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  1. Z

    Another man is fvcking the doman of your dreams...

    very motivational post... I think the fancy car, and body like a statue of some greek god would be a nice confidence booster if nothing else... I need to be outstanding! Z
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    REPLACE Your Thoughts!

    a diff of 4hz will put you to sleep so fast. so yeah that woudl be good for meditation. If you want something to energize you, and get you ready for action (like sarging) I think you need a diff of about 30-40 hz. Its been awhile since i studied this stuff tho, so I could be wrong.
  3. Z

    You are no longer DON JUAN when you ____

    .. ahahahaha dumbass?
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    The InterwebPlayboy Dating Method™ - It's French for "Vaginas Galore"

    lol dude thats fukin hillarious. excellent satire.
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    The skin that you are in

    heh hillarious tip...I know a person or 2 who could use some advice like that.
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    Describe what masculinity means to you?

    .... what krassus said..
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    Stop Staying In Your Comfort Zone (1/2)

    Change your perspective on it. Focus on growth instead of discomfort. Reframe it in your own head. It takes focus but that has worked for me often, when I didnt know how I was going to break a weak habit. Only thing I disagree with in the original post is when he says "never be happy." I...
  8. Z

    Finding your confidence! Help me with your comments!

    hmm Rangel is a moron, but hes got balls. That bill is political suicide for anybody who votes for it. and up to age 42? thats a huge chunk of voters who will despise it. I doubt it will leave commitee. I would be surprised if it even gets a serious vote in commitee. If it looks like its...
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    Losing my religion

    I somewhat understand what your going through. I went through something similar in my mid teens. Just before I turned 18 I started reconnecting with them. Recently I have started doing more and more to improve myself. What I have been doing is finding the ways I can relate self improvement...
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    changing mindset

    A few books I would suggest. Awaken the giant within -- tony robbins Think and grow rich -- napoleon hill There are others, but those 2 have some awesome techniques.
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    Too many fat chics!!!

    .... I know a few guys who are into fat chicks...T
  12. Z

    What things does a DJ hate?

    ..... Amen I might be new here, and I am deffinetly not a DJ yet, but it seems to me that the only time people "have to" share likes/dislikes is in retarded HS cliques. I used to avoid confrontation. Not anymore. When someone is a d1ck, stand up to them. Do it in a smooth and...
  13. Z


    well... what helped me turn my frown into a smile was practice! my mouth was naturally downturned so it took a little work for me, But what I did was goto the mall and walk arround with a massive smile on my face. It probably looked i was a lunatic or something, but now a smaller smile sticks...
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    The W8nk Fast

    Im going to do this one im going to do this. It seems like an awesome way to help put things in perspective.
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    It must suck to be a single mom

    dude You have a twisted hateful mind...or more likely your a dumbass attention *****
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    Another Six Months... Are You With Me

    longest I did was 5 weeks (several years ago) My boner wouldnt go away. And if it dropped, it was backup within 2 minutes.
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    very newbie rafc question

    Thanks for the voice exercise. Yeah I did way to much. It was deffinetly a mistake, but I only slightly regret it. If you wanna try and get your lil bro to do other things try this...Start bringing him out and teaching him social interactions as If it was a video game. RPG video games all...
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    very newbie rafc question

    I need some tips for approaching in loud enviroments. Im thinking specifically of a very loud mall. Ive never had a very loud voice, and although there are other ways I could stop a group, I wouldnt be able to keep them interested at all w/o being able to talk to them. Should I just work on...
  19. Z

    Uh oh. Full-blown AFC

    Your me! Your me, right down to the 20 year old virgin thing:( Ive read a ton of stuff, and have started going out and just doing approaches. Its still scary as ****, for me to even try and approach, but it has gotten better. And ive gotten in 1 or 2 funny conversations.
  20. Z

    Secret to ********!

    Hmm this might be a newbie question, but I deff need some help with this. Im working on making a few short story routines, Im wondering If all I need in a story is emotional content to make it appealing to a woman?