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  1. L

    Liberate yourself!

    Porn is a harder addiction then cigarettes to quit. I am addicted to both, should have listened to my mother lol. The key is to cut back as much as you can, quitting cold turkey will just frustrate you trust me.
  2. L

    Clothes- dress like a man!

    i dress ghetto, i look good dont say i cant dress a certain way because you dont, i dont like people who dress like punks, but dont think they are dumb for doing so
  3. L

    Gaybashing ... Why?

    Personally i dont hate gay people. but i DO think it is WRONG to be gay, and gay acts disgust me, you arent wanted here. Get out just my 2 cents if you are pook im bill clinton
  4. L

    Whos the Loser

    i am not gonna b!tch, i just wanted to settle this The fact is, i think its funny that everyone gets their panties in a bunch over me saying "nerd". If you are confident in yourself it would bother you now would it. I just wanted some discussion on my other threads, **** just got out of hand
  5. L

    Whos the Loser

    4 months ago, lot has happened since and i was going to send pictures with ME AND THE CHICK, but if you are too much of a *****...
  6. L

    Whos the Loser

    The past few days, i pissed some of you nerds off. Lets see if yall got any reason to talk. Send me an email @, including pictures of your hook ups, even girls you just hang with. Ill reply with mine, if im beaten, then i will stop posting on this forum.
  7. L

    You wanted a new Fuc*in topic, here you go

    dude post some pictures of girls you hook up with, hell girls you ****in chill with I tell you what, im gon make a new thread for this **** Its gon be titled "Whos the Loser"
  8. L

    You wanted a new Fuc*in topic, here you go

    Okay nerd ****s... here goes Seeing as you geeks couldnt take a ****in joke, im gonna make a new thread, and we could have some real intelligent convo The situation: Girl is not outgoing I like outgoing chicks She sweats my nuts I dont wanna date her, and i wont Now i want...
  9. L

    Lay Report: Chin the Devirginator

    Call me weird... but ****in virgins isnt much of a turn on for me to each their own i guess it just kinda makes me feel like an ass to inflict that kinda pain for my pleasure
  10. L

    Magic Word... Get All The Girls You Want

    you people missed the point of the board entirely I AM NOT asking for advice I DONT NEED HELP on succeeding with this bitc*, as i said before, bitc* sweats my nuts Im merely raising an issue for discussion I DONT CARE who i pissed off, the ones who got pissed missed why i did what i...
  11. L

    Magic Word... Get All The Girls You Want

    **** off... you guys really need to relax real don juans are relaxed, and wudnt spazz over somethin so silly ****in keyboard jockeys... your just upset cuz you were lookin for a magic word nerds
  12. L

    Magic Word... Get All The Girls You Want

    there is no magic word... i just have a question Do you believe that personality can mesh? Let me explain what i mean Okay this girl, like a 9, wicked hot. Except shes not very outgoing, not that shes shy, she just lets things come to her. She has low self esteem, despite the way she...
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    Band F A G S Im prolly gunna get flamed cuz of all the nerds on the forum, but hey band fags arent worth your time
  14. L

    Leon's Monthly Wrap-Up Issue 1

    Okay, every so often, i like to post on what ive learned, ive decided since i do it anyways, ill do it by the month, so hear goes February's Wrap Up Thing 1- Dont get one- itis. Obviously. I would like to take this a bit further. Dont even think about any chicks at all, unless u are dating...
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    I come to see reactions to my post after a couple days, and a few good replys. SADLY, there are SIX analyzing threads, SIX! DAMN do you people learn? I am reminded why i dont post here often.
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    OK listen up guys, i havent posted in a while, so im going to tell you what ive learned while being away, #1 Thing- DONT THINK, DO! If it dont turn out how you want, thats ok, theres plenty of opportunities. Relax, and realize everything isnt that important #2 Thing- Attraction isnt the...
  17. L

    making out

    Making out is not intimate ****ing is intimate not making out Just ****in touch her, and kiss her a lot, and it should be natural. And stop worrying
  18. L

    what´s next? macho men or metro gay?

    a metrosexual is a gay guy who just happens to like women. Pedicures, manicures, all that **** is for fags. If you spend more than 20 minutes on your hair, you need help. Part of being a guy is the attitude that you dont ALWAYS have to look perfect.
  19. L

    The Reason You Joined This Site: What Was Her Name?

    Lets see, there were a bunch for me. Dont remember any of the names, 'cept for this girl i met online and thats as far as it got. i thought we had a definite relationship LOL. now THATS AFC.
  20. L

    why isn't there anything to do????

    You live in a big city, i think you can figure something out.