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  1. T


    I guess what I'm really asking is, are there plenty of girls that go without dates of their own, just waiting to get picked up. And I know a fair amount of girls, but thats not really my concern. Dances are an easy place to approach girls you don't know anyway.
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    Question about Prom... Is Prom more the type of dance where you NEED to bring a date? Or can you go solo and hook up with multiple girls there, like at Homecoming? Thanks.
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    To steal or not to steal

    Curious, how many of you guys would hit on a girl knowing she had a boyfriend? Assuming you did not know the guy at all.
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    Post your thoughts

    so I'm a dumbass for not knowing what you didnt include in the post? And if it happened a year ago, whats it matter now? But since you are dying to know, all you can tell from that is that either she's had some sort of acquaintence with him or shes being friendly to the new kid and trying to...
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    Post your thoughts

    Does it matter? If you're interested in her, and it seems like you are, then just go for her. If shes with that other guy, you'll find out soon enough. So stop wasting time.
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    what to do after first date ?

    "I don't see this going anywhere" works fine for me
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    Getting rid of pimples!!

    I've had pimples all over my face since 13, and i'm almost 17 now. From what I hear, proactiv seems to work for a LOT of people, but it didnt work for me, and just dried out my face more. 2 weeks ago I started using this thing called Murad acne complex. Now I'm about the age when my acne...
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    how to talk wit this shy girl

    let me tell you its much easier to get to know a girl you have a class with. So take advantage of that. Even if its just a friendly Hi with a smile, you're trying to get her more comfortable around you. Maybe talk about the class a little. Then move on to talking to her outside of class...
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    If she says it too soon

    How should you respond to an "I love you" after you've only been goin out for a few weeks?
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    Greetings and a question:

    heh. I was just about to post a topic with almost the same exact question. Girl i like in school, year younger, never talked to her, see her once or twice a day in the halls. But these guys are right, nothing wrong with going up and saying hi. Whats the worst that could happen? She is a...
  11. T


    University of Maryland! A good wingman can really help meetings new girls...but a bad one could hinder it. I'd take one if i find one good enough. As for being one myself, definately. The more experience the better.
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    girl says I'm weird ...

    weird is an interesting word, it could be good or bad. it all depends on the context and the way it is said. If she's laughing while saying it, shes probably teasing you light-heartedly. If she looks very serious and disgusted at you, thats not a good thing :P Just use your best judgement...
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    The tip about 'if she doesnt kiss or touch u shes not interested'

    i remember reading this somewhere: “Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.” Thats all i'm gonna say.
  14. T

    This happen to anyone else?

    Whenever I read some of the more inspirational posts on the DJ forums I always feel so motivated. I really think i could go out and talk to any HB that came my way. But later when i go out i lose all that motivation and end up passing up good opportunities. No matter what i tell myself when...
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    The little things

    wow so many DJs in the area. I live in Bethesda.
  16. T

    The little things

    Porky, you live in Maryland?
  17. T


    what exactly do you guys mean by the benzoyl peroxide clumping with the moisturizer? I'm currently using proactive benzoyl peroxide and neutrogena oil-free moisturizer and i've noticed no clumping. Not much in terms of results, but no clumping.
  18. T


    I feel you man, I got pretty bad acne too. I've tried just about everything, including proactiv, but nothing worked, and it just made my skin really dry. I want to go on accutane because everyone says that works, but my mom is really against it because of its side effects, namely depression...
  19. T

    how do i get rid of spots?

    by spots i assume your talking about acne do a search for acne, there are a ton of topics on this
  20. T

    acne and dry skin

    I have about moderate acne. I've tried a bunch of stuff, most didnt help much. I tried proactive, which a lot of people say helped them, but that really dried out my face, which caused more acne. I tried using a few different moisturizers to balance it, but my skin was still very irritated...