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  1. T

    Help me decipher this one

    I met this woman at work a few months ago. We went out last saturday and she came back to my place for a while. Nothing happened that night besides a little kino and a kiss on the cheek. I see her at work a couple days later and tell her that I had a good time. We began talking and comparing...
  2. T

    What is wrong with trying to pick up big chicks?

    The first dinner date usually breaks your wallet.:D Also when you are sexing her from behind you have to pull out, walk around and kiss her, go back to sexing her, pull out, walk around and kiss her...........ect. A very tiring process.
  3. T

    Paying or not paying for the date

    I disagree. I always assume that I will pay for the first date and that is fine by me. The one thing that really impresses me about a girl I take out is her assuming that she will pay half. This "the man should always pay" idea is why a bit%h gets half of everything you have worked for because...
  4. T

    Anyone else have a problem with 'Action Dates'??

    You keep riding 60 miles and you will go impotent. It can and has happened but I'm sure you already know this. :D
  5. T

    Eye contact: ever get death threats?

    I had one incident a few years ago in college. I was sitting in the library and was deep in thought about something and was facing the direction of some dumbass. He was throwing his arms up to as if to say "I'm bad-- you want some" I didn't even realize that he was doing this until I just snaped...
  6. T


    I'm talking about the way men use the word wh0re to justify why women leave them. "She isn't in to me---she must be a wh0re because she is fvcking someone else" When women get older, they have had their fair share of dic and settle down with people they use to ditch. Now, miraculously, she...
  7. T


    If a woman isn't in to you because of your afc ways and she moves on to someone else, then she is a wh0re despite how few partners she may have had. If a woman who has sucked a mile of dik and swallowed a ton of cvm finally settles down with you, then she was just being an average woman and her...
  8. T

    I am able to become....the most hated man ever on this site....but I dont care..

    I agree. That will never change in my lifetime. Calling people 10-20 years your senior, "kid" doesn't give anyone the perception you are "slick" or have your **** together. Instead, it just annoys people.
  9. T

    Volunteering does pay off

    What fukin difference does it make. He hooked up idiot. Is the service he provided diminished because of his motive? I once nailed a babe I met in church:eek: Halleluja!
  10. T

    When to next your girl? What are the limits!

    Are you looking for a checklist or something? I'll contribute the first one. If your girl is sucking the **** of one male friend and getting double penetrated by two more male friends, and getting urinated on by another male friend, Next her.
  11. T


    Anti-Kino? Gimme a fukin break. How about this "DO NOT touch me again azzhole" Sounds pretty simple to me. If the guy is a psyco, your girl wouldn't be studying with him.
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  13. T


    I think women need to be more assertive. I don't know of any man that will continue to pursue when told by a woman, "Look, I don't like you and I don't want to see you, hear you, or be around you. Do you understand what I just told you?" Unless, the guy is just a complete psycopath, a woman can...
  14. T

    What's the DJ way to handle...

    I think that's blatant disrespect. I don't think a cool and subtle response is the answer here. How about "Hey waiter...2 checks please and a to go box"
  15. T

    Let's all discuss the L word.. not lust, but love

    Maybe others are out there in the field scoring ass and not replying the instant a new thread emerges. It hasn't even been a whole day man.
  16. T

    What Do I Say To An Ex I Haven't Seen In Years?

    I ran into my ex the other day. I had not seen her in 2 years. What did I do then you ask? I backed my car up and ran into her again of course:)
  17. T

    my freind that said about my comments about lack of gf

    Man, I've been reading some of your posts and you really need to get your **** together. I can totally understand what a controlling family can do to a person. I grew up never having a date in high school or any interaction with anyone besides my controlling dad after school. I joined the army...
  18. T

    How to get Outta the 'friend' zone

    I once attracted much attention from a friend of mine. I was interested in her for a while. One day she asked what I did over the weekend. I told her that me and a friend of mine went out fishing on the local lake here. She asked if we caught anything. I just smiled and said "I hope not" Ever...