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  1. 5

    What is up with the grammar and spelling on this site?

    Actually he did take that into consideration and stated that in his 2nd paragraph. He is right too. Valuable information doesn't even get glossed over in my book if it's not written with at least some structure.
  2. 5

    how to massage

    Being a massage therapist, it's actually very easy to have a woman fall for you and 9 time out of 10, you won't even realize it. They can feel your confidence with each movement and you control the pace and if you focus, you will be devastating. I've lost count on how many times when women...
  3. 5

    go back begging? or screw it?

    Never beg. Never surrender. Period!
  4. 5

    Do you mumble?

    I was told that by a bartender about a few months ago at TGIF. The flirting was there and everything but she kept saying that I mumbled. The situation was one I was barely holding onto so it was an even seat of power and I couldn't find an edge to make it mine. So I figured the mumbling came...
  5. 5

    I have a bf line

    Depends on how your approach was. I've been hit with that line too. It kinda sucks but at the same time, at least I found out right then and there instead of it being a drawn out process and using my resources to get this girl and then hear the line. Went down that road too. Also did the "take...
  6. 5

    Does a DJ ask if he'll be wasting his time?

    I'm going thru this same problem right now...except the girl is spectacular looking and she has more interest than I have. The better question to ask yourself is if she sparks a desire in you. Just because she's fine as crack doesn't mean you have to scam on her. That would be basing your...
  7. 5

    Am I at a disadvantage, with not having a cell phone?

    I used to rock a pager about a year ago and still got numbers. With a cell, you can have it on and don't answer it. Women sound so cute on voicemail any way. Like others say, $40 isn't really anything but you don't need a phone that's a transformer. Get cingular or verizon since everybody else...
  8. 5

    Why Married Men Cheat

    I think Dean's the only on in this post without a negative attitude. He's right though. It's like grade schoolers running around with broken chalk throwing rocks at girls because they are stupid. It's really surprising the amount of "men" offering fvck off advice instead of really listening to...
  9. 5

    Why Married Men Cheat

    Interesting read. But there is always another way to look at the story. Instead of bashing her, look at how what she wrote about. Many men do fall victim to the very thing she's saying. Many girls do the thing she speaks about. This is no secret. It hits home with me because I actually watched...
  10. 5

    Are we doing our part?

    There is a bit of truth to the words you speak. I've been noticing alot lately that both camps(guys & girls) have been pointing out each others "shortcomings." I had a talk with a female friend of mine tonight on this very subject as a matter of fact. The bottom line to all of this is that both...
  11. 5

    The NON-JUAN Post: Porn is Your BEST Friend!!

    This stuff is hilarious. Simple information for the guys who can't look at advice straight forward. But yeah, too much porn is like poison. I have a small stash but that's only motivation to go get the real ones.
  12. 5

    Question about a girl's intentions

    Wow, very hostile and has nothing to do with the point. I guess Reagan never stopped to think that that's one of the primary ways people move around the world. Battles, takeovers and empires. Conflicts. Migration for peace. Fighting for land. Don't forget the British vs us in the beginning with...
  13. 5

    Deos She like me? Friendship zone?

    Spooned? Pretty good for contact but a kiss should have came before that. If she's comfortable enough to spoon you, she's comfortable to kiss. Downside to that...she's using you as a teddy bear or somebody to pass the time with. That's like rewarding a girl with your comfort without showing any...
  14. 5

    wacking off

    Simply put. Use observation skills. No tricks to it. You can believe what you want and that's no skin off my back. But the only "scientific fact" you'll get is your own observation. Don't wait for someone to send info down the pipeline. Find it out for yourself the old fashioned way. Go a week...
  15. 5

    wacking off

    Well, the way that it really works is that ejaculation leads to a loss of energy. And for those that practice tantric, you know the difference between ejaculation and orgasim. Totally different. This is all according to eastern philosophies. You can conduct your own experiements on this. But...