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  1. G

    The Importance of Letting Go

    Thanks Kerensky. The hope being humanities greatest strength and also humanities greatest weakness sounds cool. Do you mean that hope can be motivational yet also cause you to not act because of your belief of everything coming to you? Wavejams007. That is a good point, infact it is the way...
  2. G

    Another girl problem (sorry Im overanalysing)

    Delete/close this thread please mods. This post serves no purpose. I've scrapped my ideas of what I was going to write anyway. Thanks.
  3. G

    The Importance of Letting Go

    The Importance of letting go Before we found this site most of us were AFC's, robots of society. What society said was right. Whether it was you must shower a girl with attention or spew your problems to anyone that was unfortunate enough to listen. Every good looking girl was "The One" and...
  4. G

    First Cold Approach Ever!

    Hey great to hear man. Its hard approaching first time isn't it? I've only approached a few times with girls I do not know. I remember the first time I got a number from a girl I approached, it was a great confidence boost. Its just like when a girl a bit less good looking is approached by you...
  5. G

    Another girl problem (sorry Im overanalysing)

    WARNING: Do not read if you don't want to listen to a semi-AFC rambling on about his problem:D . I know I shouldn't post about a specific problem with a girl or anything but it's been annoying me lately. Over the past few days I've been going on a bus trip with this girl that lasts about...