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  1. H

    ok my bad on posting 3 of the same(the origional)

    All of those games are to give the impression that you have confidence. You can forget about them if you actually have it (and maintain it). DO stay a mystery, though. Not all girls need this to stay into you, but never hurts. If you're together a lot, keep the life-story convos in check.
  2. H

    What does your room look like? [pics]

    Your girlfriend's cute. Get your teeth cleaned.
  3. H

    LR x 3: The Gameplan

    Does the board need a shot of life or a shot of marketing? * yawn *
  4. H

    The two fundamental elements of a pickup

    Your tips are nice. But merely using strategies and mindsets is becoming increasingly antithetical to the thrust of this site. "Become a stronger man inside and out, then the women will come naturally and consistently with little effort or games." That seems to be the mantra of the...
  5. H

    is a good choice for me?

    Assuming what works for you will work for others AND Asssuming what works for others will work for you ARE both logical fallacies. Those errors are committed constantly. To avoid the errors, 1. Limit the types of individuals to whom your conclusion pertains. 2. Pick a conclusion...
  6. H


    Brevity is the soul of wit. - W.S.
  7. H

    Discomfort vs. Demoralization

    Then lead by example.
  8. H

    Discomfort vs. Demoralization

    Getting off your @ss is the most impressive part of a trasnformation. You're forced to admit that you suck in some way. Until that point, you're living a lie.
  9. H

    Women are Stupid

    They complain. They get relief from it. No one ever tells them to shut up. So they keep complaining.
  10. H

    My G/F and I got SCAMMED BIG TIME......Please don't make the same mistake.

    Well, it takes guts to come off looking like an idiot. It's a service to everyone else. So thanks.
  11. H

    Opposites attract

    opposites are good for a quick fvck. but in reality, stable relationships are built on similarity.
  12. H

    i beat up a gay loser today

    Wow. I was just reading the guys story again, and then I read this. You must have done some lynchings in a past life... damn.
  13. H

    GIRLS, being UNDECISIVE!!!!!

    Yeah, dump her. What she's telling you about her ex is the tip of the iceberg.
  14. H

    i beat up a gay loser today

    Wow! What's with all the homo-bashing. You've got some angry mvtha-fvckas on this site!
  15. H

    i beat up a gay loser today

    This is post-9/11 baby. We don't need diddly. Look, getting a rush of anger is normal. RETURNING to the bathroom and then beating him up ISN'T. Do some soul-searching. We usually dehumanize what we don't understand, and then we feel justified in attacking it.
  16. H

    Unzip your woman suit!

    No prob!
  17. H

    i beat up a gay loser today

    That's a story you can tell to your kids with pride. Not. Did you mention to the cops how you beat the guy up? Hmm? What are you, like 12? You're not a man, you're a boy.
  18. H

    WHY do fat and ugly girls approach me?

    When I was less muscular and less confident, many ugly girls approached, few HBs did. Now that I've changed, only HBs approach me. I only get word of crushes from UGs through their friends. If they're appoaching you, something most be making you a safe target. (If it only happens a little...
  19. H

    Unzip your woman suit!

    To all the guys that are intimidated by women, You weren't emasculated by society, you were emasculated because you were excluded. People don't develop phobias when they start reading the New York Times and watching Will & Grace. They develop phobias when they're young and impressionable...
  20. H

    How to make her *** over the phone!

    I just came in my pants. Great description of how to create a narrative to make her hot as h3ll.