Seducer / Seduced

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
On tuesday's, the local bar has its busiest night as well as my roommates weekly ritual to party there, I joined him along with a few other guy friends. As I'm walking around in the place, I see this mad hottie with the tightest little body, she has dirty blonde hair, big and bright blue eyes, a tiny button nose, and is wearing a red tank top, and tight blue jeans. She is talking to this group of guys, and is holding hands with one of them, I recognize one of the guys as one of my roommates coworkers, I knew that I had an 'in'.

I approach the guy, 'Hey, how's the night going tonight?'... we had some idle banter for about a minute talking, I looked over at the girl... she looks me straight in the eyes and smiles. I started talking to her, and shutting out the two guys she was standing with... meanwhile, maintaining some distance... both the guys were each more then twice my size. After a few minutes of talking, the conversation started to die down, but the looks never stopped... I knew at that moment that she was done... it didn't matter that she was potentially with her bf. I walked off to join some friends, and the night continued.

Eventually, I go for a cigarette, my roommate was talking to his coworkers, and the girl is standing along side them... I join the circle on the opposite side of the girl, we talked and smoked for a few minutes, when I 'slipped' and then stood next to the girl, who was on more solid ground, I started a conversation again with her... I passed off the rest of my cigarette to one of the guys that did not have any, and told her, 'ƒuck this, its too freakin' cold out.' She joins me. As we walk in, she tells me how she LOVES to dance, I grabbed her hand, 'Let's go then.'

We danced for a few minutes, then I moved in and started to grind with her. After another minute or so, I moved in for the kiss, and we made out for most of the next song... this continued for the better part of the rest of the night.

Then, about a half-hour before closing, she tells me that her ride is leaving... So, I told her to give me her number so that we could get together some other time... She tells me to call her work, but asks for my number... to that I told her 'well, I'll give you my number, but only if your actually going to use it.' And so I did. It turns out that she works with my roommate. Then I went back to my friends... as we are talking, she comes up to me one last time and gives me a kiss. My drunk friend blurts out, 'Where's my kiss?' and she kisses him, starts to walk away, but doubles back, jumps in my arms and kisses me saying, 'Next time we'll have a lot more fun.'

When I get home, my roommate, who was clearly unhappy with the fact that I made out with this girl tells me, 'Don't bother with her, she's a dirty ho.' (Wrong thing to tell me NOT to do something). SO, I asked a favor of him, to let me know if she's working when he goes the next day... he refuses flatly. So, the next day, I call her work... a machine picks up telling me to hold... being impatient at the time, I hung up almost immediately, then, within a minute of my calling, the phone rings.

voice: Hello, SPIS, do you remember me?
me : probably
her: we met at the bar last night.
me: Oh, wow, you actually called... how's it going?
her: me and a friend are going to (nearby restaurant) wanna come?
me: For sure, see you in twenty.

After a few drinks at the bar, I suggested coming back to my place, to listen to some tunes or watch a movie from my (not so) vast collection. She accepts, her friend says, 'I would, but I have to work early tomorrow.'

Needless to say, we only watched about 10min of the actual movie... Then, my roommate came home early to see me sitting there, and he was joined with one of his coworkers that had a fling with this girl a few weeks earlier (she had mentioned that, because I asked about why she had such a reputation as I'd been told.)

She invited me to her b-day party on Friday at another local bar, I reluctantly accepted, I know how bar dates usually end up. As we walk in the bar, she immediately starts talking to random guys and getting them to buy her drinks... she makes out with at least two guys throughout the night, and barely even acknowledges my presence. So, game on... I got 3 other girls numbers that night, and got cb'ed by the b-day girl from a fourth number (she came up to me and kissed me as I was about to seal the deal).

Then, at the end of the night, her and her gf start fighting a little bit... and the b-day girl is SOO drunk that she's litterally falling over. I caught her at least 10 times... then she asks to come over to my place. I was like 'Why?' Then the waterworks start... She apologizes profusely for the next 20 minutes about how she hates doing this to guys she likes, that she doesnT' want to get hurt again, etc, etc.

By then, I realize that her friend is gone (she was the ride), then we scrounged the money to cover a cab ride home. She was crying the whole time, and I was basically ignoring her... I went right to sleep.

The next morning, she starts flirting with my roommate, and I just told her to hop a bus home.

For most girls, I would have forgotten about this girl, except for some of the things that she was saying that made me think that there was more than meets the eye. I had got her cell number early on in the night, and called it the next day...

me: hello
her:hows it going?
me: confused...
her : about what?
me: I really just wanted to know what the deal was about the other day... were you lying to me about all those things you said? Were you trying to play me?
her: I don't know why I did that... I just have a hard time opening up to people, I've been burnt many times.
me: Tell me about it... because I just want to figure this out, and then take things from there.

** she expalains a long and dramatic story **

me: wow... I never realized... hey listen, this is turning into a long conversation, how about we get together?
her: ok.

We got together, and walked around the area, just talking about everything... she tells me, 'I never expected you to call me again.' to which I replied, 'If you hadn't intrigued me so much in the past few days I would NEVER have bothered... but, I'm one persistant mofo when I want to be, but you still have that look in your eyes that you gave me when we first met... that tells me that I'm at least doing something right.'...

Then, once we got back to my place, I finally got her to open up... she told me about all sorts of deep things... and then, next thing I know, its past 1am... she had to take the bus home, and the last one goes at 1:10... Things had started to get a little heated, but I told her to stop, because I didn't know when the next time she was going to push me away like that was going to happen.

All the while, my roommate who is clearly jealous (she shot him down when they started working together) was telling me to stop callling her because she's a dirty ho... on a near daily basis... which oddly enough, has been strengthening my resolve to get with her.

That's the story up to this point, but this one is definately not over. I told her before she left, that unless she explicitly tells me not to call her anymore and a reason that she can expect me to keep pulling her out of her shell... kicking and screaming if necessary, she smiled, kissed me and hopped on the bus home.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2004
Reaction score
Semms like you're opening up a bit too much to her too. If she tells you all sorts of deep things, you are not considered a lover, but a friend. A woman will talk about his emotionnal state to her girl friends, but will talk about lighter stuff with her boyfriend. I guess you need to be more positive and light when around her.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
You must rename yourself to Captain-Save-A-Ho, there So P it's scary


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
What a dirty ho... makes out with two other guys on the same night when she invited you to go with her? lmao what a ***** bag.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
she does seem to have reputation that exceeds her, but I must concur about the flirting so as to not get hurt. I often find myself doing that and as a result leaving emptyhanded because I didn't want to take a risk. She sounds genuine but proceed with caution...

Good Luck


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
hmmm i like a challange as much as the next guy but I usually don't want a girl to really open up to me unless she puts out that 'I'm such a bad ass that I don't need any guy' vibe. Those girls are fun to work because those walls are hard to breech. There are tons upon tons of girls with past 'issues' and long winded stories about how they've been hurt by some guy(s) have hurt them in the past.

Girls will open up to the right guy under the right circumstances with the right guy almost all the time. Sometimes it takes an hour, a week, a month, whenever. Earning trust isn't really that hard you just have to hit the right buttons at the right time (sometimes unintentionally) and they'll spill guts till the end of time. I don't mind it when a girl tells me her life story (If I'm drinking though I usually get a little impatient and want them to shut the f*ck up) but it's definatley not something I look forward to unless its a girl I really want to be my g/f.

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
OH GOD !! Reading that is almost embarassing after the fact....

What a head case... I found out that the guy that was watching me and her making out at the bar, like a hawk, really WAS her bf the WHOLE TIME!!

I found out that same night that I came home to find that girl giving head to my roommate... then I left, and her bf came to ask a few questions of me that night, and I was lucky to talk my way out of a savage beating, cause he was more then ready to deliver.



Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
I know the type.

All TOO well.

I don't know what you've got on your mind, but if it's anything more than casual sex, you're headed for some hurt. This girl is DAMAGED GOODS. Let's look at the red flags:

-She likes to get TOASTED drunk
-She starts fights in bars
-She flirts/makes out with other dudes when you're around
-When you finally DO get fed up with her BS, she reels you back in with some sob-story, making it looks like SHE'S the victim

I don't want to hamper your game here, man. If you think you have a shot, go ahead, but from what you've said, I really believe your roommate might be right...she IS a "dirty ho". And SHE is more in denial of it than YOU are, which means she's never going to change or get better.

And now that she's "opened up to you", it's going to be TEN TIMES harder to set up any kind of casual sex with her, because she'll drop that, "I thought we had a better understanding than that, I thought I was more to you than a f**k."

Captain Save-A-Ho indeed. :eek:


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
Leave the drama in the theatre if you ask me. :)

She is the kind of woman you would mess around with on a vacation on some warm island where you can fly back home and never see her again.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
I was about to say, shes screwed up, stay away from her and then i scrolled down and saw you found out already. Live and learn.