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  1. L


    Well whats up guys, here i am with a minor question but hey, yall can probably help. Heres a little background to my situation, its long but bear with me. I had a thing for this girl since i was in 7th grade (im currently a sophomore) and was, can you geuss, a total AFC. Well i want to...
  2. L

    want some input on haircuts

    yeah i have the same problem, except i have a HUGE head, so its hard to find a hairstyle that suits that other than short.
  3. L

    Moving, new school, tips please

    Bible anyone?
  4. L

    Very touchy feely girl

    Theres this girl that i know that i have been getting madd signals from, with a lot of touching, flirting, etc... Well i thought so at least, but i am starting to think that she is just a touchy person, because i see her touching people a lot. Is there any way to tell if the kino the girls...
  5. L


    You will not like this answer, in fact no one will, but fu*k it. Heres what i/my friends do: 1- Minimum wage job- I bag groceries, hey it gets me some cash to do my other shi*, this is my legit job. 2- Deal drugs- u wanted honesty, You can pull 200-250 a day if i work at dealin. IM NOT...
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    Very nervous... need info

    yeah there is nothing useful there, i just need someone to tell me if theres a method or if im going crazy for nuthin
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    Very nervous... need info

    Let me introduce myself. Im 15, and have never had a girlfriend in my entire life. Until a month ago, it was because of my AFC ways, no doubt, and the fact that i was extremely shy. I have changed, and now talk to more than 3 times the people i did before i found this website. I am very...
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    There's a prick in my class

    I dont know how they do it on whatever planet you are from, but here on Earth when a man talks sh*t about another man, theres either 1- A fight or 2- One sides recognition of the other sides superiorityl. Now, if you can kick his ass, then which one will it be?
  9. L

    true DJs can't exist here

    THis is from Office Space when the main character asks his neighbor if at his workplace they ever say "you have got a case of the mondays" GREAT movie i must agree
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    Homecomming Problems

    i cant believe you want to avoid taking someone to homecoming Take her, have a good time, and you can chill with your friends if you want. She got a problem? She can deal.
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    Ideas For Big 1 Year Anniversary

    You need to be 18, but here are a few ideas to get past that, that i have used when im too F*cked up to go home, hope they help. 1-Get someone over 18 to get you a room 2-Fake ID, etc... 3- If its a cheap hotel, you can just lie.
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    THis is true
  13. L


    I would appreciate a reply so i kno i didnt do that for nothing lol.
  14. L


    Hello fellow RAFCs, and DJ's First off i would like to tell you all that i am not a newb. I need your trust for the following thread, for i feel that this is a very important concept for anyone in high school who wants to get past their womanless ways. Pay attention closely. The...
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    Friend Takes All The Women

    Well for you snl fans, Leon Phelps was of course, the ladies man. Any other advice?
  16. L

    Friend Takes All The Women

    uhh reply?
  17. L

    Opinion about a chick..

    To be completely blunt, She isnt interested, or she has no social skillz. DJ for a while, and if she doesnt bite, ask her out if you want to, and if that too fails, then NEXT her. Happy to help O and im not a newb, just a new name.
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    Friend Takes All The Women

    I have a problem which is not very common, because usually Alpha Male personality types dont hang together, but bear with me and give me all advice you can muster. Me and my best friend, we will call him M, are like brothers. No matter what happens, I value him over any tricks, cuz friendship...