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  1. D


    Keep your head up. Things should come natural, don't rely solely on all these DJ tips and guides. Be yourself. If you have an optimal outlook on it you'll have optimal results. Don't let yourself down. "You'll never fail in life (dating :D), as long as you keep picking yourself...
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    This Is A Sad Sad Site

    Its not sad that there is an underground community for dating tips. Figure it this way, JohnPed, eventually you'll ask a pal of yours for advice on a chick or for dating advice in general. That's basically what's going on here. We're all just a huge bunch of pals, strangers nevertheless, who...
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    Pimples! Breakouts! Acne!

    Yes, this is not a cure for acne. It's just a way to reduce breakouts until your body stops breaking out, usually after your adolescence years.
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    Pimples! Breakouts! Acne!

    I was debating myelf whether or not to post this, on terms of sounding foolish. So anyway I figure it may appeal to some of you. I suppose this will appeal to some high schoolers at the ages pf 14-18. If you have stubborn acne or pimples there are a few actions you can take: X-Go to the...
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    Guitar Questions!

    thanks guys both sites helped a lot
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    Guitar Questions!

    Hey, I'm planning on buying two guitars. I'm new to the guitar so keep that in mind. I want to know what are decent names and models for electrics and acoustics. I'd also like to know what are a few tips in buying these guitars, such as sound and price etc. Basically I'm looking for a...
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    Party Guide? (Super Bowl?)

    haha thanks...
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    Party Guide? (Super Bowl?)

    Okay, One of the cool jocks just invited me to a Super Bowl Party (Feb 5th, about a month from now). Cool, I'm in. Theres going to be 50 or more guests +1 so possibly over a 100 or more people, I don't know if that's a lot for a party but this is probably the biggest party I've been to all...
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    when the chicks a virgin/not experienced...

    Maybe you jumped into sex too quick. Yes it is possible and causes the problem of her not being wet enough. If this was the case you should have did a little more foreplay and dirty talking to get her aroused and wet. :woo: If you want to screw all that then next time just use a lubed...
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    I have a bad smile

    A smile is something you can practice... but why fixate over it? It is a bit wierd, so I think. Ask exactly what is 'wrong', I use that loosely, with your smile. If its too little of a smile, smile a bigger smile. If its too big of a smile, smile a smaller smile. A smile should...
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    AOL Instant Messenger

    I recently saw a tip here about going up to a girl and saying "Hey are you Anne?" Purposefully saying her wrong name. She'll say "No." Then you say, "Oh what's your name?" or something on those lines. Then get creative with it and just get to know her. Say things that makes her take...
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    Mysterious New Year's Eve Call!

    Hey, Happy New Years. On December 31 a girl called my house, before I left to go to a party. She said "Hey, Happy New Years and jokingly said I LOVE YOU!." I didn't know what to say but managed to say, "Uh, I love you too?" in a confused voice. She then said "Bye." and giggled...
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    not gettin a kiss after the 1st date

    I don't think it means you failed and I don't think it means there is no second date. Don't dwell on the kiss, rather, dwell on the second date and if its going to happen. I say if she doesn't kiss you on the second date then it shouldn't be as bad because she did come on a second date...
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    I tried to go out with 2 women at once, during the same time frame. That proved to be tough.
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    fight bak?!?!?

    Spell check. I agree with you, just don't fight. But what do you do if someone is on your case for no reason, day after day? My cousin, who is in his late 20's now, is a nice guy, no doubt about that. He told me that in high school there was this one kid who would always give him a tough...
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    need to learn how to dance

    You can read all you want on how to dance, and I suggest it, but you won't get positive results unless you practice. Ask a female friend who won't have a problem to teach you. Ask her to teach you to grind. Knowing you're inability to dance you'll be over your head. ;)
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    The Dreaded Lip Hair, Advice?

    If shes someone you want to hang onto never tell her to shave her "mustache". It will grow like a mans, harder and thicker. I know its possible because my lunch lady has a mustache, NO JOKE! Tell her to wax the hair "above her lips". NEVER call it a mustache to her face. Hope this helps.
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    wow... i was betrayed...

    -If people make fun of you, laugh with them, and make a witty remark back. Nothing too offensive but nothing weak either. -Be nice. -Make friends with ANYONE, not out of desperation, but because if you do their friends will be friends with you and so on and so on. -Don't pull the whole bad...
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    I don't smoke, never have. Most girls don't smoke in HS and most girls are interested in guys who don't smoke. I say, if you do smoke, don't smoke the whole pack infront of people you want to impress, namely girls in your HS. I also have to agree with you Mighty, I like when girls smoke...