i beat up a gay loser today

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Sep 3, 2004
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welcome to my world
i beat up a gay sex predator today...and i'm sincerely sorry

yeah, that's right. i'm not trying to rekindle the flame wars about metrosexuality or whatnot. this has nothing to do with that ****.

this is probably the most bizarre thing that's happened to me in a while...and i'm usually an easy going guy that doesn't get in fights (hadn't beat up anyone since grade school anyway).

anyway, i was in the middle of taking my math final exam, and went to the bathroom. when i was washing my hands, i looked at myself in the mirror, and behind me, i noticed some eyes looking at me through the wide stall door (between the hinge and the wall). when i turned around, the guy opened the door...he was sitting on the toilet with his legs spread, and rubbing one out as he was staring at me! i was like "WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING!!!??? GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE MOFO!!" and i myself bolted out of the bathroom.

when i got back to my testing room, i could barely think...i mean, this isn't the sort of thing that happens everyday that you get over easily...a guy rubbing one out from staring at me?????!!!! hell, this is fvcking disturbing.

anyway, i told the test proctor, he said i could talk to the dept. head after my exam. i said "okay," but was still shaken and couldn't concentrate on my exam. so, i told the test proctor i was going to the dept. head's office to report it.

instead, i went back into the bathroom. i cautiously walked up to the stall, and the guy was still there...i saw him sitting on the toilet. i just let loose. i threatened to kill him and told him to get the fvck out so i could proceed to bash his face in. he wouldn't open the stall door. i started kicking it, and with a few hard kicks (it's wooden...though i like to think i'm a pretty strong guy too)... i smashed the door in. he hurried to pull up his shorts. i tore the door off the hinges and through it on the ground. by this point he was yelling in his feminine voice "leave me alone," "don't hurt me" "i just had an upset stomach." BULL****. i punched him in the face (although he had his hands covering his face like a little girl) several time. i punched him so many times that my knuckles started to hurt...i'm sure his face got bruised up. as he was trying to curl into a ball, i kneeled him in the nose. no blood, but his face was pretty red.

anyway, i was kind of tired, so i let him go a bit. but i followed him, and as he was starting to run, i realized maybe i should get the guy's name to report him. he was pretty slow, so i caught up and grabbed him by his shirt and cussed him out to give me his name...i said that i wanted to report him (i think this was a bit stupid on my part, because why would he tell me his name?)...anyway, i let him go, and told him to get the fvck out...i pretty much forced him out of the building.
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Sep 3, 2004
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welcome to my world
after going back and finishing my test (which was pretty tough to still try to concentrate on), i told the dept. head about the incident. he told me it's happened several times before??? i was like, "maybe they should warn other students..." put up signs or something. i really let him have it, but kept my cool, and did it in a professional manner. i mean, if i do bad on my exam...which, i think i totally killed one of the questions, it's because of that. i wrote what happened on the back of my exam too.

later, the dept. head told me to report it to the campus police. i did. but they said that they legally couldn't take any action. i gave them a very accurate description of the guy: blond hair, tan, 40ish, bags under his dark eyes, eyes glazed over, red/white striped shirt, khaki shorts, sandals, etc. but they said all they can do is look for him, and worse yet, if i file a formal charge, i could get arrested for assault???? what the fvck???

even the cop i talked to said it's pretty messed up that if it happened in a woman's bathroom, it would be indecent exposure, but male exposure in front of a male is completely legal. this guy didn't commit a crime, and i did???!!! what the fvck. society is seriously fvcked up.

anyway, my parents told me i handled it wrong. even though i was a bit shaken at first and argued that it was right to beat this guy's face in... i realized it wasn't worth my time. i acted on instinct. it felt damn good too. this guy was the scum of society. i wanted to teach him a lesson. it's guys like him that are the reason i get worried when my sister stays out late at night. it's guys like him that make society such a sick place sometimes.

but, then again, i can't be superman and fight crime without consequences. i could get charged...my parents reminded me that sure this guy was a wussy homo, but what if he was doing it purposely to get me charged, because he wants attention??? worse, what if he had a weapon. heck, my dad asked if i had a gun what would i do...i would have seriously shot the guy's nuts off...they came to the conclusion that i shouldn't be so influenced by movies so much.

i realized i handled it wrong. my mom gave me a good metaphor. she said, she wants to have raised us (me and my brother and sister) to be strong like a tree to not be shaken by things like this that are like the breeze. to weather the storm...this was just a breeze. by fighting him, i'm bringing myself to his level.

anyway, i was wondering what you guys would do in a situation like that?

pretty messed up, i know. i mean i agree with what my parents advised, but i still feel good after that, like maybe i did teach him a lesson and he won't fvck with this building again...maybe the last people it happened to didn't do the same thing, which is why it's happened repeatedly?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
You should have left George Michael alone, he might have had a tough day with exams as well and had to relieve himself in the bathroom.

:crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

But in all seriously once you are dealing with a sick fvck, I would have probably yelled at him and say: "Don't fvcking move you sick fvck, I am calling the cops and if you move I will beat the sh1t out of you" and I would have called the cops.
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Don Juan
Jun 27, 2005
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Where your sack is supposed to be
That's a story you can tell to your kids with pride.


Did you mention to the cops how you beat the guy up?


What are you, like 12?

You're not a man, you're a boy.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
You did the right thing although im afraid that sick bastard will probably do it again to someone else. Faggots can't control themselves.

Don't listen to those that tell you what you did was wrong. They are probably the same people that lobby for jail birds to get cable tv and computers in their jail cells, and released sexual predators to get viagra. Those same people that have enacted laws that put a man in jail for defending himself and his family by shooting a robber in his house before the robber could hurt his family.

Sometimes you have to be a man and face evil face to face, and beat the hell out of it ;)

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
A few things I want to mention.

  1. You're an idiot.
  2. Your story doesn't sound even remotely true.
  3. In the event that your story is true, we have your IP address, which I'm sure will be helpful to the proper authorities, since you just admitted to a number of criminal acts. The IP Address is: (censored). The host name is: user-0c8hoq1.cable.mindspring.com.
  4. You're an idiot.[/list=1] So here's the question before I track you down and report you: would you like to publicly recant your story? I'll give you until tomorrow morning.

    Have a nice day.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2000
Reaction score
the guy would have to press charges against him. So he's fine.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by Coolage
the guy would have to press charges against him. So he's fine.
Try again, skippy.

But thanks for your expert legal opinion.

H2O... If you think I'm bluffing, call it. I absolutely f*cking dare you.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2000
Reaction score
Giovanni how are they going to charge him with a crime if they can't find the victim?


Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by Coolage
Giovanni how are they going to charge him with a crime if they can't find the victim?

Luckily, our little genius identified him. All the police (real police, not the campus police who obviously don't give a f*ck) have to do is ask a couple people some questions.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
I think you overreacted. Sure it's disturbing to see a disturbed guy doing that in front of you, but i think you should always react with the same level of agressivity to any sort of attack performed on you.

If someone insults you, insult back. If someone punches you, punch back. If someone shots your face with a shotgun, well..unless you had a gun yourself and shot him first..anyway.. So in this case the man didn't attack you physically or verbally so you responding with insults and fists was too much, in my opinion.

You can get into trouble later on if you can't control your emotions and you always react in this way. Like your parents said, what if the guy had a gun ?

When you see a psycho, it's better to avoid him than bring yourself down to his primitive level.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2000
Reaction score
i thought the guy didn't give his name. All he gave was a description to the police. No one is going to admit that it was him


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
sounds like bull****.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
If the story is true, battering the guy was a federal crime.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by Coolage
i thought the guy didn't give his name. All he gave was a description to the police. No one is going to admit that it was him
I think they'll find him easily. Even if they don't, he admitted to other things such as vandalizing school property.

No need to find the guy to prosecute that offense.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
If this story is TRUE you should have went to the POLICE. Campus security....what a joke man. That's like Wal-Mart security. Sure some can carry legal firearm's unlike reserve officers whos actually becoming officers. or whatever but still.

Sounds like you just wanted to look big and bad beating up a gay dude. People nowadays....

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
I don't recommend beating up homo's, as you don't want to bust your knuckles open on his teeth, where his saliva might mix with your blood.


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
actually just got back from the gym...i didn't realize i still had so much energy bottled up. i haven't been able to lift so much before.

Originally posted by Derek Flint
I don't recommend beating up homo's, as you don't want to bust your knuckles open on his teeth, where his saliva might mix with your blood.
yeah, i'm actually glad he didn't bleed...and after it happened, i had brought a sandwich to eat during my exam...i didn't touch it...i washed my hands like 3x times afterwards.
Originally posted by Hornet
What are you, like 12?
You're not a man, you're a boy.
dude, if it happened to you, i doubt you would just look away and be unphased. it's easier said than done.

well, Joe The Homophobe, i'm pretty sure i know why you agree with me...:rolleyes:
anyway though, i usually don't have a problem with gay people, i've even been approached by gay guys once or twice, it's not fun, but you deal with it and ignore them...but this???
Originally posted by Giovanni Casanova
A few things I want to mention.
  1. You're an idiot.
  2. Your story doesn't sound even remotely true.
  3. In the event that your story is true, we have your IP address, which I'm sure will be helpful to the proper authorities, since you just admitted to a number of criminal acts. The IP Address is: (censored). The host name is: user-0c8hoq1.cable.mindspring.com.
  4. You're an idiot.[/list=1] So here's the question before I track you down and report you: would you like to publicly recant your story? I'll give you until tomorrow morning.

    Have a nice day.

  1. dude, i seriously don't care. i don't give a fvck if you don't believe me, it's what happened. i didn't wake up this morning with the intention of writing a fake story to impress my buddies on sosuave. if you guys are entertained, well great...but i was actually hoping to see what you guys would do in that situation. i realize that i may have overreacted a bit. i know my IP address is logged, i told the campus cop that i beat this guy up anyway. he told me that if i formally file a charge, i could get arrested for assault and vandalism. heck, i may still get charged for the vandalism...i don't know exactly. but the cop said that most probably the gay guy would not go through with the charge against me for battery, so such charges would be dropped in court. i doubt that gay dude will go to the cops.

    besides, if it's of any comfort to you, the cops do have my full name, phone number and address filed.

    yeah, i think you're bluffing Gio. i don't give a ****, "turn me in..." if the gay mofo doesn't press charges, i'm good. you can't touch me.
    Originally posted by Unregistered
    This was my favorite part:
    yeah, i actually thought about putting up signs on the bathroom doors. the thing is, we have double doors, so you go through two doors to actually get into the restroom. so, i could put it on the second door. but then again, it would probably get torn down and be a waste of time...i know one thing, i will definitely be staying away from that bathroom for the next 2 years i'm on campus.

    the problem is, the police can't do ****. i'm the only one who technically committed a crime. and this isn't the first time it's happened in this building. maybe he won't show up again though.
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