need advice


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2004
Reaction score
ok, theres this girl i've liked for a while. about a month before school ended i started talking to her over aim. There was never a good opportunity to talk to her in person, but we had a class together, so she knew who i was. our conversations went pretty well, we found a lot in common and she thought i was funny....and nice :(. last week i asked her to hang out at a nearby starbucks, and we talked for a while and got to know each other better. I'm pretty sure she knows that i like her, but i'm not sure whats shes feeling towards me. she acts really nice around me, but its hard to tell if she likes me because she's the kind of person thats just nice to everyone. now my question is how/when do i go from asking her to 'hang out' to asking her out on a date?


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
thats a question that pops up at everyone bro, my advice would just be to go for it. you have nothing to lose, i mean maybe this girl is nice and everything, but she wouldnt hang out with every person just to be nice, so if she likes being with you and enjoys your company then that counts for something, you know what i'm sayin. i'd suggest cut down on the aim, not to much on the phone, if you have gotten her number already, and just hang out with her. ask her somewhere, like maybe to the movies or to a party if she wants to. then slowly progress, make kino and if everything goes well then you can go in for the kill.

good luck, just dont talk about simple stuff and dont talk on the aim that much, that wears down your topics and you cant touch her. also talking too much on the phone will bump you down the friend category, so just be with her. dont "ask" for a date, you tecnically already had one, it just doesnt have to be official.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2004
Reaction score
one question fab, what do you mean by dont talk about simple stuff?


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
This is easy Tedward. Don't progress from "hanging-out" to dating. Go straight to dating, that's what you want to do anyways, why hide a date behind the cute non-aggressive "hang-out" session.

Here's something that chicks dig. Chicks dig a guy that they can't figure out. One that she isn't sure likes her or not. As silly as it sounds, it's the way it is in the dating world. You want what you can't have. And what you aren't sure you can't have, can just as easily be yours with some work. Hopefully, you're still following me.

Stop talking to her on AIM. Become a challenge. Next time you see her in person ask her "Hey, it was nice talking to you, what's your home phone number?" Since you're still okay acquaintances, then this should not be a problem. You get the number, don't make any contact with her, AIM or otherwise, better yet, block her for a few days, but just be sure she can't find out that you did. Call her up, 4-7 days later and say

"Hey, I'm free <insert day>, let's go get a bite to eat at <insert food joint> at <insert time>."

Your terms, no questions, simple reject or accept. If she accepts, you've got yourself a date. If she rejects with NO COUNTER-OFFER (different date), then you are in a boat full of no romantic interest. This is the point where you give up since there will never be anything between you two.

But for explanation sake, let's say you get on the date. Have a good time, don't be nervous. She's lucky you could find time in your busy schedule to go on a date with her. If you feel that the date went well (ie: you both had fun), then KISS HER.

You MUST kiss her. This is the absolutely only low-risk way to find out if she is interested in you. All while making you look bold and confident. If she cheeks you or pushes you away, that is a sign of extreme disinterest. If she accepts, you're in. Go home, smile, and try to ease of the excitement and go to sleep. Make it all seem natural to you.

If this all seems a little much for you (which I bet it does), sit down for a second and think what you want from this. You want a relationship. What you don't want is a relationship with a disinterested girl. That is why you ask for the number, that is why you ask for the date, that is why you kiss her. You display your interested and if she has ANY romantic interest, she will comply. If she doesn't, why go out with her at all? Don't waste your time figuring out if she wants to be with you. Find out the classic way without all the emotional fuss.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2004
Reaction score
I agree with most of what you said, NRM, but i'm not so sure about the kiss. A girl could still be interested in you, just want to take things a little slower, right?


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Ted, your ultimate goal is finding a girl that is interested in you. And you will learn very quickly, whatever rules about kissing and dating girls have, they will break for you. If they are interested in you. Do not date a girl who is not genuwinely interested in you. It is not worth it in the long run. Do not become boyfriend to a girl you have not kissed. It'll make the first kiss extremely awkward and almost pre-planned. It shouldn't be a doubt, it should be an action.

Ted, imagine. A girl that you think is TOTALLY awesome. You have a high interest level in her. She asked you for your number, you threw it at her immediately. She called for a date the next weekend, you anticipated it every hour of everyday till the date. You go on the date, you have the time of your life. She's dropping you off at your step and she leans in for the kiss.

Would you push away because you have standards of taking things slow?


Yes, there are exceptions to relationships that worked out other than this, but do not waste your time. If a girl isn't interested in you, then she isn't. You have to learn to deal with that. Learn to deal with rejection. If you follow what I tell you, you will be rejected thousands of times before the end of your life, but the truth is, out of those thousands of times, you will meet a few ladies that will stick by you no matter what. Don't waste your time with anything under your standards.

As for the kiss. Make it come off as confident. You are a man, you know what you are doing. It is a bold move made by a bold man. He knows what he wants and takes it. Does not ask questions. Believe it or not, girls want to get swept off their feet by a man. If you are not that man, then don't even waste your time, they aren't worth it. Trust me, the kiss close is not too bold for a girl who is interested in you.

You're interested in her, all to find out now is her interest in you. Keep it nice and simple. Win.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 27, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Tedward
A girl could still be interested in you, just want to take things a little slower, right?
yes. if you're feeling the vibe and go for it, but she rejects, that by know means is a definite sign of disinterest. if, however, she cuts talk with you short and rejects date offers afterwards, you've lost it.

also, the fact that she said you're nice doesn't mean she thinks your a "nice guy" necessarily. i tease just as much, if not more, than the next guy here, but everybody knows be as being nice. i just have a constant friendly vibe about me, so they know i'm not just being a jerk. saying you two had a lot in common and that you're funny definitely is a good sign. just don't worry about anything. if you want something, go for it. if you succeed, you become stronger. if you fail, you become stronger as long as you learn from it. this is a win-win situation either way.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2004
Reaction score
hmm, maybe i'm not understanding how a girl's interest works. A girl's IL will rise as you get to know her better, right? This girl and I are still getting to know each other better, so maybe she wouldnt like a kiss now, but would rather wait till we know each other better and she becomes more interested? Or maybe i'm just thinking about it too much

Supero Masculus

Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
In reality
Look man, stop thinking so hard about this! Its gonna ruin this in the end. I have a freind / wingman who had this problem for a while, he over annalized things like this. So one day he asked for help and why his skills wheren't doing the trick and we found that his over thought was killing his game. So don't over annalize it!

As for the kiss, take it as no big deal. I've done this before and its not as big a deal as it seems. Plus if she takes it once and not again it could be her problem, not yours. I currently am dealing with a girl who took the first kill no problem but as i went in for the second she stopped me and informed me she was, "shy".
I know this was bullshyt but i decided to play it cool the rest of the night and have some fun and do a lot of huge kino and testing her comfort zone. In the end she's still into me and she is sorry for not going for that second kiss. Its no big deal man.


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Believe it or not, getting to know a person more does not necessarily increase anyone's interest level. Supero Masculus is right, the goodnight peck on the lips IS no big deal. It says that you are interested in her and that's it.

You say that a girl's interest level will rise as you get to know her better. That is bullshit. Look at your own interest level, how well does she know you and how much time has she spent getting to know you? I can say, not very much, especially if you're STILL getting to know her.

Now think about that. And then think about your interest in her. It's freaking through the roof. Even as much as you coming online to look for tips on how to woo her your way. Initial genuwine interest. For whatever reasons you are attracted to her, she should be as attracted to you. Since when did you start being interested in something that you knew about? You are interested in things that are mysterious, things that aren't easy to obtain, things that are just interesting. Don't assume that just because she'll know tons about you over time that she'll fall hopelessly in love with you. That never happens.

You know how relationships start to dwindle down after a while? That's because the people know too much about eachother, the relationship is just boring, no excitement. You take her on the date, you move in for the kiss, she'll be excited. Guy, she is not going to become more interested because she knows how you like your pancakes or because you like to kick dogs and burn trees or even because you play sports or whatever you do.

I'm going to say this in the least offensive way possible.


If you can't get a kiss away on the first or second date, then you never will. Sure you can ask her to be your girlfriend, but that's just name calling status, and then when will the first kiss happen? You start off a relationship with a kiss, any exclusive parts she'll ask for. It's that simple. If she's not interested you'll know.

You have two choices, kiss her and get rejected or ask her and get rejected. Cause all you'll be doing is getting rejected if you aren't sure of yourself. Be a man about it. Girls love to be taken over by bold mysterious confident men. Don't be the wimp that can't get enough information about her bed positioning.

You have high interest in her. You make an effort to get to know her. You make an effort to figure her out. You waste your time.

Make the move, rejection now is much better than rejection later after you've wasted your billion man hours planning out the rest of your lives together. If she's interested, she'll accept. You would.