Trying to holla at a girl from across the street


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
columbus, ohio
Hey everyone

Before you start reading I should let you know I like to give all the facts and information about my situations so get your reading glasses on.

Alright everybody this is my situation. There is this girl that walks on the other side of street from my house when she gets out of school. I do know this chick becuase we used to go to the same middle school. Same grade. And mostly the same classes.

Awhile ago I did try to talk to her this is how it went.

I was walking out of my garage and I had saw her. She was a little far down the street. I did have to kind of yell this to becuase she was down kinda far. I was like, hey is your name (her name). She was like yea. Me: Did you used to go to (school name). She said yea. Me: Do you remember me. She was like no (well she probley wouldnt remember me anyways she was down the street though). Me: You dont remember mark, the guy that used to where that same hoody and those one jeans.

(Dont worry everybody my style has changed alot I used to wear that hoody even in the summer). She was oh yea. And then out of nowhere I just came out with this I mean it just popped out. I was like. So wont you come holla at me. ( I mean it just came out of nowhere). She was like no thank you. (Man I felt down right at that moment). Then I was like forget you then. End of discussion.

Ok so like the next day, well I think it was the next day. I was sitting out on my porch wating for her to walk passed. When I saw her I kind of hesitated for a minute. But then I said hi. She was like hi but in like a sercastic way yall know like when I girl gets a attitude with you. I said So why wont you talk to me. She said cause I dont know you.

I then said well how are you going to get to know me if you dont talk talk to me. I dont remember what she said after that. Then I just yelled out her name the fether she got down the street (yes the whole time we was talking she was still walking) I did it like three times then I was just like forget it.

Alright ladies and gentalmen there is a story behind this whole thing. Come to find out. I was talking to my boy that went to the same school as her. I was talking to him and said. Do you have a girl at your school named (her name) he was like yea. I was like man I just tried to holla at her man but she tried to play me. He was damn Im going to have to talk to her.

So the next day we talked and he was like man I heard some stuff about you. I was liek from who. He said from (the girls name). So I said what did you hear. Him: She said that you tried to holla at her but she turned you down. And that you got punked out in middle school by this chick and she made you leave school. WHOOOAAAA HOLD THE ****KKK UP.

So now let me explain this situation here. When I was in middle school there was this one girl that just kept ****in with me. Me and her would argue all the time in class. We always got in trouble. And you know how some girls are they wanna talk **** you all day then want to say something like im going to get my cousin or whoever to beat you up and stuff. So you know it just got on my ****ing nerves one day and I just went off.

She was sitting next to me and talking **** like always then I just said **** it and stood up and bumb he chair with me legs and said ***** shut the **** up. Im tired of you runnin your mouth. And then the teacher grab me and took me outside and I was like no man this ***** gonna learn to stop talking **** to me. So the teacher was like go to the office and cool off.

So you know I did. But then me and her and a parent confrence. Becuase I guess it was getting out of hand. So the next day her mom comes in but before she does walk in. I was walking past the door with a could friends and she was at the door I guess waiting for her mom. She was like yea now what my mom here. So I said I dont give a **** if your mom here. Then here mom walks in. So Iam like what Im I suposed to be scared now or something because shes here. Her mom was like dont worry about it we will get this situation done later.

But now after than insident the girls in my class are trying to say that Iam a women abuser or some stuff like that. So you know Im like damn I think I might of ****ed up real bad becuase being called a women abuser I think ias the worst.

So the day goes past and its time for the confrence. Man she loves to lie her ass of all the time and the bad thing about this is that most of the girls and some of the dudes be having her back becuase she know them they her friends or whatever. So in the confrence she said that I had pushed here out of the chair and called her a *****. WOW. I said so now I pushed you. You know I didnt push you I bumb your chair and yea I did call you a *****. So confrence went on and her mom broung up the thing about what happened at the door. I said that she said that her mom was coming in now what. And of course she was like I didnt say that I didnt say anything. So Iam like whatever then why would I just say that becuase of no reason. Hum.. is she busted or what.

But alright enough about that. So anyways after the confrence the princible said that I should find another school becuase we are disturbing other kids from learning or whatever. So I was like what about her. He said well from what I have been hearing you are the one starting all the drama and there for we have to take the trouble maker out. See now this is really ****ed up becuase everybody that always saw the argumets knows that she always started it.

And so that is what happen and I didnt go back and now I guess the girls that where there well at least this girl is trying to say I got punked out by a girl. So you know I really want to clear this up with this girl and try and get to know her better and talk to her. And hopefully if she still keep in contaced with some of the girls that went to our school she would clear everything up.

So everyone I really do need you guys help. Badly. So how should I go about this. And this girl wont even stop to talk to me. Its been awhile scense I did talk to her so I dont know if she will stop or not. So to all my fellow pimps playas dj's whatever you are can yall help a brother out.

And excuse the spelling to, its an early moring for me.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
First take off your panties, and then grow some balls.

Waiting for a girl after school looks needy.
Following a girl looks needy.
Begging for a girl to reconsider turning you down looks ungodly needy.
And having a friend try to talk to her for you is just plain pathetic.

And getting emotional was about as effective as castrating yourself.

But worse than all this is that you actually care what she thinks/says about you; which is very insecure and needy.

I guess what I am trying to say is you have about as much confidence as a dead rabbit and I sure as hell would have turned you down as well.


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
columbus, ohio
(Henz) Yea you right I should take off my panties. But my balls are grown ask yo mom and see what she says belive me bro she knows.

Alright to the main part.

Yea you right waiting for a girl after school is needy. But I was sitting on my front porch. Like she really knew I was sitting on my porch to talk to her. Come on now think for once.

Following a girl humm did I say I was following a girl wtf are you reading.

Begging yea you might be right Im still in my early stages on my game everybody needs improvment some where.

Oh my...... having a friend talk to her again when did I ever ask him to talk to her. Again read the post again before you start to try and put words in my mouth son.

Yea you right getting emotional wasnt called for but man I dont think you understand how much she was doing it. I have never got mad at any girl like that before she just went way overboad.

See the stage that Iam at yea for some reason I did care what she said to me and everything but Im still in my early stages of pimpin but I will get the point where I dont give a ****.

Yea my cofindence is very low. And Im hopin you would have turned me down to. Damn what are you some kind of a f@g or somethin.

(teencraft) I really dont get it.
Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
I thought this is about yelling at a girl down the street???

and lilplayer can you cut the thing down a bit.
Half these ppl have ADD so most likely if you type more than 3 paragraphs your gonna get less reponses.
:D ty in advance

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
in front of my computer


once you've done that, you will understand the reason for what Hanz said.

losing it in class was stupid, no matter how you look at it. you should have ignored her or, better yet, made a friend out of her. fighting with a girl is a battle you can't win, no matter what. the chicks are all her friends and the guys want to shag her.

in short dude, you lost this one. big time

and forget the across the street girl. you preemptively blew it. next


Don Juan
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kansas City
Don't try to act all hard when you've provided so much evidence of being a biotch around women.


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
columbus, ohio
Now I see why alot of people have left these forums. Yall are a bunch of internet sh*it talkers. I thought this was suposed to be about helpin people out and sh*it. From what I seen nobody really gets a straight answer around here. All you hear is sh*it like read the the bible and sh*it. Or biatch quit bein a *****. I mean damn. If anybody wanted those kind of ****in opinons they would tell you biatches that they wanted it.


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
columbus, ohio
(wcknightjr) So let me guess Im suposed to be a biatch now becuase I get a little nevers around women. Haha. Number 1 men and women are two diffrent species. Men you want to have as buddies and friends. Girls you want as someone to be with ect.

So that means if I had seen you and biatch yo punk a$$ out that means you are scared of women to right hahaha ****in idiot.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
lol, dayum... aight 1st off calm tha fvck down, if you decide to stay around the boards (which u shud cuz it'll teach u a lot more than u think an mould u into a male if you do it rite) You will have a lot of people that dun like you. I TOOK THE TIME TO READ YA LONG-ASS POST SO LISTEN TO WHAT I SAY, AND FOR THE LOVE OF POONTANG, READ THE BIBLE

Aight 1st off lets look at the positive. You holla'd at the gurl who you was feeling, good. Most people who come to the board are like "I like this gurl but I don't want to tell her, what's a good way to let her know without getting hurt" etc. Also you spoke what was on your mind when you were around her. That took balls.

The negative
Aight u can go up to gurls and just ask them to be your gf or whatever, but it is a much lower chance of succeeding than talking or at least saying something more than your name and hi.

Don't b!tch to your friends and ask him to work out your girl problems, only YOU can do this. If you send another person in you look like a punk, so dun do that anymore. If someone volunteers just say no thanks.

Aight when a gurl rejects you, harshly or nicely, just move on. Don't try and follow her or try and get her change her mind. That'll come when you are a bit more experienced. And seriously don't wait for people outside your house, cuz that stalking sh!t will definetly put a cramp in your game.

Aight, as for the girl that "made you leave school" I aint fully understand what happened, but i dun really care. Some gurls can take it too far and deserve to get b!tch slapped but you gotta step off and wait for nature to take it's course. She'll prolly end up a prostitute or a crack head so dun fret about her. Peope gonna doubt ya rep because of what happened, so that shud be a good lesson for why you gotta let things lide sometimes. If anyone asks or disses you about her jsut say something along the lines of "The girl and I didn't like each other and the priniciple said it was best to go to a different school. Then change the subject.

With that said, go to the DJ bible (located in the top right hand corner) and got to 'Weapons of Mass Seduction' by Senor Fingers. That is pretty much a basic guide of a lot of bases. SOme of the stuff is for older people so it mite not apply to you, but that is prolly just the music selection in later articles. That shud set you on the right path for now, dun read too much here in these forums, just stop by when you stuck or havin trouble....Good luck and happy pimpin ;)