Two pickups today. I'm getting back in the swing of things.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
North Carolina
The one I'm especially proud of is the second one...

But, the first one was decent. I was at the Safeway buying some skin care stuff and razors, and the HB6 (slump breaker, I guess, but whatever) smiled at me as I was coming outside. We both had headphones on, so I didn't think much of it. But, I stopped to get a pack of smokes at a store I just discovered today; went in there and talked shop with the owner and made friends with the guy. pretty cool. Told me he'd order me whatever liqour he doesn't carry for a cheap price. win. Anyway, I was at a crosswalk and she walks up to me.

Me: Hey, it's you.
Her: Hey. *smile*
Me: Wait, you're not stalking me are you?
Her: *laughing* No, you went to Safeway. I went to Subway. Totally different ends of the strip.

We walked together for a bit; apparently she lives like... three blocks away from me. gofigure. I told her I was kind of new in town, so she told me about some cool spots she knows and we made plans to hang out. No kino or anything outside of a handshake, but there was eye contact and I made her laugh a few times. No jokes or C+F fell flat. So, that's a plus.

Semi-red flag - she texted me like... ten minutes after we exchanged numbers. Nothing clingy or psycho or anything, but in my experiences, girls who don't wait to talk to you wind up being clingy. Could be different this time. She's... 37, and I'm 23. We made plans for Sunday for dinner and drinks at a bar she knows.

All right. The second one.

There was this girl walking down the street this afternoon, baby in a stroller, no older than mid-20's. HB8. She and I lock eyes twice and smile at each other, so I walk a bit past her, turn around and say...

Me: Hey, excuse me. Sorry to bother.
Her: Yes?
Me: I'm looking for this place called the Karma Club, do you know where it is?
Her: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not from around here.
Me: Heh, neither am I. I've only been here for a few weeks. I detect an accent; where are you from?
Her: France.

So, we exchange names, shake hands, talk about her country for a while and places we've always wanted to visit, what it's like being in a new town and not knowing many people other than the group your run with, and why she had a black baby in a stoller. Not hers - she's an au pair, apparently. She's in the country for a year studying English (her English isn't bad at all, btw), and the kid.

Me: He's gettin' kind of fussy, isn't he?
Her: He's usually not like this with me. He doesn't like when strangers talk to me.
Me: Ah. So, I take it he'd try to fight me if I got your number?
Her: *laughing* No, he wouldn't mind.

Got the number and told her we'd talk Saturday and hang out. Long eye contact, and the handshake became kind of a hand hold for a minute.

Fyi - Karma Club doesn't actually exist. I just wanted to see if I could break the ice with something that would disarm her.

Thoughts? Tips? Anything I could have done better? I'm not used to doing daygame or street approaches.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yuma said:
Fyi - Karma Club doesn't actually exist. I just wanted to see if I could break the ice with something that would disarm her.
Totally awesome, I'm gonna start doing that.

Girl 1 sounds totally up for it, go for a drink and then get her home, job done.

It sounds to me like you did everything very well and got good results. Keep up the hard work sir :)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
real smooth bro. props

there's nothing you could have done any better from what I can see.

what do you think you did well? what could you do better next time?


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
Never tell them when you going to call. Say" ill call you sometime" good job on the milf. She's is 37 she a milf whether she got kids or not lol.