Two succesful cold approaches today!


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys, I just wanted to share this with you, today I made 2 succesful cold approaches with e-mail close! Feel free to tell what I did wrong, I'll try telling in detail what happened.

First chick, I'd give 8.5-9, some kind of "hip-hop girl" if you know what I mean. SHe was cute and was getting talked to by some strange woman about jesus and that kind of stuff, and I kept giving the HB9 smiles and gloances, and she was giving them back, as she didn't listen to the crazy woman at all. Arriving at a station which wasn't mine, I saw she was going to get out of the train, and I had a choice to make. I told to myself "This ISN'T ****ing arriving again, I will NOT tolerate this!" ANd I decided to get out of the train at the same time as her, asking "Was that the first time that crazy woman talked to you?"

She was a bit shaken up, and told yes, and I started telling that I always see that woman in the subway and that she has told me her **** 4 times and that I still didn't understand what she meant! Anyways, I kinda elaborated for a minute about that, and when in the escalators, I asked what was her name, and told her mine. Her IL seemed a bit low, but I didn't care about it, I had made a cold approach!

She was about to put back her earbuds, and I asked her exactly this

"Maybe this is going to sound bizarre, but I'm a student in photography and will be needing models if the students strike can end !"(we've been on strike for a month)

She answered she wasn't sure, and I saw she was a bit tense, so I simply said to her to give me her e-mail and that I'd show her a link to my portfolio. She said ok, gave it to me and I said good bye. Walked around a bit before going back in the metro to go back home :D

Second girl is in the bus, has those really nice blue, piercing eyes that make me totally melt. I start getting all nervous, and say to myself again "Goddamnit not again, this **** will NOT be tolerated!" I decided to count to 3 and ask about the modeling thing again, couldn't do it after counting to three, decided to count to 5, and I did it after this try. She seemed way more interested than the first one and this gave me confidence, and it took me a good minute for her to write her e-mail frantically on my business card. We then chit-chatted about stuff for 5 minutes until I had to get out of the bus.

Now I'm wodnering how I should approach them via IM, or if I'm better off sending them a quick e-mail. I'm also wondering if it would be a C&F move to tell them I was kinda bull****ting them about the modeling thing, even tough I will need models in the future.

I feel great now! Guys, be angry at yourselves, don't tolerate pissing in your pants each time you see a HB, and you will be sucessful!


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
carefull dude, i always see chicks accusing some perv. of pretending to be a modeling agency on judge judy or some crap. Why did you bother makin that modeling thing up though? i give you props, but wouldnt it be easier to just make small talk?


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
I'm confused about what you're asking. If you're asking if your cold approaches were good for boosting confidence or finding models, then I think you've hit it.

If you're asking whether or not these were good approaches to get the girl's number and take her out on a date sometime, not so much. IMO, you've peaked their interest in being a model, not in getting to know you better.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2004
Reaction score
Because where I'm located, it really isn't convetionnal to go around and ask phone numbers withtout a reason, so that gave me a "reason" to get them.

Quebec girls are open when drunk, closed when sober!


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
In other words, they need to see that you're asking them for their number because you want a date with them. You'll get rejected from time to time, we all do; especially in the beginning. What you're doing right now is taking the rejection away from yourself and placing it in your 'modeling story'. It shows that a) you're not yet comfortable enough with yourself to believe that a girl will give you her number just to spend time with you, and b) you're not willing to put yourself on the line. I don't know how you talked to the girls today, but from what I'm reading, the first was just as freaked out by you as she was by the lady in the sub...could be wrong, I wasn't there.

Put yourself on the line and ask for a phone number.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
the modelling thing sounds creepy IMO, like the photographer who talks to a girl and then tries to rape her and says "I MADE YOU!" Something from Lifetime television....

Anywho...dunno where I was going with that. COngrats on the approaches man, but number closes are generally better when it comes to meeting women. You know you are progressing more from #'s the email. I've heard numerous girls talk about how they'll give their email out, and just delete you, but phone #'s are a different thing, you have more attraction if she gives u her # because there is no deleting you calling. Email just seems more friendly, and #'s more personal