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  1. D

    Humble Homecoming? Thank YOU!

    Thanks Rogers.
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    Humble Homecoming? Thank YOU!

    :cuss:... I ran outta lotion and who uses kleenex? I use Bounty the quicker picker upper. Anyway, there is absolutely nothing I can do...? I refuse to believe that. Mistakes can be fixed... I hope. When it comes to this chick I never get it right.
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    Humble Homecoming? Thank YOU!

    Today (Aug 28, 2006) starts the second week of my senior year in HS. Blah blah. My homecoming is Sept 30 of this year. Ever since frosh year I was and still am really into this girl (who is the same year as me) in my art class and we've gotten a tiny little bit close in the start of this...
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    Help with a friend.

    I say put up or shut up. I'm part of this group of friends where my friend is almost in the same situation. Kenny is you and Andy is the "friend". From what I can tell Kenny is kinda like you except he's more quiet. That makes him easier to walk on. Andy is exactly like your "friend". We...
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    How to make friends/girlfriends

    It's a pretty straight forward (short) tip. True nonetheless... But your tip may require some people to change... don't change for anyone unless its changing from an AFC to DJ. :rockon: All who feel me rock on. Go Italy!
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    Transferring to Public School...

    Welcome to the hard life... people in public schools are savages. They often eat each other from time to time. :woo: Nah I'm just kidding. I, myself, transferred to public school the beginning of my sophomore year in HS. Best advice I can give you is to set a good image for yourself, that is...
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    Strategy to win my gf back.

    Heres a new plan... fool proof as most would agree... FIND A NEW GIRLFRIEND Edit: Don't do this in the plan to win her back... just find someone new... if she (the girl who left) comes back to you then good, work with it.
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    Interested in a MUCH younger girl

    if she was a freshman last year.. then maybe... but that's still stretching it a little... Don't go for it man.
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    It's Summer Vacation now, it's time for a change.

    Ok... you have recognized what is wrong with you (flaws) and now fix them... i'll leave your some suggestions... -I don't eat right. -> Eat right? -I'm extremely lazy -> get your ass off the couch -Smart, but I don't apply myself enough. -> just apply yourself to reading a book or newspaper...
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    feel like sh1et tryin to be stronger

    What happens when they perfect teleportation? :rock: Potbelly, you need to man up. You need to speak with three people. 1. Your friend... tell him you're trying to get with her and I'm sure he'll understand. 2. Her... tell her you wanna hook up or just play some DJ **** on her to get you...
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    Sir, I have the easiest and probably fundamental answer... go to this great website... if I remember it's... . It offers previous tips on how to stand out (positively) from other guys. I suggest the DJBible... :rock:
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    How would a DJ sign yearbook?

    Exactly... 1life I wouldn't be suprised if you used what everyone posted word for word... ;)
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    Things you did that changed your reputation?

    Is the showboat in town? :rock: Haha jk. After each of my classes I find someone to walk and talk with in the halls. That someone is either a cool guy or a good looking girl. I'm not desperate about it because they are people I would normally talk to... You just have to make an effort to talk...
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    I keep losing to damn Emo kids lol...

    hahahah. That deserves a rimshot. I'm kinda into emo girls and emo girls just hook up with emo guys... It's just how it is. It's just like the majority of ghetto guys will date ghetto girls. But, honestly when you said you thought about being emo that was a sign of some weakness. Never change...
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    the talk

    If you mean to say that you are waiting for her to talk to you (perhaps about exclusivity?) then I say stop waiting and you talk to her.
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    How would a DJ sign yearbook?

    Mission, I just remember doing that last year on a few signings. I did it on two extremes. I remember writing in French: -"You are the star in my eyes." something sappy like that. or -"I wanna do you all summer." something along those lines... I got excellent results nonetheless...
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    How would a DJ sign yearbook?

    I must have overlooked "the alpha way to sign a yearbook" meh... I've created a useless thread.. feel free to applaud me.
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    lack of car seriously hurting my game

    Having a car is a luxury. Having true game is essential for a DJ. That is to say... If you don't have a car you're not on the bottom of the list. If you don't have DJ skills that's why you're on the bottom of the list... or so you feel. It's not bad to not have a car. I know guys who get...
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    How would a DJ sign yearbook?

    Plain and simple an AFC would sign it like an AFC would... which is as follows: Hey. This year was fun. Hope you have a good summer. #Signature# How would a DJ sign a yearbook? How could a DJ use the signing of a yearbook to his advantage? Trainee 10
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    How To approach this situation

    I had the exact same situation where a girl was REALLY into me and I was a dumb AFC and didn't act on it. When she moved on I notice how much I really liked her and blah blah. From then on I learned that 'Patience' is a virtue. You have to play the game (the DJ Game) but not as you would if you...