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  1. P

    Do u think my face will change any or is it gonna stay like this?(PIC)

    What the f*ck man, you're not ugly. You look pretty similar to a guy I played soccer with who's a player, decent looking girls too from what I've seen. I agree though, shave your face and maybe your head. Believe me, I've seen ugly before.
  2. P

    Quick Way to Learn Fighting

    Not necessarily, I've seen it in action, no broken hands. A smaller guy smashed the absolute sh*t out of my friends face without injuring his hands, the bastard had batteries in his fist. I broke my hand with nothing in my damn fist.... It depends on where your punch lands. By the way...
  3. P

    Quick Way to Learn Fighting

    Put a battery or a roll of coins inside your fist. A roll of coins in particular will make your punch more devastating. Go for the jaw, nose, and get a few uppercuts just below the ribcage in the center torse, that hurts like hell.
  4. P

    Experiences with the effects of quitting weed?

    The first 3 days are the hardest part- after that it's smooth sailing.
  5. P

    Experiences with the effects of quitting weed?

    it's different.... The drug isn't physically addictive, it's more of a mental thing. Also, it's the lifestyle that you fall into when you smoke a lot of weed and a lot of your friends do too. It seems that where I live, at least in my circle of friends, almost everybody smokes it. It's not like...
  6. P

    Experiences with the effects of quitting weed?

    .... I know all about that foggy feeling you always get, and about how smoking weed started making me paranoid, and too caught up in my own thoughts to pay attention to the outside world. It's been less than a week since I quit and I feel a lot more energetic. I feel like working out a lot...
  7. P

    Experiences with the effects of quitting weed?

    I've been using weed off and on since I was about 16, but in the past year or so, my use of it went up pretty drastically. I had a hell of a summer, being around my friends a great deal and smoking more weed than I've ever smoked in my life. It didn't turn me into a lazy bum, but I think it...
  8. P

    What the heck is up with my friends?

    The club scene goes against everything I am and everything I stand for and I hate it with a passion.... If my friends acted that way to me I'd tell em to f*ck off, I don't want any part of dancing to loud sh*tty music or shoving my way through crowds of f*cking idiots. I've gone to clubs...
  9. P

    what's the m ost AFC thing you have ever witnessed firsthand?

    My AFC moments don't involve me supplicating or being a doormat, or being taken advantage of in any way. Mine involve me ignoring blatant come-on attempts by attractive women, refusing to look at girls who are obviously trying to get my attention, shoving girls away who tried to get me to...
  10. P

    "What Kind of Music You Listen To?"

    Maybe to you, f*cking pervert, but to anyone who knows music metal kicks the absolute sh*t out of your soul/hip-hop pansy music. We all know that real mobsters and coke dealers make poorly written songs about their criminal exploits for the feds to hear.... Some art form....
  11. P

    Crips. Bloods.

    Do you honestly believe that anyone here thinks your gang bullsh*t is cool? Keep trying, maybe you'll find a message board of 13 year olds who actually give a sh*t. I sure as hell don't think a bunch of jheri-curl wearing punks who can only fight when they have 10 of their homies around and...
  12. P

    "What Kind of Music You Listen To?"

    Personally, I think that liking rap is an indication of femininity. It isn't guy music. It's pu$$y sh*t, all rhythm and no substance. It's anti-substance actually. There's nothing gay about what you like.... If you'd said you love Ludapiss and 25 Cent I'd have laughed at you.... People ask...
  13. P

    Ultimate Fighter/SpikeTV

    I liked when Josh beat Melvins ass even with a broken bone. I hated his ugly ****y ass, and I got to see him get beat.
  14. P

    Is it just me or is society totally ****ED ??

    Yeah and I actually am Phil Anselmo from Pantera.... Oil shale? The energy return ratio of that sh*t is not nearly as much as oil.... And yeah, society is going to hell, I've seen it decline even since the '80s and '90s.
  15. P

    How often do guys BS to their friends about girls?

    I know a loser who always lies about sex. I think he's maybe been with 2 girls, one who looked like she didn't shower and another pond-scum looking broad with a kid. He tries to talk like he gets with hot girls everyday. The guy's a total loser and is ugly as a pile of dog sh*t. If you can't...
  16. P

    Is it just me or is society totally ****ED ??

    The thing is, this society is not based on real, hard currency, our economy depends on credit.... Job security is a thing of the past and this f*cking dream world is based entirely on cheap energy.... Demand for oil will soon outpace supply.... Society nowadays is just that- a dream world-...
  17. P

    Probably the World's biggest AFC

    BAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHHAhaHHaHaHHAHahaHhahaHaHaHhAhAH This guy should surrender his balls to some dyke who actually wants them! F*ck how can comeone be such a faggitty-ass-BYTCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! That made my day though, especially when the ****less wonder starts singing...
  18. P

    Let's have a moment of honesty - what are your shortcomings?

    I still have self-esteem issues from years of always being tested, or excluded from the mainstream in some way, at least in my perception. My confidence is decent now, but I still have a lot of defenses. I used to have to fight these scum off physically.... My temper's been getting shorter...
  19. P

    Your 5 MUST HAVE CDs

    It's good to see that a lot of people listen to metal. Because if you get chicks but act like a fag, you're still a fag in my books.
  20. P

    Your 5 MUST HAVE CDs

    Pantera- Vulgar Display Of Power (hell, every Pantera album, but this one has Walk) Black Sabbath- Greatest Hits Metallica- Kill 'Em All Down- NOLA Black Label Society- The Blessed Hellride Hell, there's too many to name, heavy metal kicks too much ass.