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  1. T

    Man this one chick

    pray that sevilla isn't a cape town...cuz those stink!
  2. T

    my story

    not right now=no
  3. T

    Messed up today

    If you drove her to lunch I would have left her ass there.
  4. T

    DANCING! (need to knowstuff) n sucess story!

    to kiss a girl...there are two kinds of kissing...just rough dirty going at it...and then sensual kissing...which is probably what you should use on the dance floor. For this, suck on the girls bottom lip and bite it and use tongue SLOW and just keep mixing it up.
  5. T

    online approach(in a way lol) take a look!

    Why do people p9ost up their whole AIM Convos aint no one going to read that ****.
  6. T

    for clarifacation

    fat guys get chicks too, dog. Notorious many of the most gorgeous girls in hollywood, because he knew how to play the game.
  7. T

    I Got Used

    i grab my balls everyday.
  8. T


    why in god's name did you bump this.
  9. T

    for clarifacation

    you should have tried to get with that while you were on a trip...nothing would have been better than hooking up at a vacation!
  10. T

    So if you can't drive...

  11. T

    Going to a prom?

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when someone tries to be funny and fails miserably.
  12. T

    Going to a prom?

  13. T

    I'm back

    message me on aim nubcake613 I think I could help you with your problem.
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    I'm back

    wtf is that supposed to mean?
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    I'm back

    Darn, I can't think of anything clever.
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    Going to a prom?

    I went in all white and got a few compliments...I would suggest all white...that way you won't look like a douche.
  17. T

    uh oh

    yea thats bad...I would have told her to cry to ben and jerry's...or I would have made her cry more.
  18. T

    rate this convo, help me improve

    say things like "S.Y.S.P.H."..."Shut your stinkin' pie hole"...that will make conversations funnier.
  19. T

    Do I REALLY have anything to be afraid?(Approaching women related)

    Since you are a freshman, you are starting at the bottom going up. tell everyone you have a big-girl fetish.
  20. T

    Do I still have a Chance.....

    That could work but he could end up eating a lot of crow...I would suggest to forget about this girl...or if he is confident about his skills he could go this route.