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  1. D

    Relationship ending because...

    She is very insecure, that's why she gives you this crap and why she's so jealous. Personally, this would drive me crazy and I wouldn't put up with it, but you'll have to see for yourself. I mean, three years. Damn. She's got issues.
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    An almost complete list of where a lot of people are from...

    Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  3. D

    So what's this erection thing all about?

    Well, at least you have some suspicion of what he's talking about.
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    Social Status / Women Explained

    A nicely written piece of truth.
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    Too much confidence bad?

    Yeah, I have this problem too sometimes. Especially in group communication. There's this girl at work who doesn't get any of the ****y and funny comments I pull off, however, all the other people (mostly women) love it, as they should. It is annoying when I have to explain stuff to her and she...
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    Im Gonna Fcking Kill Her.. And Him!##!#!#

    It's the kind of stuff that gets on lame ABC comedies that help indoctrinate the people in the USA with a lot of bull****. Also concerning topics like these.
  7. D

    American Women

    The men in America are more pussified, and the feminazi's have more power? Look at Oprah... I'm glad I live in Europe.
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    Attraction Is Not A Choice??

    If you have issues concerning evolution on another level, I can see where you're coming from. But how do you feel about the great number of people who have benefited from his materials a lot (like me)? Even if what it is based on is wrong, as you say, it still works for many... (I really...
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    Im Gonna Fcking Kill Her.. And Him!##!#!#

    Sixteen and still a virgin? Damn, your sister's not exactly quick. Why would you care how many guys **** her anyway? :confused:
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    Attraction Is Not A Choice??

    Well, I absolutely disagree. Could you explain why you think this of DeAngelo and his materials? And have you actually seen the advanced series?
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    Dorm Room!

    What's with the duct tape?
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    What to do with affectionate names so early on?

    I have tried this a couple of times but it didn't seem to work well. Maybe its not IM material anyway, but it moght come off arrogant or too obvious of a player attempt. In theory it works nicely, however no good results with this yet. My advice: when she calls you sweet, darling or...
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    first date at the beach, and I'm a bit self-conscious

    I think it is a good thing she will see you with your friends. They obviously know you and like you, and this will show. You'll likely have a great time regardless of any sexual tensoin between you two. If this is a goal, don't forget to make this clear too. Don't worry about your extra...
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    Long prom story

    Why the **** is she being a ***** about a coursage, you asked her a day in advance and she took long deciding. What is wrong with this? My take is this. She actually didn't care for you to come with her, but she needed a ride. She realized you would come with her and felt wrong for going...
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    Should I play it cool? I thinkshe has some interest

    I'm afraid Mic's right. Chase her harder, and she'll run harder.
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    Reality of Nexting

    It is true that when the chick drops you, you have not dropped her. You can next her by not caring. That is the actual nexting, realizing that there are many more women and that it is her loss, even if she doesn't know it, or never will. This says nothing about her mistake of dropping a great...
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    Cruel Intentions

    I saw this a long time ago, don't remember much. I love the song by the verve that is played at the end though, "bittersweet symphony". Awesome fit with the situation.
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    Should I play it cool? I thinkshe has some interest

    Try to give the idea that you are not attracted to her anymore, but still hang out with her. She'll start wondering why this is, and will likely be after you if she's at all interested. If she's not, it doesn't matter. Of course, to point out the obvious, the valentine thing is classic AFC...
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    Reality of Nexting

    It is only put in that way to emphasize that is is her loss. Stop whining.
  20. D

    Dang, This Chick is a tad Older than me.

    me 18 gf 25 together for almost 18 months keep up the good work and stop worrying