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  1. D

    Mall approach today.

    At this point, it was over. So it doesn't matter that you didn't approach. If you lurk, and she knows it- you're blowing yourself out. That's one of many reasons for the 3 second rule and the act-now-think-later philosophy.
  2. D

    How do you keep the faith going?

    How else do you plan to find out about a chick other than spend a little time with her? Getting a job ain't gonna change that.
  3. D

    Am I reading the signals right.

    Why are you asking this woman for candy and hugging her all the time? It's like you're that touchy-feely guy in high school. I'd quit with all the hugging. If you really wanted to go against good sense and attempt to ask out someone you work with, the time to get her number was after you...
  4. D

    losing a game of phone tag.

    Assuming she doesn't turn up again, which I doubt, here's the truth. You didn't get lost in phone tag. When she cancelled the date the way she did due to "work" it was because she was no longer interested in going out (maybe she never was). Chicks who are interested will keep dates, return...
  5. D

    LTR with lack of common interests?

    Why in the world would you want to want to have an LTR, let alone marry, someone that you have very little in common with? One could ask the same question to this women you're talking about. It makes no sense.
  6. D

    Missed opportunity?...not yet?

    When women answer a question like this, they're assuming / fantasizing in their mind that the girl had really high interest in this guy and was thinking about him ever since that night wishing he'd have asked her out then. That's how their minds work. Under these circumstances, sure- it would...
  7. D

    Could I get her back?

    Like it or not, the reason she's not calling you back is because she met some guy (this is something you agreed to, remember) and is having a good time with him over the summer, and on top of that you've made it such that she knows talking to you on the phone is gonna lead to some deep...
  8. D

    Missed opportunity?...not yet?

    Your best opportunity has already passed. If you call her out of the blue without her giving permission for you to have her number, it will probably come off as creepy. Even if it doesn't, doing things this way will show her a lack of confidence and inability to take change of a situation...
  9. D

    Online Dating Field Report

    Amen. Waste of time. There are chicks on-line that wouldn't even consider replying to your emails that you, if you get any good at it, could pick up in 10 minutes at the grocery store, etc.
  10. D

    coworker question

    Playing games and purposely screwing with chicks heads for some type of amusement (or perhaps perceived revenge) has nothing to do with being a DJ. If you're doing that, you don't get it.
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    Need to get this off my chest...

    Unfortunately, there's a male stereotype out there that guys are supposed to be constantly ready at the drop of a hat day or night to start going at it, and only women are allowed to occassionally be not in the mood. Ain't true. Now don't sit there and overanalyze or overthink this or you're...
  12. D

    Body language and more

    She either really does have a live in boyfriend or she just said that because she decided she doesn't want to take things any further than meeting you for coffee. You're probably overanalyzing the whole body language thing. Way to get out there, though- you'll have to wade through a lot of...
  13. D

    Chatting & IM'img--What Do You Think?

    OK, I'm already on record in this topic saying it's a waste of time- and that actually has been my experience with dating sites like, etc. But, I'm totally not familiar with the IM thing. What exactly do you guys use and how do you go about meeting people in your area? ICQ? Yahoo?
  14. D

    bars and clubs...need advice

    You're on the right track. I think there's a lot of guys who go out to clubs and really hot / trendy bars and don't do very well and get frustrated. They're not really very good places to meet people, especially for the older crowd. Not only is the noise a factor, a bigger problem is that a...
  15. D

    Well, i got an e-mail addy from warm approach

    The fact that she didn't want to give you her number directly is usually not a good sign. Go ahead and fire off a casual message and keep it pretty short (you just want to say hi and see if she'll even write back). Humor would be good. Worry about the rest if she replies, otherwise it's...
  16. D

    Meeting in an elevator, what's a good approach?

    There's no magic words... just make an observation about the day, the weather, how you can't wait for the weekend, how bad the elevator music is... the important part is how she responds. Do you get a polite one word answer or does she offer up something more in return? Ideally at the end...
  17. D

    Chatting & IM'img--What Do You Think?

    I don't see on-line dating, personals, chatting, etc. etc. as anything more than a waste of time, with the odds stacked against the average guy. My experience has been that the people you really want to meet aren't doing that stuff- they're out there meeting people face to face.
  18. D

    Friend (coworker) Advice

    You should do more than stay neutral. You should stay away from this mess.... far, far, FAR away. This scenario plays out all the time. Guys don't change so dramatically in 6 months, which means she married this jerk by her own free will and choice. She's not some kind of victim here. Stay...
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    "Speed" Dating Revisited

    I was wondering what some of the current opinions are on the whole "speed" dating scene. Actually, some are more speedy than others because there's one out there that actually gives you 8 minutes per person. Anyways, I think this has some particular attractiveness for slightly older guys who...