Is it just me or is society totally ****ED ??


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2004
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Making the most of MY life
Went out last night to some boat party, and met quite a few people. Does anyone else notice how ****ed up society is, like teenagers, half of these ****s had no brain, and were ****ed on pills and sh!t. Had no idea what they were talking about, starting random fights, acting hard, and in general just being totally ****ing stupid. I recon this generation will end up not being able to remember half the **** the did.. And the women as well, they are so ****ing preppy and sh!t :rolleyes: I think i need to find some new friends, because these ****s are all dogs.. Has anyone else noticed how ****ing stupid some people are ?? and how some women can be such *****es to guys who don't know how to handle them... I saw guys talking **** about there mates who were a few meters away to impress girls, and women who were scabbing ciggarettes of dudes who obviously didn't know how to handle them so they just gave them everything. :confused:


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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I know what you mean dude. Last night i was at a party and some kids started fighting over beer pong. I also realized how much people f*ckin talk, its outragous that people can talk for three hours about nothing at all. Sometimes i think im a social misfit or just weird because i dont run around at parties talking to everyone about how drunk i am or how they came to some stupid conclusion. I myself aint a fan of parties because the same **** happens everytime. Last night at a party i went and sat in my car to get away from everyone and getsome fresh air, later my friend came out and said i was being anti social. So evidently by not migling with everyone and prefering smaller gatherings means im anti social...f*ck people.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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MTV and the media in general, feminism, just some of the main factors that have messed up society.

I was riding the bus the other day and then it stops at the local high school to pick up all the 'cool' high school kids. Let me just say it made me want to smack all of them! there we were riding the bus everything quiet then comes all the spoiled/mtv watching/cell phone talking trying to look cool/trendy clothe wearing/loud talking 'cool' high school kids! what was a nice bus ride turned into 10 loud kids talking over each other my ear drums started to hurt, gossiping, wannabes trying to talk cool.

only a few years ago I was a high schooler. I realized how mature I have become in only a few years after I saw the high schoolers on the bus. They were embarrasing.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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I feel the opposite. I'm quite happy to be living in a world where kids can afford to talk about luxury concepts like "feminism" and "dating", instead of waving AK47s around and chanting war slogans.

When you consider some of the sh!t that's happened to us over the past century, we're probably living in the greatest time period ever:

-Massively destructive wars
-Civil wars


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2005
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The People's Republic of Maryland
This is the problem with Society reaching its peak. This happened to Rome, this happened to Germany (in that it was easily conquered by evil), and every other super power/ancient civilization. The survival potential of a population gets so high, people lose sight of what is so, feminism occurs, males turn androgenous- less masculine, bla bla bla (why this site is in existance)

I hate people, but I like people who hate people. lol

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Nothing has changed, and people need to realize that.

The more I read about history, and about developed civilizations (ancient Egypt, Greece, ancient Rome, victorian era England, 17th Century France, etc.) the more I realized that we just going through the same sort of things. Really, the only 'new' thing that has happened in the history of the world (in America especially) is gender and racial equality.

As for the poster who talked about males becoming androgenes as a result of 'feminism' this is false... androgynous men have existed in every developed civilization since the dawn of time. Male Egyptian royalty wore makeup, and we all remember the powdered wigs worn by English aristocracy. Ironically, such feminine practices were actually done to display power and wealth... what a difference a day makes. :)

The 'MTV' argument is also good, but irrelevant. People in 18th century Japan did things sexually that would make little twelve year old girls parading around in thongs and miniskirts look basic, and last time I checked, they didn't have MTV, or money grubbing corporations telling them what to buy.

If you want real answers just follow the one constant: the only places where there exist such large social deviance is in developed nations... you don't really see Rwandian kids or that guy/girl working two jobs to make ends meat talking about the last Laguna Beach episode.

An idle mind is still the Devil's workshop.



Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2003
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Ugh... I just got back from a party. Everyone was so drunk after a while it sickened me. I called up everyone I knew, and everyone was drunk, high, on pills, or on a mix of the previous. WTF.

An old friend whom I havn't seen in a couple of months was telling me the story of how he, at his friend's apartment, took 12 somas, and he went outside to go smoke a cigarrette, and when he walked back inside, he accidently walked back into someone else's apartment and just passed out on the couch because of all the drugs he took. He woke up the next morning in jail and had no clue how he got there...evidently the people at the apartment called the police because there was this weird guy passed out on their couch. And worst of all he's Canadian, and he was about to get his green-card, except in order to get your green-card you can't have any drug-related crimes or felonies so he is probably gonna get deported.

I also called one of my ex girlfriends in California to see what she was up to... she went to someone's party and is drunk and some shady guy is taking her to his house... god I just want to slap her.

Everyone at the party tonight wansn't going to school, didn't have jobs, just wasting their lives. Fuggin pathetic. What are these people doing with their lives???? I never felt this way until now, but f^ck, I think I'm starting to hate parties and the whole college scene and alcohol and drugs and all that sh!t.


Master Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
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Agreed Jizman agreed... And some solid sentiments in this thread.

Though not necessarily a sole product of our generation, fvck, I sometimes leave places feeling that bit dumber. Makes me appreciate leaving the dead end job I was in last year, and getting back to uni with like minded people.

That said, I believe the MTV comments are valid in the sense that we are increasingly becoming such a pre-made, plastic society; worshipping an image, above anything else (to cite a loose example, last time I checked, most pop stars don't write their own stuff, not that their dumbsh1t fans give a proverbial).

Being with a girl with european parents, makes me realize just how fundamentally different (on a broader scale) their approach to life is to that of the west, and what they class as the important things in life.

Segmented evil will always exist within any type of culture. But to be blunt, down here, too many people are just plain fvcking dumb, dense, the whole kit.

Ahh...but enough *****ing from me... where there's bad, there's good ;)


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
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The thing is, this society is not based on real, hard currency, our economy depends on credit.... Job security is a thing of the past and this f*cking dream world is based entirely on cheap energy.... Demand for oil will soon outpace supply....

Society nowadays is just that- a dream world- it's an impossible standard of living to hold up and it's also very destructive....

In terms of standards of behavior- there is no standard anymore.... The faggot left-wingers have been working to erode every standard there is in order to be politically correct and not hurt anybody's feelings. What is the result of that? Society is dragged down to the standard of the lowest common denominator by default.

We're taught messages that completely contradict each other simultaneously. We're told to be law-abiding, rule-following citizens at the same time that that standard is ridiculed for being too straight-and-narrow. At the same time, the media tells us that we should act like these savages in the rap videos, glorifying drug-dealing, stupidity, and altering people's thought processes to go along with those of the lowest ghetto scum.

The neo-cons (fake conservatives) at the same time are mindlessly pursuing the suicidal and impossible notion of unlimited growth for the sake of growth. In coordination with the nutless coward liberals, they are helping to destroy society....

Since 85% of people are sheep, don't expect things to change for the better untl they're actually shown good examples.... Maybe this will happen soon when society in its current form starts to unravel and we turn against those who are leading us off a cliff so there will be more for them to get their grimy little hands on.....

F*ck all of them.

Best friends? NAY

Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Where ever I am
Ohh NO oh my. blah blah blah everythings going to hell. Blah blah blah everybody else is a stupid idiot who does drugs and is worthless. MTV is ruining the world beacuse of all the stupid mindless sheep.

Ohh Shut up. You all sound like a bunch of pissed of 80 year olds.

And no Pantera_Man the demand of oil will NEVER EVER outpace the supply. Their is more oilshale in Colorado and oilsand in Africa then their is liquid oil in the middle east. The price is going up now mostly just beacuse the oil companys can charge alot.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
And no Pantera_Man the demand of oil will NEVER EVER outpace the supply.
Yeah and I actually am Phil Anselmo from Pantera....

Oil shale? The energy return ratio of that sh*t is not nearly as much as oil....

And yeah, society is going to hell, I've seen it decline even since the '80s and '90s.

Best friends? NAY

Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Where ever I am
OHH you've "seen" it going to hell. Well then I'm a believer now. What exactly have you seen?

Super FLY Guy

Don Juan
Jul 22, 2005
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I know that this is kind of off topic but....... yes, the oil demand will eventually outpace the the suppy unless everyone starts using alternativly fueled vehicles. I know this because it is estimated that the world only has enough oil to last for 40 more years if we keep it at this pace (estimated by scientists)

**How about we quit complaining and try to find solutions to these problems instead**


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by jiza101
Does anyone else notice how ****ed up society is, like teenagers, half of these ****s had no brain, and were ****ed on pills and sh!t.
I guess it'd make sense to ask why they are like this? Cuz they know they can _afford_ this life style. Chicks know they will earn money no matter what. The problem is that current society allows women to earn too easily and too much, so they quit "being good girls" and embark on somehting like dunk version of Sex in teh City.

50 years ago women could not earn money, they know they have to get married to survive and have kids, so they behaved. Nowdays, since they can erns tons of money as men do, they don't give a f*** about anything.
"Cash is the king" they smell it in every piece of news.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Re: Is it just me or is society totally ****ED ??

Originally posted by al77
I guess it'd make sense to ask why they are like this? Cuz they know they can _afford_ this life style. Chicks know they will earn money no matter what. The problem is that current society allows women to earn too easily and too much, so they quit "being good girls" and embark on somehting like dunk version of Sex in teh City.

50 years ago women could not earn money, they know they have to get married to survive and have kids, so they behaved. Nowdays, since they can erns tons of money as men do, they don't give a f*** about anything.
"Cash is the king" they smell it in every piece of news.
No, no, and no...

This 'Sex and the City' lifestyle example you used has existed since the dawn of time. Ask Cleopatra, Ninon de Laclos, Lola Montez, Lou Andreas Salome, Bathsheba, the Chinese siren Hsi Shi, and countless other examples of known courteans who have existed throughout the various social histories of the world. Money has very little to do with it, as we have learned time and time again, men throughout history and now have been happy to provide women with money when they didn't have any.

It isn't 'cash' that is king... it's the pretty piece of flesh between every woman's legs that is.



Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2004
Reaction score
Making the most of MY life
Originally posted by oakraiderz2
I know what you mean dude. Last night i was at a party and some kids started fighting over beer pong. I also realized how much people f*ckin talk, its outragous that people can talk for three hours about nothing at all. Sometimes i think im a social misfit or just weird because i dont run around at parties talking to everyone about how drunk i am or how they came to some stupid conclusion. I myself aint a fan of parties because the same **** happens everytime. Last night at a party i went and sat in my car to get away from everyone and getsome fresh air, later my friend came out and said i was being anti social. So evidently by not migling with everyone and prefering smaller gatherings means im anti social...f*ck people.
My thoughts exactly man, i had some dude next to me who actually collapsed and fell head first into the ground, luckily i grabbed him a bit before he fell so it wasn't that bad... I just see it as a total waste, everyone at the party was ****ed, talking about how cool they are, and all the other bull****. I feel the exact same way as you man. No one could hold a conversation at all, most conversations i heard were DO YOU HAVE A CIGGARETTE (sp?)..


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Re: Re: Re: Is it just me or is society totally ****ED ??

Originally posted by The Antichrist_Star
No, no, and no...

This 'Sex and the City' lifestyle example you used has existed since the dawn of time. Ask Cleopatra...

Money has very little to do with it, as we have learned time and time again, men throughout history and now have been happy to provide women with money when they didn't have any.

It isn't 'cash' that is king... it's the pretty piece of flesh between every woman's legs that is.
The question is why today's society is f-ed up? Cuz of .. what? The pvssy??!
The problem is those pvssies are getting too much cash even without using their pvssies. That destroys their insticncts: for generation women knew how she is going to survive: she is going to find a man. Now she feels that she can survive pretty much without using her pvssy, so she fvcks everything and doens't care about being "a good girl for a man" anymore.
What causes that? Not money by itself. But the money she can easily earn working.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Re: Is it just me or is society totally ****ED ??

Originally posted by al77
The question is why today's society is f-ed up? Cuz of .. what? The pvssy??!
The problem is those pvssies are getting too much cash even without using their pvssies. That destroys their insticncts: for generation women knew how she is going to survive: she is going to find a man. Now she feels that she can survive pretty much without using her pvssy, so she fvcks everything and doens't care about being "a good girl for a man" anymore.
What causes that? Not money by itself. But the money she can easily earn working.
First... last time I checked 'society' include women and men. So, if I was to consider your argument it would not be women who should be held accountable for their lack of sexual inhibition, it is the men who continue to accept such behavior that you deem unacceptable.

People will only get away with what they know can get away with... so if you want better 'behaved' women, you have to set higher standards.



Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is it just me or is society totally ****ED ??

Originally posted by The Antichrist_Star
First... last time I checked 'society' include women and men. So, if I was to consider your argument it would not be women who should be held accountable for their lack of sexual inhibition, it is the men who continue to accept such behavior that you deem unacceptable.

People will only get away with what they know can get away with... so if you want better 'behaved' women, you have to set higher standards.

Sure society includes men. But men were always like that, no matter when they were born: 20 years ago, 40, or 60. Women got spoiled relatively recently due to the new frigging opportunities, i.e. tons of jobs for women when she can questly sit in her cubicle and get 6 figure income easily, after that showing off with her "I am a very indepndendent person."
They were NOT like that 50 years ago.