Pimples! Breakouts! Acne!


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2005
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I was debating myelf whether or not to post this, on terms of sounding foolish. So anyway I figure it may appeal to some of you.

I suppose this will appeal to some high schoolers at the ages pf 14-18.

If you have stubborn acne or pimples there are a few actions you can take:

X-Go to the doctor and ask for medication at your next check up and what not. He or she will prescribe a gel cream, namely Duac gel.

Intructions for Duac are quite simple.
1. Wash your face with soap and water. Rinse and dry by moderately patting your face with the towel, don't wipe your towel on your face.
2. Apply Duac gel as instructed.
3. Repeat daily as instructed, or as stated otherwise by your doctor.

The Duac causes all blemishes under your skin to surface to the top. This means you will breakout more. Thats good, because the Duac is doing its job. Just repeat the instructions for the Duac daily as instructed, or as stated otherwise and then you can wash away all those surfaced pimples

Duac gel should last a month or two. If you run out just make sure you wash your face regularly (maybe 2 times a day) and breakouts shouldn't occur as often. Ask your doctor for a refill if you want.

Results occur in at least a month.

X- Proactiv is one of the best endorsed acne treatment face product. The simple package of Proactiv comes with detailed instructions and the neccesary face products.

Basically just follow the instructions for Proactiv in the instructions pamphlet. Also, remember when drying with a towel, moderately pat and don't wipe.

A 2-month supply, the simple package, costs somewhere near 30-45 dollars.

Results occur in weeks. However, the results are not as permanent as duac. You may want to buy a 3-month or 4-month supply from the get-go. If not just buy another 2-month supply after your first one depletes.

The results of both routes are NOT 100% permanent but you will see a signifigant decrease in breakouts, a really big decrease. Duac is a stronger way to go. Proactiv will also get the same results as Duac just as fast but isn't as permanent.

PIMPLES GROW BACK ALL THE TIME AT THIS AGE. The advice (the two routes) I gave you are ways to clear your face and start with a clean slate, or clean pores, so to speak.

*****From then on you have to keep good care of your face, namely wash it everyday maybe even twice (or three times) a day.*****

Quicker Tips:
-Neutrogena Morning Burst is a good face wash.
-If you have oily skin, try using Neutrogena Oily Solution face wash.
-Stridex Pads works wonders, whether your skin is dirty or oily, give it a try.
-When showering, perhaps a minute before you get out of the shower, turn the water hotter than usual and just put your face in its stream. This helps open your pores and unclogs them.

Meh. I really hope this was helpful to someone. :up:

Trainee 10


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2005
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You can also your doctor about pill, I can't recall the name though. They will cause a difference after a month and will remove almost all pimples after 6 months.
There are also face wipes that the doctor can prescribe that work very well.
I am combining both and after about a month there has been a very noticable notice difference on my face. Just make sure to get plenty of sun since the wipes bleach out your face.
Try these 2 out^^ you won't regret
Feb 7, 2005
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Smewhere out there
I've been on a few different acne treatments. I've never had terrible acne, so all of them have worked relatively well, but I'll just give a rundown.

Topical Creams/Gels:

Differin: Worked well for me, but dried out my skin too much during the winter months. Apparently dry skin is a common problem with this one.

Duac: I was prescribed to only use this in the moring. It had bleach in it (yes it will bleach your clothes in your not careful), but worked well, and got rid of scarring from acne.

Tazorac: This is what I've got now. Works well and doesnt dry out the skin. No complaints.

Oral medications (aka pills):

Tertacycline: This is the basic prescription that your suppose to start off on. If it doesnt help, your dermatologist wil change your prescription.

Minocycline: Like tertacycline, but more powerful.

There are many more oral medecations, but those are the only two I've been on. There is also accutane, which my cousin was on. Its like the most powerful acne-stopper there is. Works wonders from what I've seen, however you wouldnt be on it for long, because there is statistically a higher level of depression (and even suicide) for people who are on it.

I've also used Plexion wipes, which are like wash cloths with medecation on them. You use them in the shower. The worked great for my back, but can dry out the skin during the summer.

Hoped that helped elaborate on prescription based acne questions.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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I think this works best, www.acne.org

its pretty cheap stuff. except i stole the best acne stuff from our grocery, and take them with my medications... pills.

Acne antibacterial pills (day/night)
benzol peroxide cream 10% (three times a day)
Alpha Hydroxy Acid Moisterizer Low% (after the BP cream dries)

Pretty much the name brands I used are

Clearasil Ultra BP Cream (the small tube that says tinted or invisible... pick the invisible)
Neutrogena some kind ($22... stolen)


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
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L.A. ish
Originally posted by MikeS

I think this works best, www.acne.org

its pretty cheap stuff. except i stole the best acne stuff from our grocery, and take them with my medications... pills.

Acne antibacterial pills (day/night)
benzol peroxide cream 10% (three times a day)
Alpha Hydroxy Acid Moisterizer Low% (after the BP cream dries)

Pretty much the name brands I used are

Clearasil Ultra BP Cream (the small tube that says tinted or invisible... pick the invisible)
Neutrogena some kind ($22... stolen)
Wow i can't believe you actually know that site. I was about to post it too how awkward. Well anyways that site is probably one of the best sites you can go to learn how to fight your acne. It has worked wonders for me.

Another tip is that different products work for different people. For example, I tried ProActiv and I did not see any results. I then stumbled upon acne.org and tried the bp gel and i have maybe just one or two pimples every week nothing noticeable (in other words very mild acne).

Something that also works for me is that I dont wash my face with soap (I take know credit for this idea; i found it on a post on MAsf). This has also helped me bunches. At first I didn't realize that how it worked, but then it hit me. Acne is also caused by dry skin and soap actually dries your as it is cleaning it.

Well, I really do hope this helps.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
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None of these things work.
Just stay clean and they'll go by themselves, in time.
There is no magic fix.


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2005
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Yes, this is not a cure for acne. It's just a way to reduce breakouts until your body stops breaking out, usually after your adolescence years.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2005
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I usually
1:wash face in hot water cause it opens your pores
2:damp face
3:apply benzolye or acne cream