Discomfort vs. Demoralization


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
I had a thought and I’d like to hear you guys’ takes on it.

We hear all the time about guys who are stuck as friendless virgins, guys who are stuck being poor, or guys trapped in pathetic bodies, all because they don’t do what it takes to get better.
We’re told that these guys are this way because they’re afraid of all the hard, painful, and scary effort necessary to change, something I’d be the last man to deny, BTW.

But then I remembered that part of being a man is spending a lot of time doing things that are hard, painful, and scary. We do stuff we hate all the time. Hating something has never stopped us before, so why does it stop us now?

For example, take any guy who doesn’t work out because it’s outside his comfort zone, for whatever reason. He may complain that it’s hard or boring to lift heavy things or he may say that he doesn’t like being tired or sore, and for those reasons remains an overweight and out of shape couch potato who could be charged for attempted murder if he ever took his shirt off :D

My question is, given that he’s almost certainly experienced all of these things before, and probably far more often than he gives himself credit for, why does he avoid them when he’s perfectly capable of not only facing them but also of shrugging them off as necessary to reach a goal?

Or for another example, take any guy who doesn’t approach women because it’s outside his comfort zone. He’ll say that he doesn’t want to look like a dork or get rejected and feel bad. He’ll argue that he doesn’t have what it takes to succeed because today’s women are too shallow and materialistic to go for him.

My question is, given that he remains completely unaffected by a physically and financially superior man when he sees one on TV or passes one in the hallway, and given that talking to women he isn’t attracted to is one of the easiest things in the world for him, why does he beat himself up over things that, in any other situation, would mean nothing to him?

I think the answer lies not in how uncomfortable these things may be for the guy who endures them, but instead in how demoralizing that discomfort is.
We all know that exercise makes you stronger and healthier, but that fact implies that you are currently weak and unhealthy.
We all know that going out and hitting on women turns you into an expert DJ, but that fact implies that you are currently terrible with women.

I think that what makes men avoid the things that make them better men is not so much the discomfort that they bring, but the far more unpleasant specter of weakness, inadequacy, and inferiority that the discomfort conjures up.

What do you guys think?


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
I think people avoid the pain of moving out of their comfort zone that is necessary with growth because they are comfortable with their situation. It's easier to surrender to being a loser than it is to risk becoming something more. Change is scary.

However, success is addictive.


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2005
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Where your sack is supposed to be
Getting off your @ss is the most impressive part of a trasnformation.

You're forced to admit that you suck in some way.

Until that point, you're living a lie.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
I think that's why most guys don't transform: they don't want to admit that they suck and they would much rather live a lie instead.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2004
Reaction score
good post

Visceral, that was an intelligent post. I think that sometimes it is easier to "dream" of change, make lists and WIN in your own mnd then actually commit to it and lose. FEAR OF FAILURE! Plus, yes, the admitance that you currently suck doesn't help.

I would say that many, many gys in this site are below average in looks and income and drive, that is why they are here, and here, and here, and here. There seems to be 20% who genuinely desire to exchange knowledge and help, 20% who desire to change and the rest are gunners, greatest gunners since WW2. One day I'm gunna do this or that. They study and read and write little, and I mean little victories. Then, if they see someone honestly metamorphisize and change, they become outraged and hate that person. I was one of them, I attracted hate, especially from the ever growing Christian right faction who SHOULDN'T ****ING BE HERE. WHAT WOULD THE VICOR OR PASTOR SAY TO YOU. GET OUT OF DON JUAN IF YOU WANT TO PREACH FUKCING RELIGION.

A lot of haters in here.

Just keep your eyes open, you will know the playas and advice givers from the genuine try hard and "can do" men, and the rest are just geeky little losers....Truth hurts, If you want to hurt someone....tell em the truth!


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
IMO, it's the drive part that's the biggest obstacle guys here face; looks and money are easy to fix by comparison.
In my case, I grew up with pathologically enabling parents and strict teachers, so I never needed drive of my own.

The problem that I see, in my own life at least, is that hurting someone is far more likely to drive them even further into their little hole in the ground than it is to get them to come out.

You lure an animal out of its burrow with morsels or you go in and take it out yourself, neither of which will happen to anyone here.


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
Where your sack is supposed to be
Originally posted by Visceral
The problem that I see, in my own life at least, is that hurting someone is far more likely to drive them even further into their little hole in the ground than it is to get them to come out.
Then lead by example.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit Rock City
As for the working out...I can say that the hardest part is realizing that it could be months before you see even the slightest bit of difference from a workout program.

And, like all things in life, a lot of people dig themselves so deeply into holes that the effort required to dig out just seems too daunting to contemplate.

The better question is: is there really a point of no return -- a point where actually changing becomes impossible?



Don Juan
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Cheat_LBJ
As for the working out...I can say that the hardest part is realizing that it could be months before you see even the slightest bit of difference from a workout program.-CE
I think this is true for me. I can work my triceps and I quickly see a difference so it makes me want to work them more. However, other muscles I don't see a big difference in, so I don't get as motivated to work on them.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Cheat_LBJ
And, like all things in life, a lot of people dig themselves so deeply into holes that the effort required to dig out just seems too daunting to contemplate.

The better question is: is there really a point of no return -- a point where actually changing becomes impossible?
That's a scary thought.

I'm definitely guilty of the first part, though.

No, that's a very scary thought ... I have to forget that I ever read that.
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