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    Male Superiority!

    naturally males are dominent look at the animal kingdom is the reoson women dont like wimpy guys the like assertive men
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    I will never eat a raw egg again.

    i mix them with protein shake and other stuff in a blender it wont taste as bad and you wont feel it
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    Bros before hoes? Bullsh!t!

    theres a good friend you know someone you trust and you enjoy the company and are able to talk about anything without worrying "o i dont want to look weak" me i have good friends like 2 or 3 but trust me there good friend ans sure wouldent put hos before them
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    are shoes that important

    have shoes played a role in picking up chicks for you guys i am saying this because recently me and my family are geting really tight on money because were in a bit of debt and my old shoes which cost around $70 are scratched and peeling off and if i want new shoes i might have to but more...
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    MYSPACE INSTRUCTIONS - from 1st message to 1st date (VERY INFORMATIVE)

    its a good site you meet great chicks its also fun making your pro i dont know why people seem to hate and alot of people have one. but it should not take over your life to where the only girls you talk to are through myspace
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    How do you deal with guys who try to ruin your game???

    hes so jelous he envies you if anything hes making an ******* of himself
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    I'm 38, and I'm still living at home with my parents

    38 and still with his parents wow
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    Looks vs personality

    i would say personality with that could get a chick looks are a small % of the package
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    First day of school...

    lol thats just a steretype and mr rogers dont take stuff so seriously
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    The Quiet One.

    try to get a good friend you could talk with about anything and from him expand it to others. and smile and laugh look more approchable
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    Does anyone get egged on by their dad?

    my dad just tells me look shes pretty but i act uniterested in the girl so my would leave me alone and stop telling she pretty shes goodlooking etc
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    Looks Determined by **** Your Wearing?

    i had girls tell me i like you how you look in this shirt or that shirt looks "weird" on you so i guess a shirt does have a lot to do with and the type of chick you want to impress like there is chicks who like polo shirts some who like southpole shirts . i think shirts are important its like...
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    The worst thing to say after sex

    lol thats funny
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    afc friend that copies me

    if its true that hes easily persuaded than persuade him to talk to some girls just be like do it man youll never have another chance like this maybe if he gets a girlfriend he might not spend so much with you
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    Interested in a MUCH younger girl

    its up to you there some highschoolers with collage guys
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    when your 6,4 how do u kiss?

    when i see a guy bend down to kiss his girl i dont think nothing of it its nothing to make a big deal the other person unless shes real short it aint nothing to fuss about
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    A DJ likes to be proved wrong.

    i dont think chicks like being prooved right they might just think "**** i told him bit he didint belive me"
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    Eye Contact MADness!

    thats great advice just grab your balls and talk to her LOL
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    complete silence. what to do?

    give more details.....try talk about her opinion like what do you think of.....