LR x 3: The Gameplan


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
Hey DJs,

This is a group of three lay reports recently posted by my friend and business partner Dimitri on the ASF boards. He and I developed Natural Game together, so I'm posting this along with "The Transition to Natural Game" for you reading pleasure. Enjoy.


Word. The board needs a little shot of life, so I thought I'd drop in and spread some love. It's been eight new girls in the last eight weeks.

I've got a bit of time, so let me break down a few of these quickly for you. I've picked three that were fun and interesting for me, so let me see what I can remember of these.

#1 The Hottest Korean Girl Ever:

I'm most heading to a performance and I'm cutting it close. I'm in kind of a hurry, walking through an indoor strip-mall type place. There's a couple restaurants, a bar, and a couple little shops. I walk up a set of stairs and see - BAM! One of the hottest girls I've ever seen.

See, I judge girls pretty harshly. But this chica... true 10. Now, let me break down for you what I mean when I say true 10: When I look at her, if I could change anything about her... I wouldn't. I see a girl like this maybe once a season, or four times a year.

I'm not talking about a girl wearing makeup and her sluttiest clothing. I'm talking about true, unabashed beauty, the kind of thing that moves people to poetry.

She's a tall girl even in low-heels, with long black hair. Her body is a perfect hourglass... she's healthy and in shape, and you can tell she works out regularly. She's got that soft look without having an ounce of fat, but her ass and breasts are to die for. Her eyes are bright and she wears a little makeup that accentuates her beautiful Eastern features. She's got perfect lips and a slight rosy glow in her cheeks.

I saw her perfectly shapely ass as I came up behind her, and half-circled in front of her. "Hold up..." I say softly but firmly.

I look her head to toe, and then make soft eye contact with her. "I'm feeling... the earrings" I say with a mischevious smile, and I reach over slowly and touch the stylish white earrings she's wearing and her neck at the same time.

Her perfect little lips turn up into a slight smile and she blushes and thanks me.

"I hear an accent. Where are you from?"

She answers, "South Korea."

I say, "Oh. Anya haseung."

She says, "Oh! You speak Korean?!"

Me: "Just a touch..." as I gesture for her to walk with me and keep going the way I was going.

I joke around a bit with her about how I know Korean and we laugh. I ask if she's Seoul and she says no but she lived there a while.

Me: So what brought you to the States?

She tells me. I approve, and let her know so.

At this point, we're walking out of the area, and I have to head off to the theatre. "Hey, it's been a pleasure. I'm Dimitri."

She gives me an American name. I say, "What's your Korean name?"

She tells me, and I say, "I like that better. Can I call you (K-name)?"

She nods. "Okay, then (her K-name). It's been a fun, let's chat again sometime and if it's cool we'll go get a cup of tea."

She agrees. I take her number.

I call her two days later.


She says hello.

"I had the *best* food last night. I went out with three of my friends to a Korean restaurant off (street)..."

She says she hasn't been there, and was it good?

"Yeah. We sat at a granite low-table and started with tea. Then we all ordered... and you know the American way of everybody orders their own food, and then they eat their dish and box up whatever's left over? We decided to eat the Korean community way instead where we all order and then all share the food."

She said they call it "family style" in Korea.

"Rad. So I order this barbeque beef dish... and they bring these *huge* strips of uncut beef to the table with tiny little bones on the top part of them."

She asks me if it's a something-or-other using the Korean name, and that's what it is, so I tell her yes (can't remember the name now).

"So they're totally uncut, but we don't have any knives here. And our waitress brings me a pair of *scissors*. So here I am, not the best with chopsticks anyway, trying to hold this *huge* strip of beef up with chopsticks and cut it with these scissors at the table. I made one hell of a mess, but we had a blast."

She's laughing, loves it. It's a true story, with the minor omitted detail that it was dinner with my girlfriend, her sister, and her sister's boyfriend. Anyway, gentlemen, take a look at all that demonstrates: I don't need any crazy flashy stuff... just a fun story that says all good things about me. Things like that happen to you regularly, I promise - It's just all about noticing them and delivering them in a cool, confident way.

We wind up chatting for 30 minutes, then I end it. I call her two days after that, we talk for over an hour, then set up plans to meet.

I meet her a couple days later at the library, and I'm almost an hour late (accidentally). We were going to walk around for two hours, but only got one because I was late. After that, we head on our own ways as we both had plans.

As I go to leave her, I don't look back at her - In my experience, this has messed with hot girls' heads. They're used to guys turning to mush over them, and often they're literally shocked when you can calmly walk off.

She starts calling me after that, and we talk a little. Eventually, we get together for a long, couple-like Saturday get-together. We first go to my favorite teahouse. I order a large pot of herbal tea, then she asks what I recommend and I say just drink tea with me. She says okay, I pay for the tea, then we grab a table.

We sit and drink tea for about an hour, then head next door for pizza. I order up a couple slices, she gets one, and the guy asks me, "Together or separate?"

I shrug, and say whatever to him. He's cool and doesn't press the issue.

I chat with the cashier guy, as everyone who works in this pizza place is super friendly and cool. We're joking around when the pizza comes up, and I start to take out money when my smoking lil' 10 says, "I'll get this one." I let her, of course, then we go sit outside and eat some pizza.

Oh - I forgot to mention what she's wearing.

She's got on TIGHT black pants which show off all her mind-blowing curves and a little cute top. She's wearing Gucci stilettos and got a sexy, high-label handbag. Her hair is done up and she's noticeably taller than me between the hair and heels. Her makeup is done perfectly and she looks totally fly.

Anyway, we sit outside and eat pizza. We both got crazy kinds of pizza (mine was mushroom, pepperoni, and pineapple, she had some southwestern chicken barbeque pizza thing). We feed each other some pizza and sit close to each other.

We sit after we finish eating, and go for a walk. We look at a clothing store, then I ask her, "Do graveyards scare you?" She says no, and I say there's a historical graveyard here where a poet I like is laid to rest. Let's go for a walk.

We walk through the graveyard, and it gets us talking about deep stuff. Both of us have lost people in our lives, but it's cool to talk about. Apparently, a few of her ancestors are buried on top of this high mountain in S. Korea, so whenever one of her family wants to see their graves, they need to do this long hike/climb thing.

She's holding on to my arm at this point and we're pretty close. We keep walking and pass a school, and then we see a baseball diamond with little girls playing softball.

We go up into the bleachers and sit like parents up there, and watch the kids swing and pitch and what not. The girls are intense, cheering their team and chanting jeers at the other team. We get to talking about kids and family and all that.

I'm holding her close to me, and we're cheering the home town girls, who absolutely wipe the floor with the visitors.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
After that, we start the mile or two walk back towards my place.

It's fun and flirty energized and we're about 100 yards from my place, when I hear an angry feminine voice call out behind me.


****. Okay, stay calm, I'll just-


I give my girl a "Stay Here" look, and jog back towards the voice, which happens to be my main girlfriend. She knows I bed other women, but I make all efforts not to rub it in her face.

She's with a friend of hers, and stuffs a bag in my hands. "I bought that for you."

She turns to leave. "Baby... give me a kiss" I say. She looks at me. I say, "No, no, baby, it's not like that. Gimmie a kiss." She refuses and walks off.

I look in the bag. She bought me some high-end shampoo and condition. Last time she'd been to my place, she'd complained that I used garbage on my hair and so she went out and got me some good stuff.

I walk back towards my little Korean hottie, bag of nice hair products in hand, and don't say anything about what just happened. This girl ain't dumb though...

But I just go back to what we were talking about and walk back to my place. Before I get in, I say, "It's a little messy. I didn't think I'd be having company... Promise you won't laugh?" She looks at me like I'm retarded and says of course not.

We go up to my place, I show her around. Then I say check this site out, it's awesome and go load up which has free music videos on it. My general MO on Launch would be to play one rap song, then slow it down with a song by a girl with a sexy voice.

I was originally going for Petey Pablo's "Freak a leek" to play (funny sex-based rap song with hot girls in the video, which is good), when I saw that 50 Cent had a new video I hadn't seen. So I just roll with it. I have my girl sit across my right leg, put my right arm around her as I use the mouse to click, and load up "Just a Lil' Bit" which, though now played out in clubs and on the radio, was a cool jam for me back then.

It's getting me pretty horny for two reasons. First, duh, I've got this smoking little thing across my leg. Second, just the week before, one of my girlfriends had taken me to a rap concert. Between the two headlining guys, one of the DJ's just spun some songs and scratched. We were up in seats, and we walk over to the main railing overlooking the stage in the place where at. There, my girl grinds me in front of everybody with "Just a Lil' Bit" on... A couple acquaintences actually saw me there (lights were on between acts) which was funny too.

Anyway, I'm getting worked up, and so's she. Fitty's video ends, and I put on Ciara, who is just the hottest girl in the world and whose voice absolutely makes me melt. Unfortunately, Ciara's videos are no longer on Launch, but hers were generally what I went to before I'd kiss a girl at my place. She dances super-sexy, has an awesome body, the beats to her songs are fun, and her voice is sooooo melodic. So it is, we listen and watch some Ciara, then I kiss my Korean girl.

We spend about six hours together, I think, at that point. I maybe could've bedded her then, but unfortunately, I had dinner plans with another girl (trying to remember if it was my girlfriend or a new girl that I slept with, since I had two sets of dinner plans that weekend, but can't remember which was which - Either way, it was fun).

I bid my girl aideu with another kiss.

We call each other after that, but she's getting busy. She's in American college even though she already has a degree from Seoul, and it's finals time in the States.

I suggested doing a couple things, but she kept saying too busy. So, I pick a night that she doesn't have a final the next day and ask her what she's doing. She says studying. I say, "Alright, I'll come over and we'll make some dinner together."

She agrees. The day rolls around, and I go over to her place with some wheat spaghetti (the ONLY real spaghetti - no cardboard **** when I cook), original tomato sauce, mushrooms, sweet onions, lean ground beef, garlic bread, and a bottle of sparkling cider (no liquor for this girl - it'd hit this chica hard, and I vastly prefer 'em sober the first time).

I meet her roommate, who is kind of cold but leaves shortly, then we start cooking. Put the spaghetti on, then have her start stirring the meat sauce while I chop up the vegetables to add.

Cooking is a good time, and she knows her way around the kitchen so there's no complications. We eat together, and the sparkling cider is perfect: It's got that alcohol-like vibe, but she's still sober (This girl seems like a lightweight to me). We drink and eat and it's good, and afterwards, she says, "You like fruit?"

I'm about to say that I'm full and don't want any fruit, when she takes out strawberries and starts cutting them in halves. ****, strawberries are so sexy, looks like I'm going to have to overeat a little.

She finishes and comes and sits down in the crook of my arm, and licks a strawberry sensuously. She eats it, then feeds me a strawberry like a king, then takes a nibble of one and feeds me the rest.

We kiss between strawberries and it's so good. Her body is tight and perfect. I'm caressing her hair and face and we're kissing.

After we finish the strawberries, I lead her by the hand to her bedroom. We kiss, and I begin to undress her. She keeps saying, "Honey, I'm nervous" and "Honey, I'm shy" and I just reassure her and say, "Baby, it's okay. Baby, you can feel good with me, it's okay."

I get her down to a black thong and she asks if we're going to make love. I say I don't have a condom because I hadn't planned on it... but..." She says she hadn't either, but it feels so good, and... (actually, I didn't have a condom because I thought I did, but didn't - faux pas on my part).

Anyway, true 10, girl of my dreams, no condom? Hmm...

After we get done having sex (only for 30 or 40 minutes or so, since she was worried her roommate would come home), we dress and drink some water. We go for a walk, with her arm resting on mine as we did, gentlemanly escorting her style.

I wait and catch a bus back towards my place, kissing her before I get on. Call the next day as I want her to be converted to a girlfriend, and I instantly give her #2 girl status (a high honor, though #1 is my main girl's to lose - if she doesn't screw up, she's #1 until she does).

Good times. Most beautiful girl I've ever been with.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
(and virgins, too!)

Sheesh, that writeup of the Korean took longer than I expected. I'll have to truncate the rest of this.

I met a lovely Caribbean girl a few months ago, but didn't follow up with her much. Her number just got lost in the shuffle, as happens sometimes. But I was on a roll when I found her number and rang her up.

This girl is really, really classy and beautiful. She's high-class Caribbean, with smooth black skin. When I met her, she had French braids, but the next time she'd had her hair straightened with super-subtle dark-red highlights that was just lovely. Angel's face, large breasts, round, very tight and somewhat small ass. Her best feature of all was actually her very sexy, smooth back, but I didn't know that until I was taking her doggystyle!

Anyway, I had met this girl at an open-air cafe when, I think, I'd been eating a crepe. She sat near me, I told her that her braids were classy and looked great. She moved over closer to me, and we sat and talked a while.

I called her a couple times, and got together her once quickly, but then one of us got busy or some such, because I didn't follow up.

Well, I'd been bringing my A-Game as of late, and to boot, Woodhaven had just converted an old number into a lay with a very hot girl. I decided to ressurect some old numbers and call them, including this pretty Carribean girl.

When I call her, instead of playing good game, I talk to her for a bit, then insist on seeing her that night. She objected, I worked through it and told her I was coming to see her and where'd she live. She said same place I picked her up last time (that is, I went to her place before we went out that one time) but not to go there. I went, knocked on her door, and a guy answers who lives there now, ie, not her.

I'm still on the phone with her and call her on the bull****, mixing up being kind of in her face while reassuring her and saying, "Baby, I just want to see you for a bit. Just a bit."

She says later, later, another time. I say I really want to see her, and I'm leaving town for a while, and so busy, and I finally have time to see her tonight.

We talk some more, and after a bit of runaround, she tells me where she lives now which is just half a block away. Long story short, I go up to her place, and she opens up. She looks nervous but very happy. I relax, she asks if I'm hungry and gets me some Indian food that she had in her fridge.

We talk about life and dreams and all that, and I wind up holding her close to me as we share the food she heated up. There'd been a lot of good, sexual tension when I'd last seen her maybe a month prior, and it carried over.

We talk and I hold my arm around her. After a while, kissing is natural and expected.

I talk about how it's crazy that if just one of us had Indian food, the other would notice, but since we shared food together, when we kiss, it's just so smooth and all we feel is each other... but our kisses are... kind of... spicy....

After a while, I bring her to her bed and caress her body and squeeze that tight, sexy ass of hers. I run my hands up and down her body, and we start shedded clothes. She's a bit nervous after we get naked, but I say, it's okay, take your time. I do something I rarely do:

I just put her on top of me and let her sit there. She grinds around. Eventually, she props my **** up and lets it slide in her, and we have *great* sex. She's super-tight, a virgin it turns out. She had amazing technique and was just great in bed.

Afterwards, I spend the night with her, and she's now calling me all the time. Mmmm. I kind of want to see her in the next couple days now that I write this up.

#3 Five Continents Down, One to Go
(First time with an African girl, baby!)

I'm at the train station, waiting to go into Boston to meet Vincent and work. As I'm sitting on a bench, a sexy short black girl in tight pink capri pants comes up the escalator near me. She moves with grace, and she looks elegant. Diamond earrings, Louis-Vutton bag, cute white top.

She comes near me and I say hello, and she sits down. We start talking, I ask where the accent's from, and she's from Eastern Africa, but lived in Europe before coming to the States.

We chat about Africa, and she teaches me "Hello" in her language. We talk about London and where we're going and her dreams, what I do and what she does, and so on.

The train pulls up, and we walk in. She sits across from me on the train, but it's kind of a distance and will be loud as we get closer to Boston and more people get on and it gets louder.

We chat across the aisle a bit, but it's difficult, so I wave her to come over to me. She sits with me and we talk about things, eventually I put my arm around her and pull her close to me.

Eventually, we're two stops away from my station, so I start to get her number and finish taking it right before we get there.

The first time I call her is a Friday night, and we both just got off work and were tired. We chat a bit, and she doesn't have plans and neither do I, so I suggest we get together.

We do, and I drive over to her place. When I get there, it's late and I can't find her place. She says a Honda is parked out front, and after she comes outside with her older sister to wait for me, I see it's actually an SUV.

I joke that I used to drive a '92 Civic back in the day, so I was looking for a tiny little thing when I heard Honda.

I meet her sister, and they live together in a big house. It's her, her sister, her sister's husband, and their youngest son. Also, their nanny is over that night.

We go upstairs and drink, have a lot of fun and joke around. I socialize with her family. For a while, they're off doing their own thing, so we sit and kiss on the couch.

We settle in, and her family are moving around (it's a big place). Eventually, her brother-in-law joins us downstairs and I basically ignore my girl and talk about guy stuff with this gentleman. He was in excellent shape, dressed very sharply, but turned out to be pushing 50 when I asked! I'd never guess... he's got all the wisdom and maturity, but he looks and acts youthful.

This guy was truly a pleasure to talk to. He had a lot of interesting things to say and he was very cool about it. When I asked him how many children he had, he held up five fingers and said "A handful".

We chat a bit, and I try to bed my girl (actually, I say I should give her a backrub) but she says we will do that next time we see each other, not this time.

We go outside to my car, and I've got a Stones CD in the player. I turn the key in the ignition without starting the engine, and put the cd player onto Gimme Shelter. Not the best Rolling Stones song, but one very easy on the ears, especially in the opening intro.

I put my arm around her and we slowish dance for the song, and kiss some. She invites me to come back the next night.

I had plans already, but they were ending around 10 PM, so I go back over there the next night. We get it on some, but her friend was actually sleeping in the same bed as her, and her friend wasn't feeling well.

That messes up my logistics some, but I take her out to her upstairs balcony/porch thing.

There's actually one of those ab-curl-flexamo-machines there, and I point to it and ask if she uses it. She says yes and I ask her to show me. So, she gets on the thing, and then I straddle her and we start kissing and going at it. She doesn't want to go at it out there, though.

We go back inside, stay some, and then she says she should be off to bed (which her ill friend is in, so I can't bed her in there)... no problem, I have her walk me out, and work at it to get her in the backseat. There, we play some, I finger her, and eventually she gives me a good, good ******* but actually comes off right as I'm cumming and we make a huge mess. Yikes.

But it was fun. I could've had her in the back seat (she asked for it) but I feel too old to have sex in the backseat of a cramped car.

Still, I'll have her next week if I want her, since she's already called me a few times.

Good times. In case you can't tell, my M.O. is just to relax and get to know the girl, and have some fun with her. I do lots of "tell me your dreams" type stuff, very romantic lately. But if I just want a one-night stand, I go for it, and usually get it.

It's eight girls in the last eight weeks, sex or oral sex with all of them. If you're curious, the breakdown is two white, two black, two latina, two Asian... nice, eh? Variety truly is the spice of life.

I've also got a German aupair and a Thai waitress lined up, the latter with potential to be my next "mistress", a role that's been vacated far too long.

Anyway, if you want to lay girls, it's not about insane stuff. I did some back in the day, but I've settled into a nice little pattern - Mostly romantic, very dominant and confident, going for what I want but not caring 'bout the results as long as I stay process-oriented and have fun.

The gameplan and the results from knowing I'm an attractive guy. And by that, I don't mean that I've got great looks: Over the last two months, I've actually put on six pounds (yikes!) but the streak rolls on. Eh, I got back to the gym for the first time in a while yesterday, but check it out: Attractive and good-looking aren't the same thing. Check out "Being and Becoming Attractive", a somewhat recent post, for what drives this lay report. I've got that stuff going on, so I just relax and follow the gameplan: And with my attitudes and technicals drilled into my head, the rest is textbook.



Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
I'm a fan of some of you guys over at ASF, and I'm glad you've taken the time to post some new threads over here. I hate mASF's layout, and trying to go through the posts there about give me headaches. Thanks for taking the time to share some experiences.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Copenhagen, Denmark
""a virgin it turns out. She had amazing technique and was just great in bed.""

A virgin with amazing technique - well, that would be the first :D


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where the fvck does this guy live?

Heres a story from me...

Im in a coffee shop near my house sipping some tea and leafing through some notes. I look around and see a bunch of heffers and trolls and emo fags, no asian dimes in louis vutton and stripper shoes, no carribean queens and no fine ass black chicks.

that sucks


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
lmao! Too true Julian! The hardest part of a cold approach is not actually approaching, that part's fine, its actually finding the women! Where are they all? :confused:

I go to coffee shops, malls, clubs, and NEVER see these dimes! :)


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
There was one girl you were talking about where you told her that you wanted to see her today and you kept telling her you wanted to see your today (DESPERATE). I'm suprised that she actually let you in, since you seem like you were acting like an AFC.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by lebRambo
lmao! Too true Julian! The hardest part of a cold approach is not actually approaching, that part's fine, its actually finding the women! Where are they all? :confused:

I go to coffee shops, malls, clubs, and NEVER see these dimes! :)

You probably dont see the HB 9 or 10's (if any).

Practice on the 4, 5, 6, .. whatever as long as you practice.

Spirit Fingers

Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
If you live in any city, there are hot chicks there. There's two possiblities:

1. You are seeing hot chicks, but you find something wrong with all of them so as to give youself a reason not to approach. If you live in any major city or even large town, it's this one.

2. You live in an isolated hamlet, and there actually aren't any hot chicks. In that case, you should move if you're not satisfied with the women there.
