The skin that you are in

The Conquistador

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
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I read alot about confidence and being proud of yourself while glancing at some of the threads here.
One peculiar and perhaps overlooked hypocracy of some of the guys today is as follows: white guys that act black and use black slang and profess to have confidence in who they are.
One important aspect of confidence is confidence in who you are personally but also within larger groups that one identifies with. Of course maintaining individuality is paramount to this as well.
I have changed my attitude about these things and trust me the dividends it has payed me in female attention are amazing. To put it quite simply I am proud to be a white, not neo-nazi proud, but just proud. This is one of the reasons that other racial groups appear to be more attractive to women. It is not as much a physical attraction as it is an attraction to the complete confidence they have right down to their DNA.
Lets look at it this way. You are a whit guy with your courage and DJ skills but you talk and walk like someone you are not. This sends a signal of insecurity despite the valiant effort.
I remember the first look I got when I told this tall blonde in a Breda club that I was proud to be a white man (she brought up the race subject) her eyes light up like it was something new and exciting to her. I knew then that I was on to something and it awakened a new me. You see we talk about setting yourself apart so being a fiddy cent or honkeyrasta albino clone will just put you in a heard of truly pathetic bipeds.
Just try it white guys! It works. take down those Bob Marley posters and put up a Napoleon bust or a portrait of a real bad ass like General George S Patton. My place is full of this stuff and the girls love it. And white girls appreciate guys from their own race with healthy pride (once again none of that neo nazi crap)...hey, they want you to take the lead on this stuff. If you act like a gangster you are telling them that is cool and they will leave you to be with the real one wants a knock off!
I am in tune with myself right down to the DNA and it is liberating!
Turn off the Mtv and quit letting popular junk culture tell you what is cool. I make my own cool and I am a cool white guy. And remember part of being this kind of cool also means not insulting other groups and spewing racism because that will also manifest itself as another type of insecurity.
If you white guys are still not convinced just ponder a few of the thousands of examples: It was a "dorky" white guy that broke the sound barier, it was a "dorky" white guy that first stepped foot on the moon, it was some "dorky" white guys that split the atom releasing the most awesome energy ever created by the hands of man. Makes you kind of proud to be a dorky white guy ...right!


Don Juan
May 20, 2006
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hillarious tip...I know a person or 2 who could use some advice like that.

The Conquistador

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
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Creating common ground is important in meeting girls. What can be more common than the most obvious. When I lived in South Africa white people spot eachother like blacks do in all white lands. I have gotten looks from pretty white girls in Johannesburg that mean to say I feel safe because you are here and they will walk closer to me. How many missed opportunities there!
The same group identification happens in majority areas and we must remember that althoughthe rap culture may be interesting it is still an alien culture and nothing is better than common ground for a woman. You can be too exotic and different that it may actually become overload and a turn them off.
Put simply if you are a white guy...."keep it real"! To coin an over used urban phrase.

cant think of a user name

Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
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Nice tip :).

Just one thing, there's nothing wrong with a white guy liking Bob Marley. Just because you're white doesn't mean you have to limit yourself to white music only. Anyone can appreciate Bob Marley!

I mean, imagine if me, being an Asian, only listened to Asian pop singers. Not a chance...

The Conquistador

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
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I did not mean to imply that one should limit everything to your own group. I can only say that when as a white guy you bring a girl back to your place and you have posters of mostly black sports stars and singers and you are regurgitating some mindless Mtv rap inspired babble you look like a fool and I have seen this personally. How is a white girl to respect a man of her own race that is trying so hard to become another? Impossible I say!
My CD collection is quite eclectic but I never lean too much to one genre that would make me a predictable and uninteresting person. That goes for style as well.
My style is "Deat poets society" preppy mixed with super modern. Tweed jackets, loose school ties and knit sweaters mixed with a ultra modern hairstyle and sometimes sneakers. I certainly get more female attention than the baggy jeans, sport clothes clones that funk about town with the rehearsed jive walks. GIRLS EVEN COME UP TO ME! My style has white guy written all over it but with a twist.
Works for me.

cant think of a user name

Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
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The Conquistador said:
I certainly get more female attention than the baggy jeans, sport clothes clones that funk about town with the rehearsed jive walks
Haha okay, fair enough.

I apologise, I didn't realise you were talking about those types of guys, because, well, you hardly see them around these parts. I wasn't even sure they really existed.

Most people in the city actually dress pretty normal, casual and clean, so, I don't really have the experience that you have in witnessing what those guys are really like.
May 29, 2006
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There is a difference between being and doing Conquistador.

If I didn't think you didn't know that, I MIGHT just try to explain it, but most people who have to resorting to insult every white person who follows mtv stereotyping with the word 'wigger' is intolerance. Your saying that NO white guy, who has confidence, lives where everybody speaks the same dialect, and prospers in life by accepting his 'culture' is being true to his skin colour?

I hope you do realize what it is that you believe.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2005
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My friend you are still defining yourself by race, what a joke. People are a product of their enviroment. I know REAL white guys that came up in the hood therefore they act that way, I know REAL black guys who grew up in the boondocks thats why they act that way. Ha i can appreciate the whole white power movement but you contradict yourself. If one enjoys black music, or sports stars and you are telling them to put that away and put some white guy up instead then thats TRULY not being real. By saying this you expose your insecurity with other races especially involving white women. Why else are telling them to rid themselves of these things, these ways? Of course there will always be posers, but there are many who just enjoy these things so dont tell them to stop just because of some race issue, that would truly make them posers.
May 29, 2006
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I'd die if I didn't wear baggy jeans...

The Conquistador

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
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reviewing my posts on this thread you will see that the word "Wigger"was not used by me. I imagine that you being the first one to use this word in this thread along with the emotional reaction to it means that you are psychologically attched to the word in some way.
Perhaps due to the fact that you may be just the very person that I speak of. My "insults" are not insults but merely observations of a trend that seems too common to overlook.
And me being a free man am entitled to an opinion of this subject and I find that these people I speak of are hiding behind another race to cloak their own insecurities.
I only have the best of intentions by telling my fellow white guys that the approach of hanging on the coat tails of another group may be counterproductive.
I think that if you study the issue you may come to the same conclusion. After all the women are not complaining.

The Conquistador

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
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Mac_Laaarry said:
My friend you are still defining yourself by race, what a joke. People are a product of their enviroment. I know REAL white guys that came up in the hood therefore they act that way, I know REAL black guys who grew up in the boondocks thats why they act that way. Ha i can appreciate the whole white power movement but you contradict yourself. If one enjoys black music, or sports stars and you are telling them to put that away and put some white guy up instead then thats TRULY not being real. By saying this you expose your insecurity with other races especially involving white women. Why else are telling them to rid themselves of these things, these ways? Of course there will always be posers, but there are many who just enjoy these things so dont tell them to stop just because of some race issue, that would truly make them posers.
I understand this, so you must also understand that this thread was inspired by those who pretend to be something they are not, not those that were produced by that environment.
May 29, 2006
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The Conquistador said:
reviewing my posts on this thread you will see that the word "Wigger"was not used by me.
You said the women aren't complaining... You took the words straight out of my mouth friend.

I used the word 'wigger' because you've got the same mentality of the people who use the word. I have a psychological problem with people who have your mindset. I made a thread about people being 'scared' of me, THIS CONCEPT that you bring up right now, is something I won't stay sitting for. To me, and for my friends, and future family, the CONCEPT gets to me like you just spit in my face, or kicked my dog.
May 29, 2006
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The Conquistador said:
I understand this, so you must also understand that this thread was inspired by those who pretend to be something they are not, not those that were produced by that environment.
Can you recognize the difference?

The Conquistador

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
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Stackthestyles said:
Can you recognize the difference?
No, I can not just by looking at a person. That is an inner and personal thing that must be answered by the individual. I can say that I have met people that fill the requirements to such a degree that it has reached epidemic proportions. Not all of these pseudo-ghetto geeks are from Compton my friend, the suburbs and that idiot box called the television seems to be the factory churning out these cultural oddities.

The Conquistador

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
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I have to go now..but I am interested in hearing the reactions to my ideas. Dinner time in my time zone you see.
mmmmm I think Salmon is on the menu tonight

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
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The Conquistador said:
Then don't wear baggy jeans and see if for the betterment of humanity your death swiftly comes.
Are you racist or something? Anybody can wear baggy clothes if they want. In some places, people will call you out and pick on you just cus you don't look tough. Baggy pants don't automatically make you look cool but tight ass pants look pretty gay to me


May 21, 2006
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You seem to have ingrained in your little head that there are certain things for white people only and black people only and one would betray his race in diversifying his perspective.

The Conquistador

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
i am me said:
Are you racist or something? Anybody can wear baggy clothes if they want. In some places, people will call you out and pick on you just cus you don't look tough. Baggy pants don't automatically make you look cool but tight ass pants look pretty gay to me
Ah yes, and so the first use of the word "racist" comes into the discussion. I save the knee jerk reaction, politically correct, bolshevik word play for dicussions with the weak minded. I was under the impression that this forum was for grown men that could handle grown peoples discussions. I see that you "men" are offended by grown up concepts and discourse. The automated Pavlovian response to any discussion like this is call someone a racist and hope that that would avoid any real response to the issue. These are words on an internet page not an attack on civil rights.

The Conquistador

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
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Arsinel said:
You seem to have ingrained in your little head that there are certain things for white people only and black people only and one would betray his race in diversifying his perspective.
Not true, If you direct your eyes to my previous posts you would see that I am merely giving advice to the "wanna be" crowd. My experience with this is that many many white girls appreciate white men that have a healthy pride in themselves. That was my advice to fellow white racism name calling.
Quite simply show the same pride that is allowed for other races but is somehow racist for white guys.
Although there are not certain things for certain groups exclusively there are characteristical styles that are most commonly attributed to one group.
Betrayal is a serious word that I did not use. I am speaking about an inner honesty that the individual must explore.
Black guys understand this concept quite well and that is why the phrase "keeping it real" is appropriate for this discussion.