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  1. T

    need advice

    hahaha :D point taken, thanks
  2. T

    Quick question

    I would say you can try calling her again, but dont leave a message if you get the machine. The big thing here is to not appear desperate. But at the same time, there is always the possibility she did not get your first message for some reason, which is why you should try calling her again...
  3. T

    need advice

    hmm, maybe i'm not understanding how a girl's interest works. A girl's IL will rise as you get to know her better, right? This girl and I are still getting to know each other better, so maybe she wouldnt like a kiss now, but would rather wait till we know each other better and she becomes more...
  4. T

    What is you main problem?

    my main problem is probably starting the conversation, i can approach and introduce myself, but then i usually freeze up on what else to say. I usually cant find anything we have in common that soon after meeting her.
  5. T

    need advice

    I agree with most of what you said, NRM, but i'm not so sure about the kiss. A girl could still be interested in you, just want to take things a little slower, right?
  6. T

    need advice

    wow NRM, thats some good stuff there, thanks!
  7. T

    need advice

    one question fab, what do you mean by dont talk about simple stuff?
  8. T

    need advice

    ok, theres this girl i've liked for a while. about a month before school ended i started talking to her over aim. There was never a good opportunity to talk to her in person, but we had a class together, so she knew who i was. our conversations went pretty well, we found a lot in common and...
  9. T

    Getting a life

    Its not that I'm physically out of shape. I'm actually naturally pretty fit. And I do lift weights occasionally. But thats not something that occupies a lot of time. I'm looking for a hobby or something to do that really interests me. And I have read most of the HS bible already, most of it...
  10. T

    Getting a life

    Hi For the past few years, I've been playing lots of video games, rarely going out with friends, never going out with girls for anything more than just friends, spending most of my time alone in my room. I basically have no life. In the past few weeks i found this site and i've been reading a...