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    LR and Boyfriend Destroyers

    Yeah. That was my ex-fiance. This ain't my first rodeo, pal.
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    LR and Boyfriend Destroyers

    ^^ that's something that I've been thinking about actually, what you said Mike. We grow, we learn, we figure out what works and what doesn't. Yeah - she's def dating the guy as a way to keep things level between her and everything else. So, we'll credit this to game and unfaithfulness and...
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    LR and Boyfriend Destroyers

    Everybody goes through low points, chief. Bad experiences are the carbon footprint of our lives. She's a much better person now than she was years ago, who got out of a bad marriage and has had trouble finding the right person for her. Her kid has nothing to do with their relationship yet. Don't...
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    LR and Boyfriend Destroyers

    In 2006, I dated a girl for a few months. First serious girlfriend, and long the hell before I knew anything about So Suave, PUA, or Don Juans. We never had sex. Tried, but I was nervous and couldn't get it up. Whatever. She was also a junkie, so we broke up anyway. Been in and out of...
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    One on one coffee dates with female friends

    Always. I'm kind of a coffee snob, so as far as I'm concerned, if we go out for coffee, you're on my home turf. I'm comfortable in coffee shops, I wind up knowing the people who work there, and the ones I go to have great atmosphere - perfect for one on one conversations.
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    You guys ever get back in touch with your "no contacts"?

    I'm going to tomorrow. Ex's birthday; told her a while ago I'd be in touch about something. We're not on good terms, at all. We don't even speak regularly. BUT - this is just an experiment on my behalf. Been studying a lot about NLP and transferring it to text patterns. So, I jotted down a...
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    Heartbroken guy - Need some help to open up again

    Having been a practicing PUA for so long, I really dig opinion openers. Or, sometimes opening with a NEG hit is a great way to get things going. Comment on something distracting or negative, and then build positiveness around that. The French girl I started dating. Saw her shivering outside of...
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    Heartbroken guy - Need some help to open up again

    I was more of a PUA than a DJ, but I've learned to be comfortable combining the two. Then when I met her, I dropped the four girls I was sleeping with and retired. Yeah - if I wanted to sleep with a girl, I approached. That's how sh*t gets done. I used a lot of Mystery Method back then. Really...
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    Heartbroken guy - Need some help to open up again

    Okay, first - mustfirstregister? Wrong approach, dude. Not necessary, and needlessly cruel. Second - The first thing you need to do is except that something, somewhere, went wrong enough for either one of you to end the relationship. The best way to get over these things is to go what's...
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    No means yes...

    Don't fight fire with fire. You'll just burn more sh*t down. Fight fire with water. Extinguish that kind of behavior immediately, by punishing her. Make her work for your affection, simply by not showing any. Don't be available for her when she wants you to be, don't give her the affection...
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    She asks "How would you rate me?"

    I call this the "I bet you say that to all the guys" theory. Give her a low number, on purpose. Even if she's a ten. Make it obviously low, like a four or something. I would personally never go lower than a four, unless I make it a ridiculous negative number. It's a solid neg hit, if you do it...
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    I think you can make friends anywhere. I just moved to North Carolina from San Francisco, and the culture is VERY different here. So, I have to go out and keep approaching people (women, men, couples, etc.) to make new friends and meet new people. I assume that's the goal anywhere, right? As...
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    Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and your co-workers far the hell away. Never dip your pen in the company ink, bro. Unless you want that pen to explode in your pocket and get you into a huge mess. I speak this from experience. That's drama you don't want. Making friends at...
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    The Don Juan Bible...

    Mr. Suave has the right idea. It IS a lot of motivational stuff, but it IS necessary. A lot of people who need to read the DJ Bible are AFC's or people fresh out of bad break-ups. Or just regular new members. So, the things that are in there are needed, I think. People who have been here for...
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    Need advice to stop putting HBs on a pedestal

    Beauty is the ultimate sh*t test. Says so in my signature, and in Neil Strauss' book The Game. Think of it like this - the next time you see a pretty girl, you usually only have a few seconds to approach her, right? Mystery says 3, and I tend to agree with that. That means you have three...
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    Clothes! What do you rock?

    Nothing suits me like a suit.
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    Chicks Dig Scars

    We've all been there (in theory). We all have something that drove us here. Be it wanting to lose your virginity (which you should never do with a hooker, by the way, guys) or help getting a girlfriend, or (for must of us) help getting back in the game after that ONE girl broke your heart. Not...
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    What are your aspirations?

    Lots of things. By the time I die, I want three jobs, running concurrently. I want to be a psychologist and help people with personality and sexual disorders, I want to be a film critic (which, I already do, so there's one of my list) and a guitar teacher (I have a couple of students right...
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    URGENT. About to break "no contact" with possible BPD ex.

    That is something I'm in the process of sorting out. I still have residual feelings left over from the relationship, and I know I'm not willing to dive head first back into one with her unless she's undergoing some sort of cemented treatment. Again, once I sort my own feelings out, I'll have a...
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    URGENT. About to break "no contact" with possible BPD ex.

    I'm working on moving past, but keeping myself open to the possibility of sticking by this girl when she needs the help. So, I'll do my best to make myself available to the possibility. It's also important, bigneil, to understand the difference between those who "act out" and "act in"...