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  1. T

    Can I borrow a piece of paper?

    LOL okay alex the great. Thanks.
  2. T

    Can I borrow a piece of paper?

    Hmm...but what if it's like one of those times when the class is supposed to be completely quiet and working by themselves? I'd only have room for one quick joke and a smile, that's what i'm looking for. Usually i wouldn't give a **** about this except this one girl who I want to pick up asks...
  3. T

    Can I borrow a piece of paper?

    Hi, I need a ****y/funny reply to "can I borrow a peice of paper?" Thanks. I think just STFUing and giving the girl a peice of paper is sort of AFC-ish which is why I'm looking for a C/F reply, but correct me if ti's not.
  4. T

    Jumped ship right before sinking!

    I just felt like posting this up. It almost felt liberating for me because i was the WORST AFC in the world. I used to hang on to relationships til they were definitely past due and then when the girl dumped me I would "Convince" her she should stick with me. It almost makes me sick thinking...
  5. T

    Jumped ship right before sinking!

    Thank god, I just dumped my girl RIGHT BEFORE she was about to dump me. THANK GOD I kept the upper hand. Phew, dodged that bullet.
  6. T

    my confession...

    I would if she wasn't a freshman.
  7. T

    You GOT It Man...I swear

    awesome. my new mantra!
  8. T

    my confession...

    Alright thanks bro. I think i'm just going to tell her straight up that I don't like her and don't see myself with her. Or maybe I'll just AFC the crap out of her until SHE rejects ME!
  9. T

    my confession...

    Alright, ever since I made the change from AFC to (quasi) PUA there's this one girl who I have no interest in (well some, she's about an 8/10 but a freshman and I'm a senior) who tells me she likes me ALL the time and since i am a recovering AFC I get such a rush and ego boost from it, so I lead...
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    alright...that makes should I go about it? something like: "I am going to go bowling tonight/tomorow/next week with a few friends, wanna come?" and then make some excuse about friends not coming or what? thanks bro.
  11. T


    Hey everyone, first post. I've been reading DJ and other sites like it for a few months now, and they have really helped me go from a full-blown AFC to a quasi-PUA. However, there's a situation that I don't know how to deal with and I want to make my move soon, and need some advice from you...