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  1. G

    Great Bodylanguage Fixes/Exercises (walking & posture)

    I've read some of BadBoys posts and they were extremely insightful and body language does make a difference. Good looks show that you get female attention and have good genes and she can be proud to be with you. With alpha body language you are showing you get female attention. You can also...
  2. G

    Cant keep track of them!

    Thats probably your problem hitting the girls over the head with an hammer :D j/k Are you actually trying to progress any further than kissing because maybe the girl wants it but is too afraid to esculate things herself? Maybe we could help you if you explained in more depth some of the...
  3. G

    No Car

    I'm not old enough to drive so I just let Claire drive me everywhere. It is alpha because its like having a chaufer. "Drive me to the cinema *****:cool:" "Did you just call me a *****:mad:?" "Im sorry please forgive me don't beat me up:(". Ok maybe Im not quite alpha yet:D .
  4. G

    Hes trying to steal her!

    Good advice from Grim. Shes an option, if you approach more girls you'll have more options, thus one option wouldn't be as important to you. It's like if your house set on fire and you couldn't live there anymore if it was your only house you'd be worse off than if it was one of your five houses.
  5. G

    I need help!!

    You can't get rid of the fear just by reading some books. Think about it you're going to have fear until you've approached quite a few girls. If you do it now and get it over with you'll never have the fear again and you'll be able to talk to that 10 when you see her on the street. If you don't...
  6. G

    How to handle this?

    If a girl is flirting with men while she has a boyfriend the boyfriend is not satisfying her. If the boyfriend is not satisfying her then he doesn't care enough to satisfy her or he can't satisfy her. If a boy is uncapable of satisfying a girl then he doesn't deserve to be with her. You can't...
  7. G

    What do you guys think about this?

    I wouldn't next her if I were you. I've approached girls who have told me to **** off yet have ended up kissing them. It's all probably just tests. DJs are rare, and when a girl meets a DJ she will test them to see if they really are a DJ or are just fakes. If you next now then you were just a...
  8. G

    holy sh*t... kill me

    I know that you care but go with Lindsey unless your friend can give you some cash for your efforts:D. You've got to start doing things in your own interest. If your friend doesn't like that then hes not worth the effort.
  9. G

    True Passion

    Whats with everyone playing guitars the triangle is where its at.... self taught before anyone asks. It was quite hard at first but I eventually got the hang of it. No my true passion is parkour(free running).
  10. G

    help! too many girls!

    When they do start forcing exclusivity on you either say a)If you have deep rapport with them:"I like you alot and I enjoy the time I spend with you however I do not feel I can make such a commitment at the moment and would appreciate an open relationship until I feel exclusivity is important...
  11. G

    Teasing Her

    Go out and see other girls because you can only act a challange for so long but you can be a challange forever. If shes going out with you you probably dont need more attraction but more rapport. The amount of attraction needed is minimum it is more important to create rapport. I can't really...
  12. G

    Giving advice on this website

    I was told I would get girls by fate. That I would just walk down the street and suddenly would see my soul-mate and some how have the confidence to approach her and everything. As a result of this I eventually became passive and had to find a site to motivate me (which I thank the posters of...
  13. G

    too far.

    "I think you are a nice girl and I do not want to ruin our friendship so it would be better if we were just friends." or "I'm not looking for a girlfriend at the moment" She should take the hint.
  14. G

    When a girl is leaving....

    No its not wuss boy behaviour. If you definitly don't want to come over as wuss boy just think of something that puts you in control like AC/DC's line. If you want her to stay but you act indifferent and just say "bye" that is wuss boy behaviour because you are not going after what you want at...
  15. G


    You should only use lots of C&F before you know shes attracted, then just build rapport with the occasional C&F line. When you use C&F the girl should laugh, I think you're saying things that are insulting to the girl which is not the purpose of C&F. Don't be so caught up in being in control and...
  16. G

    One man's ramblings

    Yes, but I think he means plan then do and once you've achieved everything plan some more. If you plan everything to the last detail then if you mess up halfway then you've wasted your time planning the rest. I think this is more for the people who think negatively though, I mean theres nothing...
  17. G

    The Importance of Letting Go

    You could have at least let me appear to be the most intelligent person in my own thread:( Note to self:No open ended questions in threads where Im supposed to look intelligent:D
  18. G

    Kerensky on: Looks

    This is true. Alot of people, who are focused on getting girls, think they can just not take care of their looks and let their personality do the work. This is true but as Kerensky said theres less to choose from if you don't take care of your looks. I take care of my looks as much as I can...
  19. G


    Maybe you should write a post on being modest:D . I agree with the "shameless self-promoter" here though, this is a brilliant post.
  20. G

    The importance of letting go

    I posted this in HS forum but someone suggested I post it here. Damn its so much easier copying and pasting:D : The importance of letting go Before we found this site most of us were AFC's, robots of society. What society said was right. Whether it was you must shower a girl with attention...