First day of school...


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
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So I had my first day of sophomore year today at an entirely new school (moved to Atlanta), and for the most part... it sucked god-like ****. Alot of the people were douchebags and snobby that it made me sick. Or it could be because I didn't really talk to a lot of people. I wasn't really in the mood for making friends today. I was quite busy trying to find my classes so that also took up time. But I only talked to like 2 people. One was a freshman who kind of blew me off (he was a guy, bros before hoes), but he was kind of a loner. I would've went over to people that were in my class if it weren't for the fact that most of them looked like losers... Then there was this sophomore mexican chick who I got into a little conversation with at lunch.

I know I should be grabbing my balls more to talk to people, but I haven't really done that all summer (to busy with traveling and moving and all that jazz). Do you guys like go up to a table with hot chicks and just sit down and start talking to them? At my last school I was the **** with everyone, so I didn't have to put much effort into meeting people but now I have to heh... :down:


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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Omaha, Nebraska
Excuses anybody?


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
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I forgot to tell you guys it was the first day for me, school started a week ago for the others...

Anyways, today was even worse than yesterday. I swear people here are douchebags, even the nerds/losers. Most of them are generic, short haired jocks, losers, preps, and a few goths/punks. I started off the day late (there was a swarm of ants in my car... don't ask), and I got an unexcused absence because the people in the office are douchebags as well. Anyways, at lunch I tried to find people to sit with, and since I just wanted to start off with a few not so cool friends, I sat with this kid who was in my German class who I only talked to once. They basically ignored me, then got and left!! I was the **** with everyone at my last school, and then I get denied by a bunch of ****ing nerdy losers! WTF!! But they came back, I think they went to talk to some people. But anyways, then they're like "who the **** is this kid" and I say I'm new and introduce myself, but it doesn't go far, and then boom back to class. Last period, I meet this other new chick, who was nice at first but then straight up didn't really look at me the rest of the period! I was pretty bummed today... But the thing that really pissed me off is that I didn't even have a backpack, so I had to carry like 3 big ass textbooks and my folder and all the jazz through the hallway looking like a ****ing loser. ****. But that's the last day of that... I'm gonna try and hopefully actually get a friend or two tomorrow before I worry about the chicks. But at this point, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to since the people I've seen so far have been total jackasses. :down:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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Mmm. Think about it from this perspective seen as you were popular at your old school if a new kid came to your school what should or could he do that would make you think his cool or good to hang out with?


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Alright, today was pretty good. At my first period class that I haven't been to yet, I met these 3 chicks who were pretty cool. I pulled some jokes and they seemed to like me. At science, I started opening up to these black people, and I got on their cool side (we were making fun of this snobby blond chick). Then at lunch (also, I missed an opportunity for convo with that snobby blond chick, damn!) when I was worrying about who I was gonna sit with (lol), one of the chicks from the morning came over to ask to sit with them!! So yeah, 2 of em are ok, but 1 of em is an 8 (she seems to be the most interested in me), and I'm gonna try and get her number tomorrow. But the thing is that I forgot all of their names... should I ask them again or what?

But I missed so many c+f and neg hit opportunities today it wasn't even funny... :down:


Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, coolest thing for any white American boy is to be accepted by the black kids.
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
sparky0000 said:
Yeah, coolest thing for any white American boy is to be accepted by the black kids.
lol blackguys or blackpeople have big dycks and can get girls unlike us white boys :(


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2006
Reaction score
dreamx_viper_banned said:
lol blackguys or blackpeople have big dycks and can get girls unlike us white boys :(
lol thats just a steretype and mr rogers dont take stuff so seriously


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2006
Reaction score
You know that movie "The New Kid" you should be like that guy.

Case closed.



Don Juan
Aug 18, 2006
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holy crap.. your school sounds just LIKE MINE!!!
all the new kids at my skewl HATE THE CRAP outta my school every single one even the girls

thankfully though im nice and likable i guess so i usually help them out

if i were u i would try to be very outgoing pretend like ur from Eden or something and own all of them :D

dont be silent and stuff introduce urself so u dont look like a weird following loser o_O

those 3 girls sound kewl though u shud be able to spread ur influence through them a bit to


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
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not telling :P
I'll be new at a new school soon so i'll be keeping an eye on this thread. I've been to a few new schools before ( keep moving around) and the first few days make me physically sick and nervous you know with not having any people you know, new building and so many new people around. Have you got this or is it just me? Anyways good luck and keep the tips comming people?


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Well school seems to be going good for me now.

Yesterday was pretty much awesome. I started out talking to those 3 chicks, and this one other dude who seems hella cool. Anyways, at lunch, I was planning on sitting with those chicks. However, when I was waiting line, there was this dude in my math class, who turned out to be a junior (failed I think, or something was screwed up), let me cut in line and I sat at his table!! Not only did I meet a few people, but these people seemed really awesome. They even offered to give me a ride home some day if I needed it!! However, I never got to get that one chick's number that I planned on getting...

Anyways, today was another good day. I got closer to that HB8 I'm keeping an eye on in my first period. Pulled a few jokes, and she asked me what I was doing this weekend, and if I was going to the football game. I said no, and she said she wasn't either!! Anyways, I kinda ditched my new junior friends (told them I was gonna go talk to this chick and that I'd be right back, and they were all like "good luck dude", but I never went and talked to them after that) at lunch, and went to talk to that chick. She's definately interested. But I stole this one guy's chair, and joked with him about it (which were pretty lame, but I didn't want to give up the seat), but never gave him it back (it was right across from the chick), so he got a bit pissed about that. He said "you just want to get into (HB8)'s pants". Forgot what I said for that though... Anyways, in the end, after lunch was over, I walked with that chick to class. She asked what I was doing this weekend, I said "I didn't know". I did the whole 'we should chill sometime, what's your number', and got it. Then she said I should come over sunday with another one of her friends!! I'm trying to decide if I should call her tomorrow on it, or just forget about it and do it another day to show I'm busy?
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Alright. Well I had a pretty good weekend. I didn't hang out with that chick (to busy getting drunk off my ass on saturday and on friday I was just busy), but I did manage to call her on sunday. She wasn't there when I first called her so I tried again 45 mins later, wasn't there so I left a message.

Today at school, we didn't have first period, so I didn't talk to her then, but I saw her in the hallway. She said she knew I called and she got my message, but gave me a reason which I forgot, why she didn't call back. Next period (my classes got changed around so I got 2 new ones) I met these two chicks (7.5, 8) who seemed pretty much into me, talked with them, and made them laugh a bit, then walked with them to my next class. At lunch, I was gonna sit with my junior friends, but I couldn't find them so I sat with that chick. I was a few chairs away from her but when some people left she went over and sat right next to me. We talked but the conversation seemed a bit empty (went silent a few times, but I was tired :yes: ). But I did find out that she drinks and has done drugs (didn't do them since 4/20/06 she says though). I asked her what she was doing this weekend, she said she didn't know yet, but I didn't say we should chill because I'm trying to decide on a fun place to go. Anyways she asked for my number so I gave it to her, then the bell rung then I walked with her to class. On the way there this dude pops out and tells her that her gf broke up with him so she gives him a hug, and starts talking to him, so I give her a hug (first hug!) and off to my next class (I don't see her for the rest of the day as usual, except for when I saw her talking to this one dude. She might've seen me but I pretended like I didn't. I'm not entirely sure but she might be bordering on attention *****? I'll have to wait and see more. But I shouldn't care right now, right? Right). Finally in my last class I see this one blond chick that caught my eye, but she might be into black guys, so probably a no (...).

I'm pretty curious as to what tomorrow might bring.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
This thread won't die on my watch!!!

Today was a good day. A very good day. First period we went to get our school pictures taken (it was out of the blue, no one knew that today was picture day...), so everyone was unprepared... haha... yeah...

But anyways, second period. Those two chicks that I met yesterday, well I'm starting to get into one of them. She's hella cool. And even cooler that I sit right next to her. We talked for a bit at the beginning of class, then we got silent when we had to do an assignment. But she got out this kid's coloring book and colored pencils as a joke. So I take them and start coloring on them... and she's cracking up... and then the teacher comes over laughs a bit and asks "is this yours?" I say "yes"... funny stuff. So yeah, that was a very good period. So I walk with her and her friend and joke around a bit to the next class. Next class is pretty gay... So lunch comes and I meet some more juniors!! I go and talk to my original junior friends and I meet these hardcore kids! They even want me to join their band! How cool is that!

Anyways, today was good. I'm definately gonna try and get that chicks number before friday if all goes well. There are signs that I think she's giving off, or maybe I'm just to observant. But she copied my movements like 3 times (I put my arms on my desk, she does. I sit back and put my feet up on the chair in front of me and so does she.), then with the whole coloring book thing, and then she basically laughs at all of my jokes. Yesterday she was eyeing me like crazy in the beginning of the class, but I only caught her gaze once (because well.... I actually don't ****ing know why I didn't look back), which she smiled to. But after that she stopped looking at me as far as I could see. But I do know she is definately into me.

And does anyone know of anything funny to do to a chick that sits right next to you?


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Good job man, wish I had your charisma. I'm a junior already, and I haven't made half as much progress as you.