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  1. W

    First date went smoothly, suggestions for a second one?

    XMFD about african cave virus. I'll defnitely use that. Think I'll go for the karting date, as she seems to like everything that has a motor attached to it :crackup:
  2. W

    First date went smoothly, suggestions for a second one?

    So I met this girl at a club I work at, got her number and called her yesterday without much tought about what we could do. Turns out we went on a motorcycle ride, got caught by rain so we stopped at a restaurant, had a great time there, went for coffee at another place and found a coffee shop...
  3. W

    Long time since a girl made me melt like that

    Long time since a girl made me feel like that Hey fellow DJ's. Been a long time I came here, I didn't have any girl troubles and all for a while. but now it's just come back, and it's reallly weird. Since my first girlfriend, I can't say I've really had a real crush on someone. Sex was good...
  4. W

    Two succesful cold approaches today!

    Well talk to me about it mister know-it-all :rolleyes:
  5. W

    Two succesful cold approaches today!

    Because where I'm located, it really isn't convetionnal to go around and ask phone numbers withtout a reason, so that gave me a "reason" to get them. Quebec girls are open when drunk, closed when sober!
  6. W

    Seducer / Seduced

    Semms like you're opening up a bit too much to her too. If she tells you all sorts of deep things, you are not considered a lover, but a friend. A woman will talk about his emotionnal state to her girl friends, but will talk about lighter stuff with her boyfriend. I guess you need to be more...
  7. W

    Two succesful cold approaches today!

    Attention spans are getting shorter and shorter...:rolleyes:
  8. W

    Two succesful cold approaches today!

    Hey guys, I just wanted to share this with you, today I made 2 succesful cold approaches with e-mail close! Feel free to tell what I did wrong, I'll try telling in detail what happened. First chick, I'd give 8.5-9, some kind of "hip-hop girl" if you know what I mean. SHe was cute and was...
  9. W

    New hair!

    quite a flow of anwers I must say! I know the second picture sucks real bad, I had a big 5 minutes before going to work to take these, so that's why I look tense (hate arriving late) I have trouble making a real smile in front of a camera by myself. I've got no problems doing it to...
  10. W

    New hair!

    Following this thread, I'm posting pics before and after my haircut. It was hard to cut this beloved hair, and I'm still not sure if I like the results. I think I look more outgoing now than I did before, but I looked a bit "mysterious" before. The pics really suck, I hate making...
  11. W

    Reality check

    Be sure I will, I'll try to come up with a few suggestions. I go to a pretty good hair salon, so she's gonna take care of me friday. I'll give you updates on that afterwards.
  12. W

    Reality check

    Well, just because I'm used to having hair in my face, and it's fun to play with :D I always find that taking the hair outta your face with one grand gesture is a fun thing to do (ok, maybe not that much, but you see what I mean) Maybe I could go for a shorter hairstyle and let it grow...
  13. W

    Reality check How about these? I think these are the ones that'd fit me best... Or maybe I could go back to one of my previous two hairstyles...
  14. W

    Reality check

    XD, that one doesn't surprise me. What do you suggest as a good haircut? I'm 17 BTW, long hair is "in", and I like long hair anyways. I should get a haircut tough, because now it's really WAY too long.
  15. W

    Reality check

    I know what I'm going to do is FAR from being DJ-esque, but I'd like to get a reality check from people I don't know. The persons I know and love all say I'm a charming and beautiful guy, but there are others (which are much less involved in my life) that don't have such pleasing comments to do...
  16. W

    Learned quite a few things yesterday

    Any other reactions?
  17. W

    Learned quite a few things yesterday

    Royal Elite, that seems the best thing to do. I'll tell her that next time she calls me. EDIT In fact, she popped off on msn, told her I didn,t appreciate her attitude. She got pissed and tried justifying herself, told her to **** off, deleted her. Damnit now I have to see that ***** in...