Learned quite a few things yesterday


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2004
Reaction score
Warning: Wall of text

As I just started hitting the bar scene, I don't have a lot of experience in it, but I knew what to expect after all I've heard about.

Onwards to the story of my evening yesterday, which was a fun one I can say. :D I went to the Cafe Campus in downtown Montreal, as I had been invited by my "ex" to go there with her. Maybe I shouldn't call her an ex, it was pretty special between us... I'll open a huge parenthesis and explain that part.

(I met her while she had a b/f, kep using the ****y and funny attitude towards her, as it has become my normal attitude towards pretty much anyone. She dropped him about 4-5 weeks after I had met her, and 3 days after that I was in her pants. She told me she didn't want anything serious, and I told her I felt the same, so it was all good, clean fun.

Well, a few weeks later (2 or 3), she was getting on my nerves, and I sensed she wanted more than just the status she had (****friend), but I didn't have the time for that **** so I stopped kissing her and going at her house. I didn,t want to hurt her feelings so I wanted to tell her in the face why I didn,t want to be with her anymore, but didn't find the time to do it. and she annoyed me so much over IM that I explained her why 3-4 weeks after I stopped giving her attention. She was pissed and told me I didn't have any balls because I waited so much, to which I answered that I would,ve been a jerk if I would've told her upfront and ato nce. She couldn't answer to that :cool: I knew she was pissed at me the other days I saw her, but she didn't want to show it, and I kept playing it cool with her and her friends, but I'm sure she had *****ed about me behind my back a whole lot. It didn't matter because her friends still find me charming :D She had the habit of coming to see me at the lab to see what pic I was enlarging (I'm in photography at school), and stopped doing it after the "rupture". A few weeks passed, and who so I see coming over to the lab? It's her! I was kind of surprised, but didn't want to show it. She also started bugging me again for that massage I promised her for her Birthday, which I didn't give her because I broke up too soon after it. I took that as a sign she was interested in me again, but I didn't want to start that story all over again, so just kept good friend with her.

End parenthesis, and fast-forward to yesterday. )

When I talked to her over the phone, she seemed more *****y than normal, and told me she wouldn't wait for me if I arrived late (I arrived late by 10 mins ONCE, I always arrive in advance normally, it's once of my good qualities), and it made me a bit pissed she told me that, but I didn't mind. I arrived on time, and SHE arrived late, but didn't give me the time to tell her because the first thing she told me was "what did you do to your hair? It's ugly!" Because I had flattened them, and it was very cool. She was probably just jealous. I told her she had no taste, and lead on to the bar. Arrived there, there was a huge line-up (2 and a half hours, but we had friends already waiting so we only waited an hour or so) We chatted a bit, and as I didn,t know a lot of people there, I started introducing myself and trying to remember the names, which I failed miserably, :rolleyes: .

Fast forward inside, in the "petit campus", which is the waiting room before getting to the real dance floor. Beer starts flwoing out, and I get just enough to feel good, I never get drunk anyway. I dance with the music and have fun (it's retro night, it was really fun to makie silly moves and the like), and dance with some of the girls there, but whenever I approach my ex, she repels me (WTF, *she* invited me), but I soon understand that she didn't invite me to see me but to ***** me. At this moment I decided to dance with every girl that was with us *except* my ex, which I guess made her pissed a bit too. In the group, there was two 5's, a 7, an 8 and a 9, the 9 being my ex. I danced equally with all girls, but wanted to get the 8, logically. I was talking to the 8 about how much I amired people that knew how to draw (she's in animation), and we chit chatted about that for a few minutes. Then both the 8 and my ex went to the bathroom, and instantly the interest level of the 8 dropped to *zero*, and as much as I tried I couldn't get it back up.

Explanation: My ex talked to her behind my back. *****.

I simply decided to have fun for the rest of the night, with subtle attempts at probing the interest level of the 8, which was still as hot as dry ice. There were also pathetic attempts from AFC's to dance with the girls in my group. Even the 5's were disgusted by those guys, it was really funny seeing that =) Guys, do NOT try to dance with a girl by taking her wrist and pulling her to you! BAD idea!

Fast-forwards to the end of the night, slow tunes get played so people relax a bit, and I begin slow-dancing with the 7, which I have no interest in, but only to have fun. Her IL was WAY high, and it showed, and guess who was sitting at a table watching us? My ex. mwahaha. I got a good interior laugh out of this one. I tried asking the 8 to the last dance, which she refused, and my ex also asked her to dance it with her, which she ALSO answered no. Only with the guy she had been dancing with all night did she accept. After the music stopped, we proceded to get back our coats, and I asked for the e-mail of the 7, the 8 and the guy which danced with the 8, because she probably wouldn't have given it to me had I asked to her alone. I'm pretty happy to have been able to get the e-mail of a girl with 0 IL for me. It's not going to be useful, I'll probably not even e-mail her, but I wanted to get it nonetheless.

When we get out, they light up a joint, but I don,t take any as I gave up smoking. They are all cool with that. The 8 and another guy go one way, and I accompany the rest of the group to a taxi, in which they all get in except me because I didn't go the same way. I made the mistake of telling them I would take the bus tough, as my ex took the occasion of shooting me a last dart : "Talk to you tomorrow if you don't die taking the bus!".

I then proceded searching a ****ing hour to find the right night bus, but that, she doesn't know about, and will not know about either. I will not give her more shells to shoot at me.

Now, I'm wondering how to manage this. In fact, I would love to get my sweet revenge, but I'm affraid it will turn back against me. What do you guys suggest I do?

P.S. : Another thing I also learned yesterday night: Even girls that say they will *never ever* make you harm, CAN try and do it if they change mentalities. She really was saying to me over and over that she didn't mean me any harm, and that she was different than the other girls I met before, and that I could commit to her, blablabla. I made the right choice not to commit with her, as she is just the ****ing same as all the other girls I know. Think about it guys.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2004
Reaction score
Whew, that took quite a long time to write, I didn't think I'd go into that much detail :eek:

Now people won't even read it because it is too long :p


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
im sure as hell not reading it.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Sounds like you had a good time despite your ex being a *****. Just play it cool because there's no need to waste time speaking or hanging out with that h*e. Next time she wants to hang out with you just reject her by some means. This will drive her crazy but you don't play her game. Don't plot revenge.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Just man-up

next time she invites you out or the next time you speak to her let her knwo in the most nonchalent, uncaring, CALM manner about her behaviour and that if she tries to disrespect you again forget your number. Then change the subject and chill


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2004
Reaction score
Royal Elite, that seems the best thing to do. I'll tell her that next time she calls me.


In fact, she popped off on msn, told her I didn,t appreciate her attitude. She got pissed and tried justifying herself, told her to **** off, deleted her.

Damnit now I have to see that ***** in philososphy class for 7 more classes
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Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by wakeforce
Any other reactions?
Yes now move on with life and if she comes back too you you know you got that bit%h.