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  1. T

    How accurate is..?

    there are many factors determining pupil dialation, maybe she was coked up and that's why you hit it off so well?
  2. T

    perv girl

  3. T

    going to prom with a girl way out of my league.

    Alright, I know you're not supposed to over-analyze things, but when we were shopping (and I made sure not to follow her, I looked at different stuff while she was) she mentioned how we "were like a couple." I couldn't help but get giddy when she said this. I hope this is going to materialize...
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    going to prom with a girl way out of my league.

    Aha! In your eye! i found my keys. Thank you jesus. They were in my back pocket...i spent hours looking for them today and I couldn't go to the gym...bastard keys!
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    going to prom with a girl way out of my league.

    Re: ... I'll make sure to type up how things when on sunday april 17th.
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    going to prom with a girl way out of my league.

    I know :-/...luckily i had my mom's car so i didn't have to run all over the mall with her, I just had to drop her off then I came back and looked but to no avail. :-/ I hope i find it, my backpack is locked in the trunk of my car and I don't have a spare.
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    going to prom with a girl way out of my league.

    Okay, me and said girl went shopping for her dress...damn she looked AMAZING and I can't wait til saturday. I am so excited about it. Bad news though, I lost my keys when I was shopping with her and now I'm screwed.
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    going to prom with a girl way out of my league.

    thanks all I've calmed down from yesterday so I'll just take it how it comes.
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    going to prom with a girl way out of my league.

    thanks sammo I'll read this a few times before saturday.
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    going to prom with a girl way out of my league.

    Alright, I'm going to spend the next week on this message board trying to reinforce this into my mind.
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    going to prom with a girl way out of my league.

    Hah, good plan. Thanks.
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    going to prom with a girl way out of my league.

    thanks mr. i'll just keep in mind "have a good time" and hopefully it will take care of the rest. Anyways, I'm going with a friend who is one of the funniest people I've ever met so hopefully he will help lighten the mood and help me break the ice.
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    going to prom with a girl way out of my league.

    Woot can't wait...if this happens should I try to meet up with her later (I.e...try to dance with her after a few dances and try to make it as natural as possible?
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    going to prom with a girl way out of my league.

    Alright...Thanks. I will definitely repeat this over and over. I'm going to try to convince myself she is ugly. Another Question, how should I handle it if she goes off and dances with another guy? Thanks man.
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    going to prom with a girl way out of my league.

    Good god, it just hit me, I am screwed. This girl is easily a high 9/10 and I am going to prom with her. It's in 1 week, saturday apr 16th. We're both seniors...anyone have any tips for me to help me survive the night? (and the week leading up to the prom)
  16. T

    My date to prom, confused

    and if she doesn't kiss you LEAVE HER ASS THERE. hahaaaaaaaaahahaa
  17. T

    High School Seniors: Which university will you be going to?

    University of New Mexico. or New Mexico Tech.
  18. T

    Can I borrow a piece of paper?

    lol pihi i would do that but honestly, who would carry toilet paper around. Other than janitors
  19. T

    Can I borrow a piece of paper?

    alright I tried Alex's idea and it worked, got a pretty good chuckle.