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  1. L

    Yeah... I think it's time...

    if you found yourself before... then how did you lose yourself? lol sorry just had to say it peace
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    sick of sh*t

    i know im going to get flamed for getting moral, but hey, what the heck you need to have morals, and principles. this makes you a bigger man than those who dont. If you respect a guys girlfriend, then you are being a man, if you dont respect it, you are being a little boy.
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    sick of sh*t

    OMG! dude you are my complete parrallel, i describe it as "too tired to live"... like cant see the point of life, you know? this is why im religious, thats the only thing that isnt materialistic and pointless
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    whats the importance of school?

    it really wont make much of a difference it all has to do with your ego, URI or Harvard, not much when it comes to employment.
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    Next Em'

    Next em', some say is an overused concept. Well I have decided when to next a girl. If, within the first 2 weeks of dating/persuing a girl she causes you any real stress WHATSOEVER, next her. She isnt worth it at this point. One girl was impossible to hold a conversation with. And i was...
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    how am I suppose to act when

    Enjoy the view.... AND TALK TO THE GIRLS!!! DAMN
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    High School MLTRs

    you live in massachusetts superman? hmmm i live in RI, lets fight lol. Anyways, you seem far liberal, and i am far conservative cough**right**cough, we culd have some good arguments. By the way, what school you go to? i used to go to school up in those parts.
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    So so true. Im a sophomore, still experiencing it. Virtually no underclassmen guys have gf's in our school. Best advice? Go lower, like up to 2 years younger. Younger than that is kind of weird tho, so dont be ****in no 3rd graders or nuthin lol.
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    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    On the bus, im tlakin to someone else. Girl writes her number on my arm, says to call her. I never call. So sad
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    Yeah the "like" word has been gone from my first 3 weeks vocabulry for a while. I find girls hot, dont like them til i get to know them. Anyways, it may seem like im a major AFC, but im really lettin those feelings leave my body, hence VENTING. I still am an AFC tho, i will be a DJ when i can...
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    High School MLTRs

    First of all, heathen, im a moralist and think MLTR's are stupid, but not really immoral. So, heathen, i dont get why the **** you are trying to diss morality. We will see who is laughing when you are burning in hell. Have a nice day :) Dont drop the soap big homey.
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    In this post im pretty much venting about what has been happening in my life lately. JESUS CHRIST! WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING WRONG! DAMNIT! ****! ****! **** SLAPPER! OK the anger is out, make way for the confusion. What the hell have i been doing wrong? I thought i had a great day friday...
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    "The Get Laid DJ Boot Camp" Idea

    The Leon is in this B i t c h Create it, **** the girlfriend, we are who matters right? lol
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    MSN Article - why women cheat

    i find it amazing that women always find "acceptable" reasons for cheating, yet men cant do the same. Cheating is wrong, whatever your gender.
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    She says her dad wont let her date...

    just curious... did you **** her or not? the suspense is killing me by the way her dad is an ass
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    Dude, True words For example, at this football game last friday, i was in a good mood, and i saw this girl i have been wanting to approach for like a month, yet havent seemed to get the chance. Anyways, i was like **** it, and went and talked to her for a little bit. Got the digits, and...
  17. L

    Help me with this sexy HB9 quick!!!

    Yo, let me let you in on something. In my school, being black is one of the biggest advantages you can have. All the black kids are the ****iest mutha fukkaz there are. Im white, and let me just tell you, your race is a blessing when it comes to women. there are girls in my school who ONLY...
  18. L

    prob'ms (i dunno whats goin on, man)

    you cant be serious You are not looking to score? At this age that is all you should be looking to do, because, sorry to burst your bubble, you wont find your wife at 15. Kids these days.
  19. L

    Advice needed quick, should I pay?

    There is a big misconception on this website: People think its AFC- like to pay for a woman on a date that you asked her on. As its been said before, its only AFC if that is the reason she is going, and us being DJ's, i think we can tell if she is really interested can we not. Damn man...
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    Muscle Spasms

    never had em in my tricep, but im pretty sure that if you drink more milk they will decrease in frequency. You may still get them occasionally, so i geuss its just one of those things. But drink more milk, and if that doesnt help, ask your doctor, thats why hes there :).