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  1. Y

    So many threads about looks, here what´s you need to know

    This all strikes me as a bit... elementary, right? I mean, yeah - looks help, but they aren't a deal breaker. I'm a redhead, so I don't tan much at all, but I take good care of my skin. I have blue and green eyes, so... yeah. I guess that works. But, I'm not Johnny Depp, you know? It's all...
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    I'm fairly certain I'm stepping into the Ultimate Sh*t Test tomorrow night.

    Hahahahaha amazing. This is how I foresee it going - she's going to call me later and ask if I'm still coming, I'm going to say no and tell her that a girl I know wanted to go see the movie and that I'm doing that instead, and then she'll do one of two things: 1. act subtlely offended...
  3. Y

    I'm fairly certain I'm stepping into the Ultimate Sh*t Test tomorrow night.

    See, this is why I love this place. Thanks a sh*t ton, guys. This is true. Like, 100% I think what it was is that the offer itself kind of threw me for a loop and knocked down my defenses. The first date was an actual date, and we did plan on seeing each other again, but this is... a...
  4. Y

    I'm fairly certain I'm stepping into the Ultimate Sh*t Test tomorrow night.

    I've had a string of fairly successful pickups, and am happily spinning 3 plates right now. Consistently fu*king one girl, and setting things up with two others. One, an Asian-American model whom I met and instant dated, we've been talking ever since, and the other a drop dead gorgeous French...
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    what do you do in this situation?

    It's honestly as simple as not giving a sh*t. Think about it - the only reason people bully other people is because they have nothing to offer. Part of being a DJ means being complete on the inside before you're complete on the outside. And would you want to hang around people that make others...
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    Tihash's Daytime Approach Journal

    Good stuff, man. I haven't read all the way through the read, but most of what you've done here is good. You recognize that a chick is in no way the means of being a happy fulfilled person, and you seem to have gotten past the fear of the approach. All important stuff. If you're...
  7. Y

    Do you pay on first dates?

    First off - why are you meeting girls online? Go out and get a tangible broad. Secondly - I always pay. I don't think it has anything to do with devaluing or the like, but it shows that you aren't a broke bastard. What I like to do is wait for the girl to start paying, then crack a joke, take...
  8. Y

    Two pickups today. I'm getting back in the swing of things.

    The one I'm especially proud of is the second one... But, the first one was decent. I was at the Safeway buying some skin care stuff and razors, and the HB6 (slump breaker, I guess, but whatever) smiled at me as I was coming outside. We both had headphones on, so I didn't think much of it...
  9. Y

    what is wrong with ladies help me guys

    rofl. Far be it from me to diagnose, but... AFC. It's cool, cuz you're in the right place. Like everyone else said - check out the DJ bible, specifically every piece of text you can get with Pook's name on it. Don't just skim it and think you've got it. READ. Take notes if need be.
  10. Y

    Semantics..."hanging out"

    Personally, I think it depends on the type of girl you're trying to get with. I've met some girls who get turned off by the word 'date' and would rather just 'hang out' and see what happens. But, like I said, it depends on the girl. No rule book for this one, really. Just your own intuition...
  11. Y

    On dating your boss.

    Thanks for the sound advice, fellas. I think I'm just gonna leave it be. She's certainly not the only woman around.
  12. Y

    On dating your boss.

    Eh. If that's what it comes down to. But, I'm thinking that could be an egregious boo boo when it comes down to the fact that she's my boss. At first glance, neither the situation nor the girl seem ripe for just a quick fvck. Detrimental, I guess is the word, to the employment factor.
  13. Y

    On dating your boss.

    Specifically, your boss/manager/supervisor/whatever. How many of you guys or girls (there are a few, right?) here have been in this type of situation before? Is there any sort of guide to this? Advice, do's and don'ts, "no, don't do it. leave it be."'s? Basically, I just got a job at my...
  14. Y

    I'd like some opinions on something I did during an approach.

    I'm no master DJ, nor do I post here regularly anymore (when I have the time, that'll damn sure change), but I'll toss my two cents in. I dig the approach. I've done approaches like that before - search for the conversation point, or an unintentional peacock, break ice with it, talk circles...
  15. Y

    Being the MAN ... read it!

    I dig it. Well f*ckin' done.
  16. Y

    I need serious help with the Indian girl.

    So, a while back I posted about this Indian girl that I met. We got to know each other and went out a couple of times, and she told me that she wouldn't have sex unless we were in a commited relationship. What I told her was that we could keep dating, but I wasn't looking for anything...
  17. Y

    whats gftog?

    getting the fu*k over gonorrhea?
  18. Y

    Girl says she won't have sex outside of a relationship - a date report

    So, this girl I go to school with (Indian girl, HB8, kinda thick but sexy as hell) and I went for a walk around Treasure Island in San Fran tonight, posted up under a tree and got to talking. I'd kissed her earlier today between classes and we decided to hang out later. It's going swimmingly...
  19. Y

    Basic methods for quick k-closes?

    "Hey, what's up? wanna make out?" good for parties, i guess. :confused: