolls do you see in daily life with hotties on their arm compared to the other way around? We're not judged on the same merits as they are, you guys. If you're still struggling with getting results, you likely don't see yourself as you're actually coming across to others.

It's nice to look good because it makes you feel better about yourself, but as long as you're well groomed, you don't actually have to "look good" to get attractive women. Look at the MMA circuit. Are ANY of those guys good looking? 90% of them have cauliflower ear. But they live in a world of sexual abundance. Because when you put your focus into honing your masculinity/frame/foundation instead of your appearance, how you look doesn't matter.

Even if a woman thinks she wants a guy that looks a certain way, if you buy into that idea, you're allowing her to control the frame. Which means you're not leading. Which means you're not being the man. The man controls the frame at all times. Instead of buying into her reality that you have to look a certain way, you pull her into your reality that looks don't mean sh!t. If you have not yet learned how to do this, you have not yet developed a strong, solid frame.
Great stuff, man. Love the works perfect.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
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Here's my take on the looks issue, based off what I've seen in my 21 years.

Each side of the argument has good points that can be observed in real life. The side that says game matter more makes a good point-simply based off the very nature of women.

Women are fickle. They bore easily and need to be entertained, whether its by you putting them on ice or just having some awesome personality. Looks probably only get your foot in the door.

However, in the real world, I don't see any ugly guys with hot chicks unless we are talking the wealthy, which we aren't because that's 2% of the population.

Hot chicks want hot guys, but here's the thing: they don't want the guy to look better than they do. Girls want to know that they are the pretty ones, they are the ones to be sought after, they are the prize, they are the object of affection. They do not want to compete with their bf's in this manner.

So basically my point is that ultimately, looks DO matter the most. But, girls want you to be a little less good-looking than they are. Studies show that relationships where the woman looks better lasts the longest.

Listen to this wise old man:


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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ArcBound said:
Trader has the right idea. What is the point of making the umpteenth thread about the same thing without managing to convince the other side? Instead of quoting PUA's or scientific articles or the many theories out there, why don't you go out to the field and test it? If you happen to be right, cool, your ego gains +1000 experience points. But at least you know you actually went out there and have a basis and what worked for you. Who cares what the other side thinks about looks? Does it matter that much to all of your egos to convince "the other side" that your stance on looks is correct?
Thanks SIR...will do as you say!


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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DanelMadr said:
Being attractive helps.

Being attractive signifies good health/immune system and hormonal balance. It can signify that your ancestors were successful, well fed and able to survive well. So there is a chance you inherited the good genes and you are successful too.

However many facial and body attractive features only signify good health, strenght and agility (hormones). It tells nothing about mental abilities which are also important as you can be perfect athlete but totally useless hunter because you have issues, no patience, no sense of team play and you can't plan and be inventive.

So men being attractive means much less in survival terms than being attractive for a girl which only job is to produce healthy offspring and survive long enough to nurture it. And maybe to be able to pick a blueberries ,chew an animal skin, don't nag, clean/stitch a wound and be fit enough to escape from predators.

btw Thats why fat is not sexy, because it signifies she is lazy, clumsy, you will have to hunt twice as much to feed her and she has metabolic problems because she is from a long line of women who were married to poor hunters, often hungry hence storing fat like crazy.

bottom line> looks 3 points personality 7 points. But be aware that good looks really help in initial contact. However you have to be drop dead gorgeous to make a real difference anyway. Not much of those.
Absolutely, good looks signify good genes. But a MAN needs so much more than good looks. That's why they say, be a MAN and does not say, be GOOD LOOKING!
;) ;)


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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Nexus Polaris said:

I can't believe people still bring this crap up on here. Look around you. How many big, fat, ugly looking trolls do you see in daily life with hotties on their arm compared to the other way around? We're not judged on the same merits as they are, you guys. If you're still struggling with getting results, you likely don't see yourself as you're actually coming across to others.

It's nice to look good because it makes you feel better about yourself, but as long as you're well groomed, you don't actually have to "look good" to get attractive women. Look at the MMA circuit. Are ANY of those guys good looking? 90% of them have cauliflower ear. But they live in a world of sexual abundance. Because when you put your focus into honing your masculinity/frame/foundation instead of your appearance, how you look doesn't matter.

Even if a woman thinks she wants a guy that looks a certain way, if you buy into that idea, you're allowing her to control the frame. Which means you're not leading. Which means you're not being the man. The man controls the frame at all times. Instead of buying into her reality that you have to look a certain way, you pull her into your reality that looks don't mean sh!t. If you have not yet learned how to do this, you have not yet developed a strong, solid frame.
One thing we still don't understand that not being good looking does not mean being ugly...the question was "do you have to be good looking to attract women?"
...and the answer is NO!
You can be AVERAGE and still attract women. Read the post.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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TIC said:
Here's my take on the looks issue, based off what I've seen in my 21 years.

Each side of the argument has good points that can be observed in real life. The side that says game matter more makes a good point-simply based off the very nature of women.

Women are fickle. They bore easily and need to be entertained, whether its by you putting them on ice or just having some awesome personality. Looks probably only get your foot in the door.

However, in the real world, I don't see any ugly guys with hot chicks unless we are talking the wealthy, which we aren't because that's 2% of the population.

Hot chicks want hot guys, but here's the thing: they don't want the guy to look better than they do. Girls want to know that they are the pretty ones, they are the ones to be sought after, they are the prize, they are the object of affection. They do not want to compete with their bf's in this manner.

So basically my point is that ultimately, looks DO matter the most. But, girls want you to be a little less good-looking than they are. Studies show that relationships where the woman looks better lasts the longest.

Listen to this wise old man:
I agree to you on the fact that girls do want boys slightly less than them in regards to looks. But when you say girls want hot guys, what is the definition of hot guys?


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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TIC said:
Here's my take on the looks issue, based off what I've seen in my 21 years.

Each side of the argument has good points that can be observed in real life. The side that says game matter more makes a good point-simply based off the very nature of women.

Women are fickle. They bore easily and need to be entertained, whether its by you putting them on ice or just having some awesome personality. Looks probably only get your foot in the door.

However, in the real world, I don't see any ugly guys with hot chicks unless we are talking the wealthy, which we aren't because that's 2% of the population.

Hot chicks want hot guys, but here's the thing: they don't want the guy to look better than they do. Girls want to know that they are the pretty ones, they are the ones to be sought after, they are the prize, they are the object of affection. They do not want to compete with their bf's in this manner.

So basically my point is that ultimately, looks DO matter the most. But, girls want you to be a little less good-looking than they are. Studies show that relationships where the woman looks better lasts the longest.

Listen to this wise old man:
I totally disagree. The hottest man will never get more attention than hot girl. He can't "steal" her attention from other guys, unless she goes for the gay guys. So why would it matter to her.

Only time it would matter is when she is truly pathologically narcissistic or she is really ugly and everyone wonders why he dates her or...and this may be the right reason she is afraid she couldn't compete for long with other girls since he is in demand being hot as hell.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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schttrj said:
The distinction between good looking and attractive is an important one to note. Yes, looks can certainly help, but it's 100% possible to be good looking and still be unattractive to women just as the opposite can be true. Game trumps an extent. Being good looking can also affect the baseline level of game you need in respect to the women you're approaching. Joe Nobody will need to bring his A game if he's dealing with a model, but not so much if he's scraping the bottom of the barrel. Now if Joe Nobody has model quality looks of his own, then his bottom of the barrel girls might be someone elses 7s or 8s and those 10s might not need the same level of game a fat short chump might require (assuming we're not talking about a Marissa Tomie/George Costanza situation).


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
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At the end of the day, what does it really matter? Are you gonna look at a chick and say, "She's too hot, I'm not going to talk to her? I definitely won't. There will be exceptions to any kind of rule you try to make. Isn't that the whole goal of this website, to be the exception? Who wants to be average?

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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goodfoot said:
At the end of the day, what does it really matter? Are you gonna look at a chick and say, "She's too hot, I'm not going to talk to her? I definitely won't. There will be exceptions to any kind of rule you try to make. Isn't that the whole goal of this website, to be the exception? Who wants to be average?
Well said. Even if looks DID matter, so what? What changes? Are these guys really going to get plastic surgery? If that's the case, you have much more serious issues than getting girls.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
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God this debate is goes on forever. Guys who are in touch with reality know that looks matter and contribute to your overall attractiveness. However it is far from the only thing that matters in being attractive.

I like to relate this to height in basketball. Is height important to be a good player? Sure. I don't think you will make it to the NBA if you are 5'3. There is usually a range of heights that is acceptable to be in the NBA, the average is 6'6 and the lowest is just under 6'.

But if you are short, that doesn't mean it's the end of you. You just have to make it up in other ways. Nate Robinson and Muggsy Bogues are freaking shorties but they have mad game and incredible athleticism. So if you are 2/10 in terms of looks you need to have mad game and incredible wealth and status to make up for the defect. Also, note that do you don't really have to play the game at the highest level which is the NBA. Lower leagues are fine...such as girls who are 5/10. If you are unfortunate enough to meet someone taller than you who has equal game to you....well than you are just going to get roasted bad. You edge comes from your game and wealth and you need to get that in top shape.

If you are tall it gives you a hugggge advantage. But that doesn't make you the best basketball player at all. How many tall stiffs are there in the NBA making the minimum? Guys with better game are valued more than them. But you also need to remember that their height is probably the only reason why these stiffs have a job in the league since they have no skill whatsoever.

So the point is: Looks certainly help and is definitely one of the criteria that girls use to evaluate your attractiveness. If you are good looking things are really much easier for you and you might stumble into something decent despite having no game. If you have no game you won't be elite and guys with better game can beat you flat. However if you are good looking and rich with game you are unstoppable. Think of Shaq with his size and skill. He dominated the league. That's just how it is.

Another point to note that most guys aren't that far apart in looks for it to be significant. A 6'6 SF and a 6'8 SF playing each other...the 6'8 guy doesn't really have a huge edge. Skills in this case matter more in differentiating the better player. So if you're 6/10 and your friend is 7/ surely can get a hotter chick than him if you have stronger game and wealth.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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What happened to the URL? Until it gets fixed here's the text from google cache:

There is a false notion circulating around the world - you have to be good looking to attract women. This is so far from the truth. In short, you don't have to be good-looking to attract women. You just have to be a MAN. Don't worry if you don't get what I am saying. In this post, I am going to explain on this very fact.

What does good looking mean in the first place?


- of good or attractive appearance; handsome or beautiful

Well, they used the word 'attractive'. And since it is all about attracting women, you have to be attractive, in other words, good-looking, duh. Right? Wrong.
Good-looking means handsome and beautiful, but NOT attractive.
And that is not the be-all and end-all in attracting women.
First of all, you must understand one important thing that good looking is different from being attractive to women. If you have the right nose, the right eyes, the chin, you are just good looking to a woman. But being attractive means 'having something'. Being attractive is not the same as being good looking. Being attractive is about having the sex appeal. And you can have the sex appeal without looking good, period! Ask your female friends and they will tell you what I mean.
You can be attractive by:
Good sense of fashion - Women love guys with proper dressing sense.
Good attitude - You should have the ability to reach the heart from the eyes, they say.
Good physical buildup - Get big, be a man. You DON'T have to be the biggest man on earth, just some muscles that make you look like a man and not a wimp.
And needless to say, anybody can acquire these three qualities, with little focus, effort and patience.

Secondly, what is hot to a woman may not be so to another woman. So, even if you have the right lips for one woman, another may be 'pouting' at your lips. As they say, you cannot be beautiful to all and you cannot be beautiful to none. Some people will always like you, however you are, whatever you are. All you have to do is be confident and comfortable in your own skin. Remember, a good looking who is NOT confident is never attractive to anyone. Confidence maketh you a man.

Thirdly, let me ask you a question. Do you think a woman looks at a good looking guy and she opens the button of her pants for him to get in? Heck, NO, NEVER! If you are good looking, you are just interesting to the woman. If you are really that bad looking, she would mentally reject you immediately. If you are average, she may or may not want to give you a chance. If you are really good looking, she might want to play along. But that's it.

She wants to see that you are that 'attractive' inside as much as you are 'beautiful' outside. If you are a selfish prick from inside and don't even have a game to keep her, then **** your good looks, she is going to go for some another handsome guy. Handsome people are dime a dozen! Look at the fashion world. She may even go for someone who has a strong game.

So, what we learn is...GAME is all that matters. Your good looks will just be a catalyst in the process, if you know what I mean.

Thus, don't fret over your average looks or be elated on your good looks. Rather work on understanding what she wants from you. That's your ticket to attracting women and keeping them attracted to you over the time.