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    URGENT. About to break "no contact" with possible BPD ex.

    My PTSD comes from an abusive childhood and an alcoholic father. Breaking up with the BPD - mixed with everything else that was going on - pushed me over the edge into the extreme. Professional help was definitely needed. I'm so thankful I got it. The 5% is actually incorrect. From its...
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    URGENT. About to break "no contact" with possible BPD ex.

    Thanks, Scars and AlexDP. Scars - I've often had the same opinion of this site. I know that I'm on medication for PTSD and anxiety, and based on the research I've been doing, trying to educate myself and grow more as a man to understand what's been going on after being confused for so long, it...
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    URGENT. About to break "no contact" with possible BPD ex.

    Yeah, I get that. But, just trust that she and I do have an agreement about something and I do have to email her. And notice that I said "possible BPD". Obvs I'm not a doctor. I'm a cook. But, out of the several long ass articles and studies and websites and etc. that I read, there's a lot...
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    URGENT. About to break "no contact" with possible BPD ex.

    I'm realizing now that my ex - whom I've talked about a couple of times - is most likely suffering from female borderline personality disorder. A friend of mine tipped me off to it, and I did some reading over the last few days - I swear to god, it was like reading an outline of our...
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    So, I have a problem. A ... "medical" one.

    Okay, so, not to put too much of my personal business out there - but, I recently had to start taking antidepressants. There are some obvious side effects - nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, insomnia(?!), and... well, ... it makes having sex pretty difficult. Now, I should be a lucky...
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    10 Signs You're Dating a Hot Crazy Mess

    Literally, this list - all 10 - is my ex girlfriend, who funnily enough is a model. Bravo. Holy *beep* that's eye-opening.
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    When to ask for the number

    The number should usually be a close to the conversation. If you've got better game than that, there should be a kiss close. If you've got amazing game, insta-date. Or lay. Whichever. But, still - the number has to come first before those, and that's usually the closer. After you "tell" her you...
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    Pick-up Help - Cashier HB7

    This is what I love about San Francisco, man - the women. So many 8/9's everywhere. There's this girl, and there's a bartender at the bar my wingman and I go to a lot. Super sexy - but the IOI's are hard to read, because... you know, she's paid to flirt for tips. I've always equated...
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    Pick-up Help - Cashier HB7

    Excellent. I'm definitely gonna use that. Man, it sucks getting back into the game after a LTR. I was straight retired. But, if I can bag this one, it's a good damn start.
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    Pick-up Help - Cashier HB7

    There's a cashier at a local coffee place here, and she's really damn cute. I've talked to her a couple of times - the girl is pretty cool. Total flower-child, big eyes, two-tone hair... really nice body. I went to get a cup of coffee last weekend before I went to Santa Cruz to visit one of...
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    When girls take ages to text back

    Alle_Gory has the right mindset. In my opinion, she's keeping you on a back burner. Or, on a string, if you will. She knows you're interested, but I'd bet money she's got other prospects she's texting at the same pace she's texting you. If she didn't, she'd get back to you a lot more...
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    Back in The Game.

    Thanks, man. That's exactly where my head is right now. I don't want to go crawling back to the ex. Do I feel like toying with her a bit? Yeah. Getting her emotions a bit ruffled? Sure. Getting her to try and crawl back to me? That's always fun. And I'll be fvcking San Francisco in the process.
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    Ex GF Spending The Night.

    I've never had a girl stay the night at my house, as my guest, that I've not fvcked. Actually, no. One. And that was my then-girlfriend's best friend at the time (who is actually now one of my best friends, and rock solid social proof when we hang out). So, I'll say this - every ex who has...
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    Back in The Game.

    A long while ago, I made some posts about this Japanese-American model I was dating. How she was going overseas to study abroad, LDR's, LT-LDR's, etc. Basically, everyone here told me to back out. But, I pulled a Hail Mary (one of the greatest of my gaming career) and went for it anyway. And...
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    What's the difference between oneitis and having faith?

    So, basically, that's the point of this thread. There's a story to go with it, though, as to why I'm asking. I've posted before about an asian model that I've been seeing. We met while she was dating someone else, we never did anything except recognize that we have pretty strong feelings...
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    Interesting chat with my semi-regular, quasi sort-of girlfriend.

    I've known the girl for a few years. She's one of the security personelle at the school where I'm an RA. I work graveyard and she works morning, so she brings me coffee and something to eat usually; she's very sweet. We'd been flirting since I was a student there, but since I got hired full...
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    A DJ's Code of Ethics

    Now, I did a search to see if there had been anything like this posted before and couldn't really find anything. But, I've been doing a lot of thinking today about certain DJ standards or PUA tactics and whether or not they are relevant to any given situation, or are merely guidelines to be...
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    I need some muscle mass.

    Nothing outrageous like Governor Ahnuld, but just enough to make me a bit more comfortable, if that makes any sense. I'm about 125 lbs, and am about 5'10". I'm a skinny guy. Not weak by any stretch of the imagination, but I have a metabolism from hell and it keeps me from gaining any...
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    Update from last night, plus another DR.

    Recap - French girl I've been seeing invites me to dinner with two other French guys she knows. I'm thinking it's a massive sh*t test, and decide not to go. Or even tell her I'm not going. :D But, she texts me and says she invited a Brazilian girl she knows, too, so... obviously I went...