The skin that you are in

May 29, 2006
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The Conquistador said:
Ah yes, and so the first use of the word "racist" comes into the discussion. I save the knee jerk reaction, politically correct, bolshevik word play for dicussions with the weak minded. I was under the impression that this forum was for grown men that could handle grown peoples discussions. I see that you "men" are offended by grown up concepts and discourse. The automated Pavlovian response to any discussion like this is call someone a racist and hope that that would avoid any real response to the issue. These are words on an internet page not an attack on civil rights.
It was a question, not an accusation, if you would spare us your diatribe over your own conditioned responses to the term racist than perhaps you might be able to answer the question.
May 29, 2006
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Oooooh, How did I miss this, almost didn't realize.

What are some of the traits of a proud white man?

Tell me nothing that has to do with the church.

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
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The Conquistador said:
Ah yes, and so the first use of the word "racist" comes into the discussion. I save the knee jerk reaction, politically correct, bolshevik word play for dicussions with the weak minded. I was under the impression that this forum was for grown men that could handle grown peoples discussions. I see that you "men" are offended by grown up concepts and discourse. The automated Pavlovian response to any discussion like this is call someone a racist and hope that that would avoid any real response to the issue. These are words on an internet page not an attack on civil rights.
The Conquistador said:
You see we talk about setting yourself apart so being a fiddy cent or honkeyrasta albino clone will just put you in a heard of truly pathetic bipeds.
Just try it white guys! It works. take down those Bob Marley posters and put up a Napoleon bust or a portrait of a real bad ass like General George S Patton.
why? what if they truely like bob marley or any black, mexican, or asian artists. i'm just saying, there's no such thing as acting "white" or acting "black"

The Conquistador

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Stackthestyles said:
Oooooh, How did I miss this, almost didn't realize.

What are some of the traits of a proud white man?

Tell me nothing that has to do with the church.
Answering a question with a question I can only say: What are some traits of a proud black or Hispanic man? Are you saying there are no redeeming qualities of a white man? That sounds racist to me if you are sying that. Why is everyother group allowed to have pride but when one merely suggests it for white men it is racist?
But, as I said earlier this is merely a tip not an attack on civil rights.
All I know is that there are many white girls that are sick of white guys that think that they are black. It really takes balls to take my viewpoint and the ladies notice that. I can take the hits and verbal onslaughts by the pale soul brothers and fake gangsters. Grow a pair of balls and be proud of the skin that you are in. You dont have to be a racist to have this viewpoint just exercise the same rights allowed to other groups.

The Conquistador

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
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i am me said:
why? what if they truely like bob marley or any black, mexican, or asian artists. i'm just saying, there's no such thing as acting "white" or acting "black"
So, if there is no such thing as acting black or acting white than you are saying that the hip hop culture that originated in the black inner cities was not fertilized by the black experience in those inner cities. You are a racist for saying that! How dare you say that the blacks do not have a seperate and unique culture. A culture that manifests itself in a seperate English slang and style of dress.
Now, I am sure that there is a common culture that all groups accept.....such as in the work place people tend to adapt their unique cultural aspects to the common culture of the larger society. Some people may cross cultural borders in certain areas such as music and speech patterns blurring the lines a little but the large cultural picture is still visable to those with understanding.
I assure you that there are diverse ways of acting that can be attributed to certain groups. Noticing that is not racist it is merely pattern recognition that only intellectually advanced people can recognize.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
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i agree with The Conquistador. the same people thats always preaching "keep it real", are the same people who are afraid to show there true self. You get more respect from people when you be yourself then if your trying to be fake.